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When broken, a record needed to be discarded.
It would start.
Gently strumming away at our nerve strings.
Thus pulling the record into a never-ending and deafening cycle.
We were all very aware of this fact.
Therefore we bought a new record.
Enjoying it.
Loving it.
All until it developed a glitch of its own.


Lee Byunghun was well aware of this.
Even as sunlight softly caressed his skin.
He was cautious of the imminent glitch.
Even as his body slowly grew accustomed to the sharp contrast between the hard floor and smooth sheets.
He was cautious of the moment it would all be ripped away from him.
Therefore he could only wait.
Even as gentle fingers brushed against the nape of his neck.
His breath only grew ever so still as he waited.
"Lee Byunghun."
He only found himself biting back a smile as Lee Chanhee's fingers slowly crept underneath his oversized shirt. Shaking his head, he tried escaping his touch. Only to find himself curling back into Lee Chanhee's chest as his arms wrapped around his thin waist. Soon, he could only chuckle as he fell victim to a trail of feathery kisses down the nape of his neck.
"Normal people crawl back into bed when they roll off."
Though Chanhee's words were harsh, his touch remained ever so gentle. Thus enabling him to bring Byunghun even closer to him, their bodies naturally molding into one. Their legs tangling together just as easily as Chanhee's lips found Byunghun's temple. Slightly yelping, Byunghun gently elbowed Chanhee as the latter gave him a hard smooch.
"I prefer the floor." Byunghun clucked his tongue back at him.
Chanhee took this opportunity to nestle his chin on his shoulder.
Slightly squeezing Byunghun's waist, he could only nod.
"What are you insinuating, Lee Byunghun?"
Chanhee's breath was warm against his ear, sending pleasurable chills down his spine.
So much so that he couldn't help but tightly close his eyes as his toes curled in the sheets.
"That you sell your bed and invest in a..."
The end of Byunghun's sentence finished in bright laughter as Chanhee tried turning him over.
Shaking his head, he clutched the sheets, refusing to face the young man.
Thus leading to an odd game of tug-o-war as Byunghun relentlessly held onto the sheets.
"Has salesman Lee Byunghun left the building?"
Chanhee deadpanned as he managed to wrap his arms around Byunghun's waist once more.
"He still has some unfinished business." Byunghun started before squealing as Chanhee lightly tickled him.
Caught, Lee Byunghun could do nothing more than laugh as he was easily turned over. He raised a hand to Chanhee's chest as the other covered his mouth, trying to calm himself down. Still, no matter how hard he tried, his laughter would not let up. He only found himself doubling over some more.
All under Lee Chanhee's loving gaze.
"Lying shall always be a no-brainer in this relationship, Lee Byunghun."
Slowly but surely, Byunghun's laughter died down as he slipped his hand away from his lips.
Thus allowing Chanhee to lean in and gently rest his forehead against his.
The action in itself was benign.
Allowing Byunghun to revel in the warmth of the soft embrace.
"It is not welcome." Chanhee tenderly whispered.
A year.
"Yes, Lee Byunghun." Chanhee deadpanned as he cutely rubbed their foreheads together. "A relationship."
12 months.
It had only taken Lee Byunghun one to know that he loved the young man looking down at him.
"That thing that adults do."
Lee Byunghun could admit that he sometimes gave six year olds a run for their money when it came to aloofness.
He could.
However he was 23 goddamn years old.
Therefore Chanhee's condescending tone was more than unnecessary.
"Get married?" Byunghun shot right back at him just to spite him.
Only to purely and utterly fail.
"Let's!" Chanhee beamed.
Ever since their first meeting.
Byunghun had noticed the slight twinkle in Chanhee's eyes when he truly smiled.
"I don't even know your name." Byunghun pushed on.
By their second.
Byunghun had grown accustomed to the adorable way Chanhee scrunched up his nose when he was displeased.
"Yes, you do, Lee Byunghun." Chanhee rolled his eyes before flicking his forehead. "It was the first thing I told you."
"You told me that if I ever danced, my legs would be hot wings."
By their third.
Not only had Byunghun noticed that Chanhee's eyes always held a certain sparkle to them but he had also slowly begun feeling attracted to his permanent air of mischievousness.
"I said that?"
Though hesitant at first, Lee Chanhee's fingers carefully skimmed down Lee Byunghun's thin legs.
Indeed, they were chicken legs.
Extremely thin, almost too thin.
Lee Chanhee never seemed to grow tired of them.
He only seemed to become more accustomed to them.
He only seemed to be more attuned to Byunghun's soft spots.
Indeed, his fingers perfectly knew where to gently skim, only to slightly apply pressure the following minute.
