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Put simply.
In those few seconds.
Lee Byunghun had seen the light.
He had fully embraced the light.
He had momentarily been lying in his death bed bidding goodbye to his loved ones.
All before Lee Chanhee had swiftly pulled them out of harm's way.
Without much care to the profanities being thrown at them from here and there.
Quite sincerely, Lee Byunghun didn't care much either.
He had other priorities at the moment.
"I am tipsy."
Trembling, he slowly raised a hand to his chest.
His poor heart nearly beating out of his chest as he spoke.
"I am tipsy and I know it. But you..."
Still, he still had more than enough strength left in him to glare at Chanhee.
Hell, Lee Byunghun dared Lee Chanhee to make a bad joke.
He dared him to even begin humming the melody of 'I'm Sexy and I know it'.
He would have his head if he so much as dared.
Thankfully he didn't.
However a part of Byunghun sincerely wished that he had.
"Let's change the subject then." Chanhee replied matter-of-factly.
"We almost got run over, Lee Chanhee!" Byunghun hollered as he ripped his hand out of Chanhee's hold.
"Emphasis on the 'almost'." Chanhee nodded as his gaze trailed down to his freed hand.
"Emphasis on the 'run over', you dimwitted little piece of..."
"Did you have a nice meal?"
Needless to say, Lee Byunghun was more than ready to beat some common sense into Lee Chanhee.
Needless to say, his earlier Karate endeavors had clearly showcased just why he should refrain from doing so.
Thus explaining his present resolve as he stared at Chanhee.
His expression spurring a light chuckle from the latter.
Quite sincerely, a deer caught in headlights had never been more adorable.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Byunghun raised an eyebrow as he folded his arms across his chest.
"Was your food good?"
"I didn't literally mean that."
Lee Byunghun had more than come to terms with the effects of alcohol on his body.
He damn well knew that he was to make no sudden movements and all would be fine.
However he sincerely doubted that Lee Chanhee had come to the same conclusion.
Was he even if partially aware of the bullshit that presently left his lips?
"Was your food good?" Chanhee repeated as he slipped his hands into his pockets.
"Is this somehow an existential question?" Byunghun mused as he cocked his head to the side.
"Was your food good?"
This should have been the part where Lee Byunghun called him out for being no better than a broken record.
"Was it?"
This should have been the part where Lee Byunghun asked him if he wasn't just as tipsy as he was.
"I'll just keep on asking until you answer me, Lee Byunghun."
This should have been the part where Lee Byunghun stopped him from stepping any closer.
"Was your food good?"
Lee Chanhee was close.
Far too close.
"Was it?"
Unnervingly long.
Dark ebony.
With every blink, Lee Chanhee's eyelashes drew more attention to his lovely eyes.
Sparkling and seemingly innocent just like a doe's.
So much so that one couldn't help but be enthralled by him.
Trusting towards this façade of his.
Only to find themselves trapped by the time his true nature was revealed.
Mischievous beyond words, it was impossible not to fall victim to Lee Chanhee's ways.
It was impossible for Lee Byunghun not to be sucked into this allure of his.
It was impossible for his hands not to reach forward.
His fingers ever so gently grazing the front of his coat.
His feet ever so slowly drawing him closer to him.
Just as easily and naturally as always.
Allowing himself to slightly cock his head to the side like old times.
Allowing himself to pull Chanhee closer to him.
Allowing their lips to meet would be disregarding all that he had set out to do today.
By their third.
At first, Lee Byunghun had refused Niel's invitation.
Seeing Chanhee had been out of the question.
After all, Byunghun had given himself an ultimatum.
Either he would completely walk out of Chanhee's life or he would forget everything and simply settle for friendship.
By their third.
Six months ago, he had chosen the first.
How could he bear to force himself into forgetting the most beautiful memories he'd ever made?
How could he simply be friends with this man?
The one man that he loved more than anything else in this world.
Love was when another person's happiness was more important than our own.
Just this morning, a mere 10 hours ago, was that not why Lee Byunghun had finally given in to Niel's invitation?
At the simple mention of Lee Chanhee's sadness over the past few months, was that now why Lee Byunghun had changed his choice?
By their third.
To hell with their beautiful memories.
To hell with Byunghun's selfish desires.
All he needed was to stop receiving calls from Niel and Minsoo stating how sad Chanhee was.
