Chapter Three

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A/N: So, here's chapter three of Redemption! Not sure what else I can really say, though. Heh. Oh! I have the poll I talked about last chapter up on my profile! Please, go vote. You can also find it here 2783873 . Thanks!

I sat on the bleachers in the gym, watching other classes go through the exercises their teacher had given them. I rubbed at the dried sweat on my forehead, trying to get it off, and being successful for the most part. I had the boy; whose name I discovered was Armin, sitting on one side of me, and Castiel on the other. The tension in the air was so utterly palpable I almost couldn't stand it.

I hated the silence that surrounded the three of us like a heavy cloak, but I had no idea what to say to break the silence. So, instead I studied the gym. The walls were an off-white and rose about twenty feet and merged into a vaulted ceiling. There were two sets of double doors, one on each end of the gym, and on the sides were one door, leading to the locker rooms. The floor was the usual basketball court, with the mascot of Sweet Amoris in the very middle of it. The bleachers were dark blue.

It was Armin who finally broke the silence. "What class do you have next Hakirii?" I glanced over at him, and fiddled with my fingers.

"Dance." I replied. I wasn't too thrilled about taking dance, but whatever. If it got me the credits I needed to graduate, then so be it. I heard Castiel let out an irritated grumble. Surprised at the sudden sound I looked over to him, only to see him staring down towards the floor. Right in his path of sight was a blonde boy with golden eyes.

"Are you one of the new students?" he asked. I stared down at him. The way he was dressed, he reminded me of someone who should be in a private school, not Sweet Amoris.

"Yeah, what of it?" I asked him. Castiel's hands were gripping each other so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. I was pretty sure if he squeezed any tighter small streams of blood would form from where his nails pierced his skin. Well, that was a weird reaction.

"My name is Nathaniel, I'm the student body president. I wanted to welcome you to the school." He had a kind smile on his face.

"Yeah, well you've welcomed me. Thanks." I glanced to the clock, ten minutes until the bell rang.

"Actually, could I talk you?" he had glanced at Castiel right before he said that, a scowl covering his face for the briefest of moments.

"Yeah, you're talking to me now, aren't you?" I rolled my eyes at him and leaned back, propping my elbows up on the bleachers behind me.

He got this disgusted look on his face. Apparently, he wasn't one to appreciate sarcasm. "I meant alone. Without these two, it's rather important." I raised my eyebrows at his words. What the hell?

"Sure, whatever." I stood up and jumped down to the floor, it wasn't very far considering we were only two bleachers up. Nathaniel walked a few feet away, towards the end of the bleachers, and I followed after him.

"I wanted to talk to you about two things, actually. The first is Castiel. You should stay away from him. He's not a good person. He skips school, smokes, and is an all-around hard person to get along with." I stared at him with incredulous eyes. He had to be kidding me.

"Are you fucking serious? You wanted to warn me to stay away from Castiel? You are truly an idiot. I've been getting along with him fine, thank you very much. As for skipping school and smoking? Who cares, I do the same things." Did this guy seriously think I was going to listen to him because he was class president? He was out of his mind. "What's the other thing you wanted to talk to me about? If it's something as stupid as the first, you can stuff it up your ass."

His mouth turned down into a scowl, "It's about my sister, Amber. She told me about what you told her this morning. I do not appreciate you threatening someone who didn't do anything to hurt you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2014 ⏰

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