We Know

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Jefferson's POV---------------------------------

I am claustrophobic. Like, sure, I'm fine when it's only for a couple of seconds. But being stuck in an elevator for me is worse than death. I slowly sank to the elevator floor and curled up in a ball.

"What the hell Jefferson, what are you doing," Alexander says, slightly amused.

I don't respond, and I feel like I'm gasping for breath. Suddenly, I feel a warmth pressed up against me.

I look behind me and Hamilton is cuddling me, his arms wrapped around my chest, his face buried into my back. I blush and smile.

"It's gonna be alright, Thomas. We can't be stuck in here forever," he whispers soothingly. I'm still gasping for breath, but now for a totally different reason. It felt so good to be so close to Hamilton, and I honestly didn't know how to react. I'm fairly sure this is the first time we've been this close and not been higher than the Eiffel Tower.

I guess Alex realized that my heavy breathing was for a totally different reason, because he started to smirk.

"What's that face for, Hamilton," I sputter out.

"Oh just thinking up some form of revenge for that little incident in Washington's office," he says seductively. My face burns bright red.

"Hun, I already said sorry-" I began but am cut off when Hamilton starts grinding into me.

"HAMILTON WE ARE IN AN ELEVATOR FOR GODS SAKE QUIT IT!!" I yell. He just snorts in response and grinds faster.

Suddenly, he stops. I feel a wave of relief, but then feel a warmth on my crotch area. With a sinking realization, I blush as Alex starts to palm me through my jeans. I can't resist but to grind back into his hand. Hamilton smirks as I let out a loud moan.

In one swift move, he grabs a fistful of my hair and yanks on it hard. I scream out in both pain and pleasure.

"You like that-daddy?" He says it hesitantly, and it so cute.

"You bet I do, baby girl."

Lafayette's POV--------------------------------

About 0.05 seconds after calling Burr, he was kicking down our dorm room and stomping over to his sister.

"WHAT PART OF 'YOU ARE ROOMING WITH GEORGE KING IN ROOM 198' DIDN'T YOU GET?!?" He yells at her (which was kinda awkward seeing as she was way taller). This was the first time I'd ever heard Burr yell before, and honestly it was kinda scary.

Juniper just rolls her eyes,"Aaron, in fine. I've been sleeping in a real comfy janitorial closet. Plus the dudes in that dorm seemed like pedophiles if you ask me."

Feeling the need to defend my new roommate I chime in,"She's not wrong, Je veux dire sérieusement, Burr." Hercules nods in agreement while Laurens is still lying on the floor near the chair he was standing on, paralyzed with shock.

Burr whips to face us,"This conversation does not concern you hooligans. What are you dong adopting random people anyways?!"

" Madmoiselle Peggy asked us to,Connard!" I growl, my hands forming fists.

"Well you can take your little french ass and tell Madmoiselle Peggy that Juniper already has a dorm, thank you very much!" With that Burr took Juniper by the wrist and roughly yanked her out of our dorm, causing her to drop her book in the process.

Burr's POV---------------------------------------

I pull Juniper into the hallway and then sharply turn on my heel to face her.

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