All he needed was for Lee Chanhee to be happy.
By their third
He had slowly begun feeling attracted to his permanent air of mischievousness.

He would not spite Chanhee just to see how more mischievous he could get.
He would not give in to this attraction.
He would not make the same mistake.
Therefore he could only close his eyes.
All before giving Chanhee's chest a hard shove.
No matter how much it hurt, he would simply answer these stupid questions.
No matter how much it hurt, he would simply do so because it would make Chanhee happy.
No matter how much it hurt, Chanhee's beautiful smile made up for it.
"It was."
Though he now had his back turned to him, Lee Byunghun could practically feel Lee Chanhee's satisfied smile.
So much so that he hurriedly started walking again.
Desperately trying to subdue this warm feeling building in his chest.
After all, he had made Chanhee smile by simply uttering two words.
He still made him happy beyond repair.
He couldn't revel in this.
He had to distance himself from that beautiful feeling.
He had to avoid turning around and falling for that smile all over again.
Not that Lee Chanhee would comply.
"Are you thirsty?"
"I already answered your question, Lee Chanhee."
Lee Byunghun slipped his hands into his pockets as he tried speeding up.
However Lee Chanhee naturally fell into step with him.
Their shoulders slightly brushing as Chanhee playfully leaned forward.
"Are you?"
"In which sense of the term?"
The words had slipped out of Byunghun's lips before he could stop himself.
Therefore his punishment was more than deserved.
"In which sense?" Chanhee slowly repeated as he straightened up.
Byunghun could only lightly bite his lower lip as he took in the faint blush creeping up Chanhee's cheeks.
The innocence he seemed to portray, oh so different from the daunting smirk slowly drawing itself on his lips.
Only one question seemed to trouble Lee Byunghun to no end as he took in this wolf in sheep's clothing:
To ignore him or to kiss him?
"Is there any other sense to the word, Lee Byunghun?" Chanhee lightly chuckled as he bit on his lower lip.
To ignore him or to kiss him?
"Go read a dictionary, why don't you, Lee Chanhee?"
Byunghun couldn't help but roll his eyes as they kept on walking.
Lee Chanhee wasn't going to let him live pas this blunder, was he?
"Why bother when I have you to answer me?"
"Lee Chanhee." Byunghun groaned as he came face to face with Chanhee.
"Hm?" The latter cutely mused as he cocked his head to the side.
To kiss him or to kiss him?
No words could describe how fast Byunghun's head had turned away from Lee Chanhee.
Hell, he had nearly gotten whiplash from the sudden movement.
Not that he cared as he raised his hands to his face.
All in a desperate attempt to hide his reddening cheeks.
Only tomorrow would he berate himself for his current actions.
Needless to say, doing so tonight, was more than pointless. No matter how much he would try to discipline himself, alcohol would just kick his ass to the curb. Thus putting himself in such situations: Trying and purely and utterly failing at hiding himself from an amused Lee Chanhee.
"Fine then."
Hold that thought.
"Are you cold?"
Was he what now?
Peeking past his fingers, Byunghun raised a questioning eyebrow back at Chanhee.
"Are you cold?" The latter repeated as he bit back a smile.
"Why do you ask?" Byunghun pursed his lips as he slowly slipped his hands from his face.
"Can't I ask?" Chanhee shrugged as he started walking again.
"Then can I not answer?" Byunghun easily shot back as he tightened his scarf around his neck.
However he never quite got around to properly doing so.
"You have to answer."
Instead, his hands simply held on to the cloth as his gaze met Chanhee's.
The latter had spun around, now walking backwards as he nodded back at Byunghun.
A goofy smile adorning his lips.
All before he cutely stuck out his tongue at him.
"Just because."
"'Because' is not a valid answer, Lee Chanhee." Byunghun clucked his tongue as he tried looking away from him.
"I'm not trying to make a valid point, Lee Byunghun." Chanhee chuckled as he spun around. "I'm just asking if you're cold."
Lee Chanhee's sentence finished in a lamp post.
In a loud bang, to be exact.
Quite sincerely, Lee Byunghun had gasped at first.
He truly had.
For a millisecond or so.
"Stop it." Chanhee warned as he rubbed his forehead. "It really hurt."
"No shit." Byunghun cackled as he held a hand to his lips. "I thought the sound effects were just for show."
Laughter had never stopped quite as fast.
