Wild Pack

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Before we jump in: this chapter is dedicated to invisible__light and kai4262 who are new readers and have voted on everything, and PointlessGames who has been reading from the early stages. Thx to everyone who has voted read and commented (although there aren't that much comments) if I could mention all of you I would!💖💖

"I'm leaving no matter what you say Matei!" I walked into the Kafe on my way to school and heard Emilia and Matei arguing. "What's up?" I asked.
"I want to leave... for the wild pack. Jana, Selina and TJ have already agreed: they think it's the right place for me." Emilia said.

I've been here for almost a month and all I've did was hang out with 'the pack' and it's been great. I really like everyone and to hear Emilia wants to leave is kind of sad.

"Why? Why don't you want to stay here? You'll leave Matei and everything!" I said to her.
"I just feel like I belong there!" Emilia argued on. "Ever since we went when Jana's dad was sick. I felt new and I felt a rush!"

"We'll if you definitely do leave, I'll really miss you Emilia Covaci." I smiled at her and gave her a hug. "Tai." Matei called. I looked up and broke away from Emilia. He pulled me to the side. "I can't leave her Tai. She's my sister." I felt for Matei, but he has to understand Emilia needs to go where she feels safe and accepted.

"Look Matei... I really like you and Emilia, and from the time I've spent with the pack. I can tell you really love and care for her. So maybe you need to let her go. So she can truly be happy..." I stopped to let Matei think.

"OK. Yeah." He said to me after a long pause. I smiled at him and we walked back over to Emilia. "You...yo-" I watched Matei choke on his words, my heart broke for him, he looked at me and I gave him a reassuring smile. "You can go..." He finally said to Emilia and she jumped up and hugged him. "Yes! Thank you Matei!" Matei smiled after seeing the joy on Emilia's face, and looked over at me.

"It's Tai you should be thanking." Emilia looked up at me and smiled, giving me another hug. "Thank you!"

"Well we just want you to be happy Em. Like I said I'll miss you."
"It's your last day in school then- don't mess about!" Matei warned.

"Matei you just gave me all the reasons to mess about!" Emilia joked.
"Your last day is my first... look at that!" I said, realising the irony. TJ then walked in with Selina.

"Hi guys." I greeted.
"Hey!" TJ said. "Let's make our way to school...! Yay(!)" TJ said sarcastically.

"So, what's good about this school?" I asked as we walked, hoping if I heard what they liked I would look forward to it.
"Nothing's ever good about this place- that's why I'm glad I'm leaving." Emilia answered.
"Coming here, you'll wish my mum took longer than a few weeks to sort out your transfer." TJ glumly said.

"Oh boy." I whispered to myself and Selina and Matei chuckled softly at me.

We all walked in, and TJ and Matei went with me to the office to get my timetable and diary. As soon as the lady handed it to me TJ snatched it out of my hands and studied it with Matei.

"You've got English, History and Maths with me." Matei said.
"And you've got Science with me and English too. Everything else you're either with Selina or by yourself." TJ finished.

"Thank you for analysing my day boys!" I said with a hint of sarcasm whilst snatching the paper. "You'll have to be shown around." The lady said. "We'll do it!" TJ and Matei said in unison. "OK." The lady said as she gave them a weird look.

"Let's go!" TJ said. I walked out after him and Matei. We arrived at Matei, Selina and TJ's lockers. My head and eyes started to hurt. I looked at the locker and everything flashed white.

I saw the lockers. Selina's one had a H in the middle of a circle.

I came back round. "Tai, what happened?" Matei asked as he rested his hand on my shoulder.
"I saw something... a H in a circle... scrawled on Selina's locker." I said breathlessly.
"You mean like a vision?" TJ asked. I looked up at him.
"I think so..."
"Come on let's get you to class- forget the tour for now." Matei said.
"Yeah. Let's go." TJ agreed. They walked me to registration. The teacher's name was Miss. Grace, and like before in Stoneybridge  I had to introduce myself. I chuckled to myself about how a year ago I was in this same position. "I'm Tai. I'm from Stoneybridge - so I don't really know the city life all that well... and I'm TJ's foster sister."

I got weird looks from the class and they travelled to TJ. I walked awkwardly to my seat.

TJ lowered his head. "They didn't need to know!" He whispered to me. I faced the board and felt my eyes sting. Is he embarrassed by me?? I thought to myself.

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