Chapter One

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A/N:: Soooo I just recently re-discovered MCL...and started a new account since I couldn't remember the user and pass for my old new one is Hakirii if any of you want to add me, I don't mind! But yeah, I decided I was going to write a fanfic for it featuring my all-time favorite boy on there, Castiel! Woo! Anyways, on to the chapter!

Chapter One: First Day

I had heard about Sweet Amoris High before. It certainly seemed like it would be an interesting school to attend. I just never thought I'd get the chance to do that.

My mom and dad were sending me to Florida to live with my Godmother. They couldn't handle such a "problem child". So, of I was going. I didn't really have anyone to say goodbye to, just my best friend, Tannith. That was a farewell I wasn't really looking forward to. Tannith tended to be extremely overdramatic about things like this. So, I called him, asking if he could come over for a little bit.

While I waited for him to arrive I decided to start packing. I was leaving the next day after all. I packed all my clothes into two huge suitcases. When I say huge, I mean H-U-G-E. I have a lot of clothes. As I zipped up the second suitcase Tannith came barging into my room.

His face became confused when he saw me sitting on top of an overstuffed suitcase. "Are you going somewhere?" he asked, his sky blue eyes darting to my empty closet and open, empty dresser drawers.

"Yeah, that's why I wanted you to come over. Mom and Dad are making me move to Florida to live with my godmother." Bring on the theatrics.

"What? They can't do that! Florida is on the other side of the country! I won't have anyone to talk to, to be my friend! I'll be all alone!" And on came the tears. The salty water streamed from the corner of his eyes and he threw himself at me, dangling from my shoulders. Let me tell you, that is a difficult thing for a guy who stands a good six inches taller than me to do.

"Come on an, it won't be all that bad. I mean, we can Skype and call each other." I patted his head, between the fake, silver cat ears that he wore. It always amazed me how soft his platinum blonde hair was.

"It won't be the same! We won't be able to hug each other or go shopping!" Tannith let out a loud wail and began sobbing uncontrollably.

I sighed, knowing there was nothing I could do to stop the melodramatics. I very carefully disentangled myself from his muscular arms. I gently rubbed his back, glancing around my room.

Tannith looked up at me, our twin gazes locking. There was a determination in his eyes, and the tears had all but disappeared. Uh oh. He was planning something, I could tell.

"When do you leave?"


"What time?"

"5:30 in the afternoon, why?"

"I'm coming with you."

"Oh, okay." I didn't think too much on that. I didn't really have a reason to. "You want to stay for dinner?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nah, my mom is making fish. You know how much I love fish." I laughed and nodded. That guy would kill for fish.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yup, bye Hakirii, love you girl." Tannith kissed me on the cheek and left. It really was a shame he wasn't interested in girls. I would have been all over that if he'd been straight.

I turned towards my cd case. I knew I was going to have to leave some things behind, to be sent later, but there was no way I was leaving my music. I would be miserable if I didn't have it. I put all two hundred and fifty-two CDs in their own individual bag. I walked over and ran my fingers along the neck of my black Epiphone Les Paul Prophecy guitar. Yeah, I loved my baby. It shined with high gloss, including the crimson flowers adorning the edges.

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