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No matter how precious, a broken record needed to be discarded

"You actually said no to the so-called love of your life."
Ahn Daniel's gaze never faltered.
"You actually thought things through this time around."
So much so that Lee Chanhee could do nothing but gape back at his best friend as he struck all the right cords.
"You didn't want to be forced into anything."
Producers had called upon Lee Chanhee several years prior to his graduation.
Like hawks, they had etched their claws into his skin, marking him as theirs.
In their eyes, Lee Chanhee had been the true embodiment of genius.
Ridiculously talented.
Above all, naïve.
Or so they had thought.
"You didn't want to be a puppet."
Truth be told.
Lee Chanhee hadn't embraced laziness.
Quite on the contrary.
"Still, I can see it in your eyes, dear best friend of mine." Niel whispered before lightly biting on his lower lip.
For once in his life.
Lee Chanhee had chosen to challenge himself.
Fearlessly, he had looked his future in the eye. His gentle smile enrapturing the producers before him just as easily as his daunting gaze. Even more so as he had carefully passed a hand through his impeccably coiffed hair.
All before obliterating all of their wishes.
Indeed, no words could have explained, not only the incredulous looks on their faces as Lee Chanhee had simply asked them if they'd rather sleep on a king-sized or a queen-sized bed; but also their shock when Lee Chanhee had announced that only when he had fully taken the time to answer that question would he call upon them to finish their conversation.
"I can see that you desperately want to hold onto Minsoo."
In other words, Lee Chanhee had properly shat all over their parades without a care in the world.
After all, if this path that he had laid out for himself throughout his life was meant to be, he would meet it once more.
It didn't matter if he took the time to slow down and relax. If he truly were as gifted as they made him out to be, opportunities would come his way once more, wouldn't they?
Just this once.
Lee Chanhee had given in to his curiosity regarding things that he had never considered.
"Just as I can see how much your heart longs for Byunghun."
Lee Chanhee had grown curious of his reaction to not knowing where he was going.
He had given in and it had properly bitten him in the ass.
"Here's the catch though. You've never told Minsoo that you wanted to be with him but you told Byunghun." Niel pushed on as he leaned forward. "Hell, you told me that you wanted Byunghun."
Every day.
Every second.
Lee Chanhee cursed Mother Nature for that fateful rainy day.
Even more so, he cursed each and every raindrop that had forced him to set foot in that coffee shop.
"Those were not my exact words." Chanhee cleared his throat before reaching for his phone.
"You sought him out! You texted him first!" Niel snapped as he pulled Chanhee's phone out of the latter's reach. "Hell, I helped you write your text to the first person that you wanted to befriend."
Every day.
Every second.
Lee Chanhee wondered what had possessed him to ask for Lee Byunghun's number.
Even more so, he wondered what had possessed him to consider ever seeing him again.
"You didn't sit around, indifferent beyond fucking words as to whether or not he would send you a text." Cocking his head to the side, Niel nodded to his frowning best friend. "You took the first the step! You, the infamous Lee Chanhee."
To tell him that he had forgotten his trademark string of profanities or to revel in his calm tone?
Lee Chanhee clearly chose the latter as he reached for his phone once more.
"And it worked." Chanhee deadpanned as he sat back, evading Niel's gaze. "Happy?"
Niel's sudden change in tone proved just how far from content he was.
Especially as Chanhee zeroed in on the waitress making her way towards them.
"However." Niel repeated, kicking Chanhee's shin once more. "You had never expected Byunghun to join your play."
"We're finally being served." Chanhee beamed but Niel ignored his antics.
"You hadn't written shit about this character." Niel pushed on. "That's why, when you fell for him, you ran on back to Minsoo with your tail between your legs."
"I've stopped throwing metaphors your way." Chanhee mused as the waitress placed their plates on the table. "Can't you do the same Daniel?"
"How else am I supposed to get through to that thick head of yours?" Niel snapped as he slammed his hand down on the table.
This waitress had worked in this restaurant for quite some time now.
She had grown used to customers carelessly spilling their soups here and there.
However this was a first.
Her eyes couldn't help but widen as Niel nonchalantly used her apron to wipe his hand.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" She started through gritted teeth.
Only to be ignored as Niel glared back at his calm best friend.
Indeed, Lee Chanhee had never looked better as he scrolled through his phone.