Lee Byunghun could only pout as he massaged the back of his head.
All until Lee Chanhee flicked his forehead this time around.
"Karma's a bitch, you know?" Chanhee deadpanned as he still rubbed his own forehead.
"I know." Byunghun shot back as he dropped his hands. "That's what you get for laughing at me earlier."
"This is different." Chanhee shook a finger at him. "You attacked a poor lamp post and it simply defended itself."
Only tomorrow would he reflect.
Therefore Lee Byunghun's actions were more than acceptable.
Though Lee Chanhee would beg to differ.
After all, he couldn't very much agree to being held in a neck hold in the middle of a sidewalk.
"Get your facts straight!" Byunghun clucked his tongue as he tightened his hold. "I did not attack an inanimate object."
"You lie." Chanhee mock gasped as he slightly leaned away from Byunghun.
"Lee Chanhee!"
If there had ever been a time to curse the gods above for gifting Lee Chanhee with such good looks: It was now.
No matter how much he willed himself, Lee Byunghun could never get around to fully hurting the man in his arms.
No matter how much he told himself to be menacing, his lips would only twitch into a smile.
Fully reciprocating Lee Chanhee's.
"I got it." He nodded as he lightly shook himself out of Byunghun's hold. "So please do answer my question."
"That again?" Byunghun groaned as he slipped his freed hands into his pockets.
"Dear friend."
When they had become friends, there had been no need for a label.
Nothing had ever been confirmed.
Those words had never left their lips.
So much so that Byunghun felt somewhat insulted as he heard them now.
Wasn't this all his fault?
"I have to make up for our lost time."
He had no one to blame but himself.
"Hence my asking you all of these questions."
Surely, he could blame Chanhee as the latter easily wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
Thus reminding him of their time together.
Surely he could.
Lee Chanhee hadn't sought him out tonight.
He had rekindled all of this.
"Look at you using big words like 'hence'." Byunghun rolled his eyes as he slightly arched his head away. "I'm not telling you to stop, I'm telling you to filter."
"How do you expect me to do that?" Chanhee wondered as he knocked their foreheads together.
He damn well knew that he was the one that had let them walk into each other's lives once more.
He had caused all of this.
The only thing he could now do was grow a pair and stop fussing over each and every detail.
Such things were always easier said than done.
That too, he damn well knew.
"How are you?"
Perhaps it was the cool night air wrapping around him.
"Have you been eating well?"
Perhaps it was the feel of having Chanhee so close.
"Have you read the last book I recommended?"
Perhaps it was his throbbing headache.
"Are you happy, Chanhee?"
Nonetheless, words relentlessly kept on spilling from his lips.
"Can you quietly let me go home, Chanhee? What's your play about? Can I read it?" Byunghun drew in a sharp breath as he paused. "You then take a moment." Tightly closing his eyes, he counted off of his fingers. "Then you ask the preferred question such as: Can you quietly let me go home, Chanhee?"
Indeed, it was a simple and effective method as long as it wasn't said aloud.
A fact that Lee Byunghun had clearly bypassed.
"Why choose that one?" Chanhee softly whispered.
At first, they had been standing side by side.
Chanhee's arm loosely wrapped around his shoulders.
All before Chanhee had tightened his hold around his neck and tugged him closer.
Thus bringing him against his chest.
Much to Lee Byunghun's discomfort.
Wincing, he arched his head to the side.
Only to find himself nose to nose with Chanhee.
"That was the stupidest question of them all, if you ask me." Chanhee mused as he cocked his head to the side.
"I didn't ask." Byunghun shot back as his hands rested on Chanhee's hips.
"Byunghun..." Chanhee started only to be stopped short.
"I filtered. Point done. Lesson learned, Lee Chanhee?"
Cries and laughter danced through the air as the night seemed to come alive around them. The wonderful cacophony of it all seemingly inviting them. Still, no words left Lee Chanhee's lips.
Clearly a witty comeback sat on the tip of his tongue but he chose to remain silent.
He simply watched Lee Byunghun.
Taking his time, he let his gaze dip from Byunghun's puzzling hair down to his handsome face.
More precisely, his cat like eyes.
Taunting, they spurred a whirlwind of emotions within him. Even more so due to the enticing beauty spots that adorned them. Each and every one of them seemed to pull him in as much as the next. All before they disappeared behind locks of blonde hair. Only to reappear, much lower this time, playing along the nape of Byunghun's smooth neck.
