"This is New Years Day"

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We arrived at a big house far from the city. Juliet got out and kissed Andy, like really hard and looked at me the whole time,  and left to the house. After she gave a last wave she disappeared beyond the doors of the house and Andy drove off. It was silent for a while until he  broke the ice.
"So do you have somewhere to stay?" I nodded with a fake smile on my face. 

"I can see through that smile you know. Let me guess, you ran away from home and have no where to go?" I just stared at him, watching the fluorescent lights shine in his blue eyes. 

"No." I lied not looking at him. "I just don't want to go home right now, heheh."

He stopped driving and looked at me. I wasn't looking at him, I was staring at the moon through the window, hand on the door.

"Look at me." I kept my eyes fixated on the moon feeling tears fall from my eyes. He repeated himself but soothing yet forceful.

"Do you really have some place to go?" He asked again. I shook my head knowing that I have no where to turn to, not even my own home.

"NO I DON'T!" I snapped, why did I just snap at Andy Black? What the fuck is wrong with me??

I opened the door and dashed away. Ugh. I'm so worthless. I ran back to the bridge and thought of what could've been the best moment of my life when a shadow lurked over me. I jumped at the touch on my shoulder and turned quickly.

"I knew you'd be here." My dad said grabbing my arm and squeezing it hard. I wince at the pain and struggle to keep the tears from falling.

"Let go of me!" I yelled at him. Which only made him angry and punch me in the face. I heard a deep voice and feet rushing towards us.

"Get away from her!" The voice growled. I wavered consciousness and was picked up, why?

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