His touch expertly strummed away at Byunghun's nerve strings, pushing him to his limits.
So much so that the latter could only clear his throat before clasping his hand around Chanhee's.
Slowly shaking his head, he closed his eyes as he tried to fight against the chills running up and down his spine.
"Stop it." Byunghun mouthed as Chanhee brought their hands to his lips.
"I wasn't exactly wrong." Chanhee innocently replied before pecking the back of his hand.
To sock this idiot in the head or to sock this idiot in the head?
Lee Byunghun's answer was evident as Lee Chanhee cackled, slightly rolling onto his side.
Lee Byunghun would be damned if this idiot was innocent about anything.
So much that he couldn't help but lightly kick him under the sheets.
"May I remind you that you also said that I had an attitude?" Byunghun deadpanned after kicking him once more.
Easily sitting up, he didn't even bother throwing Chanhee a second glance as the latter whined.
"I dare you to prove me wrong, King Kong."
Incredulous, Byunghun could only scoff as he looked down at Chanhee.
He wanted King Kong like strength?
Byunghun would more than satisfy him then.
Rolling up the sleeves of his oversized white shirt, Byunghun prepared his attack. Only to frown as Chanhee evaded his blows. As though an overgrown feline, the latter easily sat up before any harm could be done. All before easily letting his arms drop on Byunghun's shoulders as he faced him.
"That hurt." Chanhee made a face as he cocked his head to the side.
And Byunghun would care because?
Ignoring his pleas, Byunghun easily bumped their foreheads together.
No words could explain his satisfied chuckle as Chanhee winced.
Only to counter attack the following minute, his laughter even louder than Byunghun's.
"Lee Chanhee!" Byunghun called as he tried edging away.
By their fourth.
Lee Byunghun had known that he had been wrong.
They had met far too many times already for it to be the fourth.
By their fifth.
Lee Byunghun had long come to terms with the fact that he had forgotten how to count.
There was no way in hell that 5 came after 20.
All that had been certain was that he had been falling.
"What is it?" Chanhee gingerly answered as one of his hands cupped Byunghun's cheek.
The man before him was a boy.
An insupportable boy.
Beautiful beyond repair.
Undeniably irresistible.
"Lee Chanhee."
Before he had known it, Lee Byunghun had fallen in love with him all at once.
He had been wrapped into this warm embrace.
He had been engulfed and he had wanted no escape.
"Hm?" Chanhee insisted as he slightly pinched his cheek.
The words had then effortlessly left his lips.
Only for Lee Chanhee to chuckle as he had looked back at him.
"And you only notice this now?"
"Lee Chanhee." Byunghun whispered once more as he leaned into his touch.
Lee Byunghun had been embarrassed.
He had been made fun of.
So much so that he had doubted the mere possibility of Lee Chanhee loving him back.
                           "How can you even ask me such a question, Lee Byunghun?"
Lee Chanhee loved him.
It had been undeniable.
Even a blind man could have seen it.
Even a deaf man could have heard it.
It had been as clear as day.
"Lee Byunghun."
All Byunghun had needed to do was look into Chanhee's loving gaze.
Just as he now did.
Falling victim to his mischievous eyes, even as they were hidden by his dark fringe.
Falling victim to the whisper of a smile that spread on his full lips.
Only to be trapped by the very same lips as they met his.
Pulling him into a feverishly slow kiss.
His breath catching as Chanhee lightly bit on his lower lip.
Only to grow to a complete stand still as Chanhee's cold fingers slipped down the nape of his neck. Skillfully, they slowly glided over his skin, scorching him just as his daunting gaze.
Unconsciously, Byunghun found himself drawn closer to Chanhee.
Unconsciously, he found himself curling into him.
He had never been more aware of Chanhee's proximity.
He had never been more aware of the warmth of him.
His whole being had never been more aware.
"I've been wanting to do that." Chanhee murmured on his lips.
Chest to chest, Byunghun slowly took in the enrapturing rhythm of Chanhee's scattered breaths.
Perfectly matched with his.
Smiling, Byunghun easily let his fingers comb through Chanhee's brown hair as he brought him closer.
His lips ever so carefully brushing against his.
"I don't have the slightest clue." Chanhee chuckled as he stole a chaste kiss from his lips.
Slowly, Byunghun's eyes blinked open, thus allowing him to look down at this idiot of his.
Just a few seconds ago, he'd been a fully-fledged man.
All it had taken was that smile of his and he'd reverted back to a child.
A perverted and cheeky child but a child nonetheless.
"I have to go bath." Byunghun shook his head at Chanhee as the latter pouted. "I have to go to work..." Byunghun tried to tune into his internal clock but his mind just wouldn't do the math. "Sometime today."