Indeed, caught in one of Chanhee's coat's buttons, Byunghun's scarf had slowly slipped away from him.
Therefore leaving him bare to Lee Chanhee as the latter went over every detail of him.
Just as blatantly as the first day.
"Am I perhaps in your field of vision again, Lee Chanhee?"
His mere presence.
His scent.
His touch.
Lee Byunghun was completely aware of Lee Chanhee.
Just as much as he was.
That being said, there was no need for Lee Chanhee to answer that question.
He simply sent Byunghun a knowing smile as he slowly let go of him.
"I've filtered, Lee Byunghun."
Lee Byunghun couldn't help but shudder as a cold chill passed over him.
When in Lee Chanhee's arms, he had almost forgotten how cold it was.
Lightly sneezing, Byunghun readjusted his scarf around his neck as he looked around them.
Needless to say, their exchange had garnered its fair share of spectators. Each quickly looking away when they met Byunghun's eyes. Before the latter could decipher what was going on, Chanhee's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
"I chose a question."
"Your last question?"
Byunghun caught sight of an old woman shaking her head at them as she slowly made her way through the crowd. Clearly she had gotten the wrong picture from all of this.
Hell, Byunghun wanted to reassure her that he wasn't the boyfriend.
Though that wouldn't help, now would it?
"Why would it be my last?" Chanhee blinked before slipping his hands into his pockets.
"So that you'd let me go home." Byunghun easily shot back as he turned back to face him.
"Why are you suddenly so eager to leave me?" Chanhee clucked his tongue as he teasingly flicked his forehead.
"I've been wanting to leave." Byunghun deadpanned as he stopped Chanhee from touching him again.
"The lies you spout, Lee Byunghun." Chanhee sang, seemingly scolding him.
"The questions you haven't spouted, Lee Chanhee." Byunghun rolled his eyes back at him.
"If I ask."
It had been a fleeting moment.
So fast it was a wonder, Lee Byunghun had seen it.
Still there was no denying the single tear that had rolled down Lee Chanhee's cheek.
All before he quickly wiped it away, easily hiding it with a nonchalant smile.
"You'll leave, won't you?"
"Do not use that on me."
The words had shot out of Byunghun's lips even before the end of Chanhee's sentence.
Truth be told, this should have been the moment for any normal person to reconsider their choices.
This should have been the moment for them to realize just how lonely Lee Chanhee seemed.
Hence making them walk up to him and appease him.
That was the scenario for this type of scene.
That was what Lee Chanhee expected.
Therefore Lee Byunghun would not comply.
He knew him too well to stupidly comply.
"Do not ask me to play a game."
It stung.
"Do not use whatever trick up your sleeve to keep me here."
It stung.
"This is where we draw the line. All that's left is for you to simply ask your damn questions."
It clearly stung.
"No more fun and games, Lee Chanhee."
Even if Lee Chanhee had never known what was in store for their relationship, he had always read through Byunghun.
He'd always pulled him into any sort of game and turned the odds in his favor.
"That was only one of my questions." Chanhee whispered. "There was no need for you to..."
He had always managed to swindle him out of any fickle choices he'd been about to make.
Or so it'd seemed.
"There was." Byunghun curtly answered.
His tone had been cold.
However it in no way compared to the cold chill that passed between them.
Only to remind them of their earlier warm embrace.
Lightly biting his lower lip, Byunghun shook away the thought.
All before steadying his gaze as he looked back at Chanhee.
No words had left the latter's lips.
In fact, he seemed to be lost in a trance.
Even as raindrops slowly slid down the bridge of his nose, he hardly flinched.
Even as a gentle jingle rose from his pocket, he hardly reacted.
Unlike Lee Byunghun.
"That's my cue."
After all, how could Lee Byunghun ever forget that ringtone?
"Once more, congratulations dear friend."
How could he ever forget that clear sign that Lee Chanhee could never be his and only his?
Clearing his throat, he slipped his hands in his pockets before smiling.
"Well, then good..."
Truth be told, Lee Byunghun wanted nothing more than to rip Lee Chanhee's phone from his hands.
He wanted nothing more than to beat the living shit out of it.
Once, just once, he wanted to obliterate it just as it always did him.
However he knew better.
He knew damn better.
Or so he'd thought.