"It was infatuation." Chanhee said matter-of-factly as he pressed on Minsoo's number. "I was simply overtaken by attraction and futile..."
"This is not a lecture." Niel clucked his tongue as he ripped Chanhee's phone from his hands.
"I was about to make a call." Chanhee sighed before catching the waitress still looking down at Niel.
Clearly, she seemed to be waiting for some sort of acknowledgment from him.
Not that Niel would comply.
Instead he rolled his eyes back at Chanhee.
Surely, Minsoo would thank them for allowing him to smoke one more of his precious cigarettes.
"I'm not asking you to depict the love story between Phaedra and Hippolytus." Niel retorted as the waitress edged away.
"You're saying that as though it would be hard." Chanhee mused as he reached for a spoon.
Phaedra and Hippolytus.
A love story.
So Niel had said.
Lee Chanhee couldn't help but lightly scoff as he rested his spoon against his lower lip.
Quite sincerely, Niel's take on the story was cute.
Phaedra's and Hippolytus's story had been one of unrequited and destructive infatuation. Consumed by an ever growing lust for her stepson, Phaedra had been unable to decipher between love in itself and her unrequited, passionate and irrational attraction. Thus pushing her to wrongfully accuse her so-called beloved when he had refused her advances.
Depicting Phaedra's seemingly childlike response to Hippolytus's loyalty as a son towards his father was child's play for Lee Chanhee. Somehow he felt insulted that Niel seemed to think otherwise.
"I know that it's hard." Niel nodded as he reached for his spoon. "That's why I'm asking you to depict yours."
Phaedra was a married woman.
Even more so, Hippolytus was her stepson.
Impending adultery.
Incestuous sexual desire towards her stepson.
All types of warning bells had blared in her mind.
Still she had given in to the burning passion in her bosom.
She had given in to lust.
An irrational desire that she had desperately needed to fulfill.
Questioning her actions was morally just.
Still, when it came down to pure, raw emotions, it was quite futile to judge the poor woman based on morality.
After all, she had long passed her breaking point.
None of that had mattered to her anymore.
None of it.
"Mine and Minsoo's love story is not as intriguing." Chanhee lightly shrugged as he dipped his spoon in his soup. "I need more material to give you a proper analysis, Daniel."
Lee Chanhee only ever used Niel's full name on two occasions.
Either it was out of pure endearment or pure and utter belittlement.
Ahn Daniel had fallen towards the shorter end of that stick.
"Don't patronize me and answer the damn question, Lee Chanhee."
"How do you expect me to depict something that I don't understand, Ahn Daniel?"
By the end of his sentence, Lee Chanhee's voice had slowly died down to that of a whisper.
Niel could only blink back at his best friend as the latter wrapped a hand around his mouth.
Clearly in shock.
Lee Chanhee had not only been surprised by the answer that had shot out of his lips but he'd also been astounded by the obvious irritation in his voice.
Directed at none other than himself.
"That's more than fine." Niel calmly answered as he took in Chanhee's widened eyes. "That's the horror yet the beauty of falling in love."
Truth be told.
Lee Chanhee was being hypocritical.
There he was.
Proudly speaking of Phaedra's tragic love story.
Proudly claiming to have understood Phaedra's sufferings.
"Do you even hear how antithetic you sound?" Chanhee hissed as he rested his elbow on the table.
Yet, the very moment when warning bells had rung in his mind, he had listened.
He had listened and he had fled.
"That's what makes it worthwhile, Chanhee."
Lee Chanhee had been cheating on the man that he would be spending the rest of his life with.
He had been cheating on Bang Minsoo.
It had been vile.
It had been wrong.
Whenever he had felt himself growing closer to Lee Byunghun, he had relentlessly told himself that it had been wrong.
It had become his mantra: 'It was wrong.'
Therefore they had needed to stop.
However the words had never left his lips.
Nothing more than a coward, he had always waited for Lee Byunghun to remind him of the situation.
He had always waited for him to push him away.
All because he hadn't been able to bear doing it himself.
He hadn't been able to bear parting from Lee Byunghun.
"You don't know what you're talking about." A lone tear slid down Chanhee's cheek as he shook his head. "You don't know a thing."
Lee Chanhee was a hypocritical bastard.
There he stood, eager to analyze another's love story.
All the while ignoring his own.
There he stood.