Not that this boy of his would understand.
"It's still way early." Chanhee countered as his arms managed to snake around Byunghun's waist.
"Which is why you're up." Byunghun deadpanned before flicking his forehead.
Neither was Lee Chanhee a night creature, nor did he seem to enjoy daylight.
He only seemed to love the act of sleeping in itself.
All day, every day.
Therefore making all of his arguments invalid as he softly kissed Byunghun's torso.
"Stay in bed with me for a bit." Chanhee pleaded before kissing his torso once more. "Pretty please?"
Though separated by the fabric of his shirt, Byunghun still felt Chanhee's lips against his skin.
Ticklish beyond repair, Byunghun couldn't hold back his chuckles despite his resolve.
Hence making his orders far from believable.
Especially as he pulled on Chanhee's cheeks.
"I will not stay in floor with you, Lee Chanhee."
This should have been the part where Byunghun had gotten to his feet.
"You will."
This should have been the part where Byunghun had stopped his antics.
This should have been the part where Byunghun grew a backbone.
"Fine then."
Byunghun simply winced as Chanhee lightly bit on one of his wandering fingers. Slightly punching his chest, Byunghun frowned. Only to be ignored as Chanhee wordlessly guided him into his lap. His fingers naturally interlacing with Byunghun's as he nestled him closer. The feel of his lips brushing against Byunghun's fingers, enrapturing.
"Only look at me for 10 seconds."
The feel of Chanhee's breath gently blowing against his aching finger, soothing.
"Only think of me for 10 seconds."
To the point that Lee Byunghun saw no sense to this game.
"Then I'll let you go."
He could only hear Chanhee's gentle voice.
"What do I get out of this?" Byunghun murmured as he cocked his head to the side.
He could only see Lee Chanhee's smoldering gaze.
"15 seconds."
He could only feel Lee Chanhee's scorching touch.
"You're cheating." Byunghun pursed his lips at him.
He could only taste Lee Chanhee on his lips.
"20 seconds." Chanhee sang as his lips teasingly brushed against Byunghun's. "Or shall I directly jump to 25?"
"You'd probably jump to 40." Byunghun clucked his tongue as he poked his cheek.
A knowing smile spread on Chanhee's lips just as slowly as his fingers sliding over Byunghun's skin.
Carefully, both his hands caressed Byunghun's soft thighs before completely wrapping around them.
Only to give a brisk tug.
A light gasp escaped Byunghun's lips as they found themselves closer than before.
His legs now comfortably wrapped around Chanhee's torso.
Their faces mere inches apart.
This only seemed to trouble Byunghun to no end.
Especially as Chanhee teasingly rubbed their noses together.
"30." He whispered before cocking his head to the side.
His light musk wrapping around Byunghun as he rested his forehead against his.
"25." Byunghun stuck out his tongue at him as Chanhee mirrored his expression.
Each and every one of Lee Byunghun's senses was aware of Lee Chanhee.
Thus driving insane.
To the point of no return
To the point of derision.
"Let me guess." Chanhee teased as he let his arms slip around Chanhee's shoulders. "Next comes 1?"
Clearing his throat, Byunghun pinched Chanhee's lips together. The latter complained but Byunghun ignored him as he pinched harder. Lightly chuckling, he took in Chanhee's cute scrunched up nose above his puckered lips.
Now where was he?
Easily shaking free of his hold, Chanhee teasingly bit on the tips of Byunghun's fingers. Thus winning himself an award winning yelp from Byunghun, followed by a string of curse words. The whole was executed so perfectly that Chanhee couldn't help but throw his head back for a good laugh.
Much to Byunghun's dismay.
"There are names for people like you!" The latter groaned as he started blowing on his aching finger.
"One of them starts with an 'a'?" Chanhee teased as he caught Byunghun's hand.
"No shit, angel."
"I was thinking more along the lines of 'asshole'." Chanhee innocently blinked as he blew on Byunghun's finger.
"Aren't you a smart one?" Byunghun cooed before teasingly flicking his forehead. "21."
"Then 19." Chanhee mock-gasped, using Byunghun's hand, of all things, to cover his mouth.
"20." Byunghun corrected him after lightly pushing on his mouth. "19."
"Good job, sweetheart." Chanhee encouraged as Byunghun rolled his eyes.
"17." Chanhee nodded as he wrapped both his arms around Byunghun's neck.
Byunghun's plan had been to continue counting.
It had even worked.
For a millisecond.
All before Chanhee had lightly smooched his right temple.
All sense of reasoning within Lee Byunghun had seemed to jump ship at that moment.
