Chapter Three

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A/N: So, here's chapter two of Redemption. I'm going to try to make all the chapters over 2,000 words. Not sure how that will work out though…but it's worth a shot, right? Oh! And I will also be doing a poll to determine who my Candy ends up with. It can be any of the boys except for Alexy, since I intend for he and Tannith to end up together. Also, feel free to add me on MCL. My name on there is the same as here. I'm not very far on that account; I forgot the credentials to my other one and made this one. But oh well. So yeah….here's chapter two!

Sweet Amoris was nowhere near as big as my previous school. What was strange was the fact that it greatly resembled a school like the ones in the Japanese shows that Tannith watched. There was a white wall and iron gate that slid open and shut. Students milled around the courtyard in groups of two or three.

I glanced over at Tannith who looked rather bored. He had his long, blonde hair pulled back into a low ponytail. He had definitely dressed to impress today. He wore a pair of low-hanging, slightly baggy jeans with rips in the knees. He wore a white muscle shirt that revealed the Celtic wolf he had on his upper left arm. I really didn't pay attention to his shoes, so I'm not sure what he was wearing then.

I had dressed as I normally do. I wore black flats, dark grey short shorts, and a form-fitting Winged Skull t-shirt. I had decided to wear neon green balls in my right nostril and left eyebrow.

I have to admit, Tannith and I made quite the pair. He looked like a typical jock and I had this rocker chick thing going on. I couldn't help but laugh at the strange looks that people gave us. "They don't know what to make of us, do they Tan?" I asked, looking up at him. He just gave me a small smile and shook his head.

The inside of the school wasn't all that impressive, so I'm not even going to bother to describe it. Tannith and I were heading to the office so that we could get our locker numbers and schedules when we were waylaid by Barbie and her two minions.

She looked Tannith up and down a few times before she smiled at him. That smile turned into a scowl when she turned her evil gaze to me.

"So, you're the two new students? At least one of you," she smiled at Tannith, "seem to be an improvement to the school." She laughed and the two other girls snickered like the good, little sycophants they were.

"Oh, really? And here I thought I'd hate this school. I've already made a new friend, she thinks I'll improve the school, isn't that awesome Boo?" I grabbed a hold of Tannith's arm and made googly eyes at Barbie.

Tannith smiled indulgently down at me and kissed my forehead. "Yes, that's wonderful Hawk." Barbie had stopped laughing. Let me tell you, if looks could kill I would be a long distant memory.

"I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about your…friend." Could she have said that word with any more bluntness?

"Oh, you mean Tannith?" I dropped the act, my eyes narrowing, "Listen here, Barbie, I don't know who the hell you are, and honestly I don't really give a damn. However, if you ever look at me like that again I'll break that pretty little face of yours, got it? Oh, and one other thing. Hang up any thoughts you're having about Tannith, you don't stand a chance." I grabbed a hold of my best friend's hand and pulled him past the sputtering girl.

Tannith burst into laughter. "That was so mean! Did you see her face?" He stopped to hold his stomach as he laughed. That was when a boy with red hair ran straight into him, knocking Tannith over.

"What the hell are you just standing in the middle of the hallway for?" The boy had a scowl on his face and his grey eyes glared at Tannith. He was pretty cute. And I loved his shirt. Maybe he and I could get along…provided he wasn't a homophobe.

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