"Hm?" Chanhee softly repeated as he cocked his head to the side. "I answered, didn't I?"
Lee Byunghun could only gape as Lee Chanhee reached forward.
His hand tightly wrapping around Lee Byunghun's scarf.
Just as tightly as it latched around his phone.
"Should I have gone home?"
"Where are you?"
Only one thought coursed through Lee Byunghun's mind.
"Will you both reach me in one piece or should I prepare a hearse?"
"Is that so?"
"Of course everything's fine."
"Byunghun's with me after all."
Piece of shit.
"He seems to have slightly sobered up."
Better yet a conniving little piece of shit.
"We will be waiting for you then."
Fucking good for nothing dimwitted bastard
"Won't you at least wait for Minsoo with me, Lee Byunghun?"
Lee Chanhee was a good for nothing asshole.
He had just spoken to his boyfriend with a coy smile.
He had just spoken in a light, at times flirty, tone.
"I'll choose my questions wisely."
Yet the bastard dared tug Lee Byunghun closer.
He dared look him straight in the eye as he bumped against his chest.
A daunting smirk adorning his lips.
"How about it?"
'You can shove your questions right back up your ass, right where they belong and go feed your shit to the birds when the right time comes along for all I care.'
The words were harsh.
They would have put an end to all of this.
However they never left Lee Byunghun's lips.
Instead he chose a more physical approach.
"5 minutes."
Lee Chanhee let out a muffled groan as he was violently shoved away from Byunghun.
Much to the latter's indifference as he raised a hand at him.
"5 minutes. That's all you get." He shook a finger at Chanhee before pursing his lips. "Then I'm gone."
"That hurt." Chanhee pouted as he massaged his stomach. "What if Minsoo isn't back by then?"
"Well, my dear child, there's a police station down the street." Byunghun deadpanned as he folded his arms across his chest. "Go sit your ass there and your parents will surely come get you."
"Is that any way to speak to a child?"
Lee Byunghun was not amused.
Not in the least.
No matter how cute Lee Chanhee looked as he bit back a small smile.
"Okay, okay." He nodded to himself as he stood tall. "Why are you in such a hurry to go home anyways?"
Lee Byunghun had a gentle nature.
All of his friends loved that side of him.
However when barely holding onto his sanity, his gentle nature took a back seat. Hell, his entire being seemed to be seeping with sarcasm as he pursed his lips back at Lee Chanhee. He was more than ready to hand him a full serving of sarcasm and leave him hanging.
Still he could only lightly shake his head.
After all, that was the alcohol talking.
There was no reason to be so rude because of such a question.
Or was there?
Lee Byunghun couldn't help but scoff as he looked down at his chest.
His scarf long gone.
"My boss is on my case about finishing my article." He answered as he slipped his hands in his coat. "Why do you think I was on the phone for so long earlier?"
"Because of a woman."
Indeed, Lee Byunghun had just collided into a woman.
However that wasn't what Lee Chanhee had meant, now was it?
"Or maybe a man?"
Though Lee Byunghun apologized, his words were clearly half-hearted.
Though he bowed, it only took him a few seconds to stand tall once more.
A chill coursing through his body as he felt Lee Chanhee standing next to him.
"If you have questions, ask them." Byunghun whispered as he stared straight ahead. "Don't imply them."
"What would I be implying?" Chanhee mused as he eyed a nearby bench.
"What would you be implying, Lee Chanhee?"
A small smile slowly spread on Lee Chanhee's lips.
Yet even before it could properly reach the corners of his lips.
It faltered.
"Let's see." Byunghun paused before cocking his head to the side. "I was on the phone because of my boss. Because of a man. Complete the picture, why don't you?" Seemingly innocent, he batted his eyelashes at Chanhee. "Does that truly answer your question?"
Lee Chanhee's ass had been supposed to meet the back of the bench.
Yet it never quite got around to doing so.
Instead, he eyed Lee Byunghun.
A small frown adorning his lips.
Just like old times.
"I've always known that would happen." Chanhee retorted bitterly.
"You always did have a way of completing pictures as you pleased."
Lee Byunghun couldn't help but roll his eyes as he circled the bench.
Even after all these months, Lee Chanhee was still weary of his boss.
Of his clearly married 50-year-old boss.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Chanhee pursed his lips as he also circled the bench.
"You tell me, Picasso." Byunghun deadpanned as he sat on the bench.