Only to leave him waddling in a fury of nonsensical numbers.
"You stopped counting."
Only to leave him focusing on every stroke of Chanhee's fingers against the nape of his neck.
"No." Byunghun hazily answered. "I'm at 10."
Or so he'd thought.
For all he knew, as he now looked back into Chanhee's eyes, theirs asses could have very well still been sitting at 25.
In all honesty.
It wouldn't have bothered him.
After all, Lee Chanhee was a sight for sore eyes.
Sunlight danced along his blonde highlights before dipping to his darker brown locks. Only to ease back up his bright smile as he cocked his head to the side. Before gingerly cocking it to the other.
All in preparation for an impromptu happy dance.
All under Lee Byunghun's smitten smile.
"1." He faintly called.
Indeed, it wouldn't have bothered Lee Byunghun in the least.
He could never grow tired of this idiot.
He loved him too much to ever be tired of him.
"1!" Byunghun repeated with more certainty before cheering. "Done!"
To the point of excessiveness.
"You thought of someone else." Chanhee made a face before peering closer at him. "Didn't you?"
Truthfully, Lee Byunghun felt sick whenever he thought about it.
"Of course I did." Byunghun lied as he evaded Chanhee's careful gaze. "My boss is going to fire my ass one day because of you."
The problem wasn't that he'd thought of someone else.
Lee Byunghun was unable to do such a thing.
The mere thought of being with anyone besides Chanhee drove him to tears.
The mere thought of being away from Chanhee drove him insane.
It always left a lump sitting at the back of his throat.
It would only grow bigger.
And bigger.
Only to dissolve into thin air the moment that he was in Lee Chanhee's arms again.
"Aren't I worth it?" Chanhee countered with a wink. "I could be your life support."
"Your pretty face won't pay rent." Byunghun deadpanned as he slid his arms around his shoulders.
"Your landlord loves me."
At times.
Lee Byunghun wondered what would happen if he couldn't feel Chanhee in his arms.
He wondered what he would do when they would end.
He would wonder for so long.
To the point that everything else became meaningless.
To the point that he sometimes forgot to breathe.
Only to crash back down to bitter reality.
Breathless and gasping for air.
His body wouldn't let him envision a world without Lee Chanhee.
That simple fact had eradicated all possibilities of them ever being apart.
That simple fact had remained his fixation.
"There's only so much that I can eat off of you, Lee Chanhee."
"So enjoy me slowly."
A persistent image, more importantly, a persistent desire dominated Lee Byunghun's mind.
"Slowly." Byunghun repeated as his eyes zeroed in on Chanhee's lips.
Ever so slowly, they parted.
His tongue, ever so dauntingly, brushing against his lower lip before disappearing.
The new glow rendering Chanhee's lips ever so inviting.
A loud gasp escaped his lips as he was pushed against the side of the bed. His head lurching back against the mattress as Chanhee kissed the side of his neck. A shiver coursed through him as his nails clawed at the back of Chanhee's shirt. All before he let out a moan as their bodies naturally glided over the side of the mattress.
An evident pull guiding them towards the empty bed.
Needless to say.
Lee Byunghun wanted Lee Chanhee.
Every day.
Every second.
Perhaps had he even grown infatuated beyond the point of no return.
Lee Chanhee's fingers dug into the mattress as his body slightly convulsed in pleasure. A muffled groan escaping his lips as Byunghun's fingers slipped into corners never explored. Only to tiptoe right back to familiar grounds and tease him.
Needless to say.
Lee Byunghun wanted Lee Chanhee to be his.
"Why did you stop?" Chanhee murmured as he stretched in the sheets.
His and only his.
"Lee." Chanhee softly called as his hand crept up his lover's leg. "Byung." A slow smile crept to his lips as his gaze slowly raised to Byunghun's face. "Hun."
Yet he wasn't, was he?
"Lee Chanhee."
A choked sob escaped Lee Byunghun's lips as he raised a hand to his lips.
Much to Chanhee's concern as he abruptly sat up.
"What is it? Are you..." Chanhee started as he softly passed his thumb across Byunghun's cheek.
Only to freeze at his lover's words.
Lee Byunghun slightly sniffled as he closed his eyes.
"When are you leaving him?"
A lone tear slid down Lee Byunghun's cheek as he shooed his lover's hand away from him.
"When, Lee Chanhee?"
The pain in Lee Byunghun's chest was unbearable as the glitch occurred once more.
"When are you leaving him?"
Lee Chanhee's answer never came.
Instead his ringtone resonated through the room.
His caller more than evident as uneasiness slowly crept around them.

Incoming call:

My Minsoo

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