Claiming that Lee Byunghun had broken his heart.
Yet, Lee Chanhee was the only one to blame.
He was the one that had hopelessly fallen in love despite knowing that it was wrong.
He was the one that had given in to this irrational desire.
"Therefore I shouldn't say anything?"
Lee Chanhee had heartlessly slapped Niel's hand away from his cheek.
However it was his harsh tone that stung Ahn Daniel to no end.
"If you're so high and mighty then prove it!" Niel clucked his tongue as he passed a hand though his hair.
"Just shut up, Niel." Chanhee whispered as he wiped his tears.
"I will not shut up when you are sitting there, breaking Minsoo's heart because you are the ignorant one!" Niel snapped before pointing a finger at Chanhee. "Kiss your damn boyfriend once in a while and teach me something! Make me proud of giving him to you!"
"I can't!"
After 15 years, the words had finally left Ahn Daniel's lips.
After 15 years, he had truly acknowledged his love for Minsoo.
Yet this sudden confession of his only paled in comparison to Chanhee's.
For the very first time, that impenetrable wall of his had slightly given in.
Ever so slightly it had given Niel a glimpse of what hid within.
The despair in Chanhee's voice tore at his heart.
The distress in his eyes spurred pity within him.
Niel wanted nothing more than to give his best friend a reassuring hug.
Still he knew better.
"How the mighty have fallen." Niel snorted despite himself.
Ahn Daniel had almost gotten through to Lee Chanhee.
He couldn't revert back to cajoling him after reaching this point.
He needed to spite him some more and spite him he had.
"Give me one good reason as to why I should believe you."
"The more he kisses me, the more I forget the feel of Byunghun's lips."
One of Ahn Daniel's clever comebacks had been sitting on the tip of his tongue.
He had been ready to tear through Lee Chanhee.
He had been ready to obliterate him.
Hence his present shock.
He had been supposed to be on the attacking end.
Yet he suddenly felt weak as he looked back at his best friend.
Knowing that Lee Chanhee loved Lee Byunghun was one thing.
However hearing it was another entirely.
It was a complete other entity that had rendered Niel speechless.
After all.
Lee Chanhee's lower lip was trembling for someone other than Minsoo and Niel.
Lee Chanhee's pain was caused by someone other than Minsoo and Niel.
Lee Chanhee actually cared.
He cared in a way that Niel had seldom seen.
Therefore leaving him unable to think rational thoughts.
Instead, he found himself uttering nonsensical words.
"Every denied kiss." Niel whispered as he recalled the couple's earlier kiss. "Every denied kiss, you're one step closer to breaking up with Minsoo."
"And handing him over to you?"
A tomato.
Ahn Daniel resembled nothing more than a cute little tomato as he blinked back at Lee Chanhee.
"That's the pattern you're hoping for, isn't it?" Chanhee concluded as he brought his spoon to his lips.
This should have been the time for one of Ahn Daniel's witty remarks.
This should have been the time for him to counter attack.
He could only gape at Lee Chanhee's newly built wall.
Equipped with rock solid foundation and top quality bricks.
Ahn Daniel could go through hell and high water but his ass would still be staring at this façade.
"Not at all." Niel spluttered as his spoon slipped from his hands. "If you did that, you could freely date Byunghun!"
Swearing under his breath, Niel looked down at the mess he'd made because of his damned spoon.
Still it paled in comparison to the gentle chuckle that left Lee Chanhee's lips.
"Minsoo would never stop caring for me." Chanhee slightly licked his lower lip before dipping his spoon in his soup once more. "I'm certain of that."
Frowning, Ahn Daniel could only bite back a cry of fury as reality bit him in the ass.
Lee Chanhee's momentary lapse of control was gone.
Completely inexistent as the handsome young man nodded to himself.
"He would never leave, like Byunghun. He would never do something so unexpected." Chanhee lightly chuckled to himself as he brought his spoon to his lips.
Or at least attempted to.
No words could explain the look of fury in Niel's eyes as he snatched Chanhee's spoon from his hands.
Only to pour its contents on Chanhee's face as he got to his feet. Spluttering, the latter could only blink through the bits of soup adorning his face as Niel stood up in a loud clatter.