The bench was more than soaked but so were his pants.
Therefore he hardly gave a damn as he leaned back.
"Lee Byunghun."
"Lee Chanhee."
Lee Byunghun teasingly stuck his tongue out at him as Chanhee made a face. He leaned forward to flick his forehead but was denied of the pleasure. Instead, Byunghun evaded the blow before losing himself in the discord around them.
"Why is completing this article so urgent?"
Or so he'd hoped.
"When is completing an article not urgent, Lee Chanhee?" Byunghun scoffed as he turned to face him.
The urgency of journalists versus the lax of play writers.
Till this day, Lee Byunghun could recall the countless hours they had spent debating this subject. Needless to say, he had won that argument fair and square on several occasions. Did Lee Chanhee perhaps need a reminder?
"Never, Mr. Red Rabbit." Chanhee teasingly chided him as he leaned back.
It was the White Rabbit.
Everyone knew that.
Especially Lee Chanhee.
Yet he had been the first to change things up during their very first encounter.
Somewhere down the line in their conversation, he had called Lee Byunghun a Red Rabbit.
Put more precisely, the Red Rabbit.
As they'd continued their conversation, Lee Byunghun had slowly begun fidgeting.
Never quite sitting still, his eyes had relentlessly checked his watch.
He had always been on his toes, ready to counter Lee Chanhee's witty comebacks.
Though he'd seemed ready to run out of the room any second, he'd been alert.
He'd been the cute Red Rabbit.
True to the tale.
Especially as he had gasped.
Urgently gathering his things as he had muttered.
                                                                  "Shit, shit, shit, I'm late. I'm late!"
Over two years had passed but Lee Byunghun could still hear Lee Chanhee's gentle chuckle.
                                "'Oh dear' would be more fitting, don't you think Red Rabbit?"
"Stare any longer and I'd turn to stone."
A small gasp escaped Byunghun's lips.
However it paled in comparison to the yelp that followed.
After all, Lee Chanhee was peering incredibly close at him.
Childishly pulling his hair into a gruesome headpiece.
Needless to stay, there was no doubt in Byunghun's mind that Chanhee was attempting to turn him into Medusa.
So much so that he couldn't help but slap his hands away as the latter cackled.
"So what's your article about?" Chanhee chuckled as he massaged his seemingly bruised hands.
"We're doing a special on Children stories." Byunghun sighed as he tried flattening his hair. "We have to rewrite the stories from a different point of view."
"Basically you have to do something like rewriting Cinderella from her step-mother's point of view?" Byunghun could only nod along as he grappled with his hair. "Interesting."
Clearly, Lee Chanhee didn't have an old geezer breathing down his neck for hours on end.
Writing these articles had been cool at first but Lee Byunghun was now ready to throw himself out of the window.
Hell, he'd even pay for a poisoned apple to get even if a few seconds of sleep.
The only problem would lay in finding someone to kiss him awake.
Put more precisely, the problem lay in finding anyone to kiss him.
Point done.
Or did it really?
"I take it you're going through a rough patch." Chanhee mused as he placed his arm on the back of the bench. "Which story's disturbing you?"
"Alice in Wonderland."
The very person that could kiss Lee Byunghun had his chin cutely nestled in the crook of his arm.
The very person that would most definitely be able to awaken Lee Byunghun was staring back at him.
Seemingly unfazed.
Yet there was no denying the surprise in his eyes.
Similar to that of Lee Byunghun's when he'd been handed the task.
"Which character did you...?" Chanhee started only for Byunghun to scoff.
"Who do you think?"
The irony really.
Of every wonderful character in that book, Lee Byunghun had been handed the Mad Hatter.
Despite every intriguing little undeveloped creature to offer in such a masterpiece, he had been handed the big guy.
Lee Byunghun knew for a fact that it was for the best for their magazine.
He knew it.
However, if one of these days, he decided to get up and start running around like a lunatic with unexplainable tears running down his cheeks; his boss had no one to blame but himself.
After all, he had been warned.
"Is my dear Mad Hatter causing you that much trouble?"
"More than you can imagine."
No matter what Lee Byunghun did, he couldn't understand the character.
The minute he thought he did, he no longer did.
The minute he gave up, the character taunted him.
It was a dangerous game of cat and mouse and Lee Byunghun had already lost.
He had lost from the moment he had blushed at the mere mention of his name.