"You hadn't been expecting that either but it still happened!" Niel hollered as he rounded the table. "Byunghun left you because you had, and still fucking have a damn boyfriend! Any rational person would have expected that, you egoistical little piece of shit!" Grabbing Chanhee in a headlock, Niel couldn't help but cluck his tongue. "Have you not been listening to a thing that I've been saying over the past 20 minutes or so? Has nothing gotten through to that thick head of yours?"
Several onlookers had started taking interest in the dueling best friends.
More importantly, in their contrasting reactions.
Ahn Daniel could have very well given a pro-wrestler a run for his money as he tightened his hold on Lee Chanhee. Just like Lee Chanhee could have very well been the envy of many as his melodious chuckle brought a smile to all that surrounded him. Even more so as he lovingly rested a hand on his best friend's arm.
Truthfully, the whole should have been worrying but it was somewhat endearing.
Especially to Lee Chanhee as he listened to Niel.
Ahn Daniel would have made a Saint's ears bleed with all the swearing that he was doing. Still, there was no doubt in Lee Chanhee's mind that this was his best friend that he knew and loved.
His everything.
His anchor.
Of course, Ahn Daniel was far from refined.
He wore his heart on his sleeve and violence was his first answer to nonsensical situations.
However he had this mesmerizing ability to perfectly read those that surrounded him.
Thus enabling him to judge them without bias.
Knowing this, Lee Chanhee had undoubtedly listened to his each and every word.
All of them had gotten through to him.
Not that he would give Niel the satisfaction of knowing this fact.
"I'm stubborn like that." Chanhee teased as nestled his cheek close to Niel's. "Don't you know that, Daniel?"
"You mindless little prick!"
Niel's sentence ended in a pained groan as his head lurched backwards.
All before hitting against a strong chest.
Niel would have retaliated had hands not slowly wrapped around his shoulders.
Just as the pungent smell of cigarettes gently wrapped around him.
"Did I or did I not tell you to stop hitting him?"
Niel was tall.
Oddly tall.
Yet Minsoo still held his ground next to him.
Thus making this situation slightly more than uncomfortable.
Not that Minsoo cared as he simply peered closer.
His lips, of all things, nearing ever closer to Niel's.
So much so that the latter couldn't help but tightly close his eyes before pushing him away.
"Your berating me would be justified if you'd actually let me punch him!"
At the very moment, Ahn Daniel could have very well fit into a group of enamored teenage girls.
He was hopelessly cute as he tried feigning indifference.
Only to purely and utterly fail.
Lee Chanhee couldn't help but bite back a small smile as Minsoo slightly made a face.
All before reaching forward and grabbing Niel's hand.
"Get your hands off of me Bang Minsoo!" Niel warned as he tried prying his hand away.
"Will you then hit Chanhee?" Minsoo tried as he gave a brisk tug.
A choked gasp left Niel's lips as he bumped against Minsoo's chest once more.
Somehow, he knew that he should have reveled at their proximity.
Still, he couldn't help but purse his lips as he looked straight into his eyes.
"Will you then hit me tenfold?"
"Aren't you the smart one, Daniel?" Minsoo winked before ruffling his hair.
"Stop touching me you blind, idiotic, ruffian!"
"Do people even remember the meaning of that word?" Minsoo raised an eyebrow as he easily snaked his arm around Niel's shoulders.
"As long as you understand, ruffian!" Niel stuttered as he ran off.
Or at least attempted to.
Lee Chanhee stifled a laugh at their cute antics.
More importantly Niel's cute antics as he gave a loud cheer after successfully elbowing Minsoo's stomach.
Only to splutter as his forehead was flicked.
"Can't you two always be this sweet towards one another?" Chanhee teasingly called as Niel sat back down, massaging his forehead.
"Wouldn't you be jealous?" Minsoo lightly proposed as he shrugged off his jacket.
"Jealous of two wrestling beagles?" Chanhee made a face before lightly biting on tip of his spoon. "I'll pass."
The following minute, a small yelp escaped his lips as Minsoo teasingly flicked his forehead.
Frowning, Chanhee stuck his tongue at him before trying to focus back on his food.
Emphasis on the trying part.
"Did or did I not tell you to call me when the food got here?"
Chanhee froze as he felt himself pulled closer to Minsoo's side.
The latter's strong arm securely fastened around his thin waist.
Far from being in the mood, Chanhee gently tried wriggling him off.
To no avail.