He had lost from the moment he had fallen head over heels for him.
Unlike him.
"Time's up."
A lone tear slid down Lee Byunghun's cheek.
All before losing itself with the raindrops relentlessly sliding down his cheeks.
Clearing his throat, he passed a hand across his face before quickly getting to his feet.
"Time's up." He softly repeated.
Much to Lee Chanhee's disapproval.
"Says the one without a watch."
"I have a phone, so sue me." Byunghun clucked his tongue back at him.
A phone he hadn't bothered to pull out of his pocket over the past thirty minutes they'd spent together.
Such details could be overlooked.
Clearing his throat once more, Byunghun gave Chanhee a small salute before preparing to leave.
Or at least attempting to.
Though he had been more than willing, he hadn't moved an inch.
All because of Chanhee's hold on his coat.
"What is it?"
It was only as Byunghun lightly squeezed that Chanhee seemed to come back to his senses.
Blinking, the latter only stared at his hand as though it were an entity completely foreign to him.
"Nothing." Chanhee lightly chuckled as his gaze met Byunghun's.
Yet he didn't let go.
As a matter of fact, his grip only seemed to tighten as seconds flew by.
"Lee Chanhee?"
So much so that a tug-o-war seemed to start between the two of them.
"Lee Chanhee!"
"Lee Byunghun."
Lee Byunghun had been more than sure that he had been pulling with as much strength as he had been able to fathom given such circumstances.
"You said that you would not call me."
Lee Byunghun had been more than sure that it would have taken only a matter of seconds for him to break free.
"You said that you would not text me."
Indeed, break free he had done.
"You said that you would not see me."
Indeed, nearly flatten himself across the floor he had done as he had found himself propelled backwards.
"Yet here you are today."
Thankfully, Lee Chanhee had saved him from a world of hurt.
Only to pull him between his legs.
His arms tightly wrapping around his waist.
All before he buried his head in the middle of chest.
Just like old times.
"You're here today." Chanhee whispered as he gave his waist a gentle squeeze. "After all this time, why today of all days?"
"There was a party."
The answer had slipped out before Lee Byunghun could stop himself.
Hence justifying the blush that crept along his cheeks as he realized how stupid he sounded.
He hadn't sounded a day over four!
In his own defense, he had been caught off guard!
They had long discussed the matter.
Lee Chanhee's redundancy had been uncalled for.
Yet it clearly paled in comparison to the words that followed.
"Does that mean that if I throw another sort of tea party you'll appear again, Mr. Red Rabbit?"
Technically speaking, Niel had put together this gathering.
If anyone had been in charge, it had been him.
However that was clearly not the question at hand.
"A tea party?"
Lee Byunghun had meant to sound serious.
However he couldn't fight against the light chuckle that left his lips.
"A tea party, Lee Chanhee?" He repeated as he peered down at Chanhee. "Could you please refrain from making references to..."
"It's accurate."
A cute sneeze left Lee Chanhee's lips, all before he tilted his head backwards.
His enticing gaze taunting Byunghun despite their seemingly ridiculous conversation.
"It is accurate." Chanhee repeated as he tightened his hold around Byunghun. "You would only show up if I threw a tea party."
"Is this the part where I say that you sound as mas as a hatter, Lee Chanhee?"
Needless to say, they were heading straight for well-earned flus.
Lee Chanhee's shivering was more than enough proof for that fact.
Especially as he slowly let his forehead bump against Byunghun.
In fact, he almost seemed breakable as he let out another cute sneeze.
So much so that Byunghun found himself hesitant.
All he had to do was raise a hand and he would, even if slightly, bring warmth to this child.
Still he couldn't quite bring himself to doing so.
After all, no matter how childish he seemed, Lee Chanhee was a grown man.
"No. I haven't even begun to sound Mad."
"Thankfully." Byunghun mock gasped as he tried stepping away.
"Should I begin?"
"Please do humor me." Byunghun deadpanned.
Only to regret his words.
After all, Lee Chanhee was a grown man.
A fully grown man with urges.
"I want to feel you close."
Truth be told, Lee Chanhee was cold.
"I want you to touch me."
Ice cold.
"I want you to hug me."
Yet his embrace was warm and gentle.
Just as his lips as they rested against Byunghun's torso.
Applying the most benign of kisses.
All before he nestled Byunghun closer against him.
"I want you to kiss me."

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