He could only let out a small sigh as Minsoo teasingly rubbed his nose against his cheek.
"Last time I checked you were far from blind, Bang Minsoo." Chanhee noted as he slightly turned to face him. "You arrived just in time for your food. I perfectly upheld my end of the bargain."
Not that Bang Minsoo truly cared.
Instead Chanhee could only blink as Minsoo stole a chaste kiss from his lips.
Followed by an endearing smile.
"It's your punishment." He winked as he leaned off of him. "My food's cold, Lee Chanhee. What will you do if it's no longer edible?"
"Kisses are my punishment?" Chanhee mused as he brought his bottle of beer to his lips.
Quite sincerely, that kiss had been a punishment.
Bang Minsoo knew that Chanhee hated nothing more than the smell of cigarette.
Hell, now he could practically taste them on his lips.
"I wouldn't have called that a kiss." Minsoo teased, seemingly leaning in for a real one.
Much to Niel's and Chanhee's dismay.
"I'm trying to eat here." Niel rolled his eyes before bursting out laughing.
After all, Minsoo's face was more than amusing.
Lee Chanhee had more than expertly fended him off using his chopsticks and spoon.
The back of his spoon perfectly pressed against Minsoo's cheek as he hit his lips with his chopsticks.
"I would call this abuse." Minsoo mock cried.
"I haven't resorted to your methods yet, ruffian." Chanhee winked as he pushed him away.
"You two need to stop trying to sound so smart when you very well know that you are stupid to the bone." Minsoo sighed as he reached for his chopsticks.
"Do you perhaps need a mirror, Bang Minsoo?" Chanhee and Niel called in perfect unison.
Although he rolled his eyes, there was no denying Minsoo's small smile as the two high-fived.
His smile only broadened as Chanhee turned back to him, teasingly sticking his tongue out at him.
Though they had argued a little while ago, they now talked normally.
Hell, they had never managed to stay mad at each other for too long.
Quite sincerely.
They were perfect for each other.
Just as Lee Chanhee perfectly knew.
After all he had planned it all.
He had planned it all down to the finest detail.
All except for the gentle hand that fell onto his shoulder.
"Would you look at that?" Niel noted as he played with his chopsticks. "I thought that you had left us for good."
"Before digging in." Byunghun chided him before cocking his head to the side.
It had been six months.
Six very long months.
Lee Chanhee's body remembered every detail of this soothing touch.
All the way down to his skillful fingertips.
"I have something to say!" Byunghun continued.
Slightly clearing his throat, Lee Chanhee tried recollecting his thoughts.
Only to purely and utterly fail.
Minute by minute, though Byunghun's gentle voice comfortably wrapped around him, his fingers only seemed to set Chanhee's whole body alight.
Indeed, second by second, Lee Chanhee's body grew all the more aware of the feel of Lee Byunghun.
All the more aware of Lee Byunghun's fingers gently playing along his jumper's collar.
Teasingly pushing the material off of him.
Ever so slowly.
Bit by bit.
All before brushing against his now exposed skin.
In that instant, a slight gasp escaped Chanhee's lips.
Much to Minsoo's surprise.
Not that Niel would give him enough time to decipher anything more than that.
"Multitasking. Do look it up." Niel expertly cut in as he reached for his rice. "Talk as you eat."
"Niel's right." Minsoo mused as he also reached for his rice.
"I'm starving here and I don't need your speech to keep me from all this goodness." Niel warned as he brandished his spoon.
"I'll be quick." Byunghun reassured him as he leaned forward.
His chin ever so slightly grazing the top of Chanhee's head.
So much so that the latter slightly curled into himself to avoid any more contact between them.
"This is going to take long." Minsoo teasingly cackled before Byunghun lightly shoved the back of his head. "Do you think they have microwaves?"
"The sooner I talk, the better for you guys." Byunghun snapped his fingers.
"We already gave him a toast!" Niel whined before falling into a small pout.
"It doesn't hurt to give him another one." Byunghun sweetly added.
Only to earn himself a far from adorable response from Niel.
"I beg to differ."
"Hurry it up, before he gets any uglier, Byunghunnie." Minsoo rolled his eyes just as Niel kicked his shin.
"Shall we really list what else is ugly at this table?" Niel scoffed as he folded his arms across his chest.
"Hm." Minsoo slightly bit his lower lip before leaning forward. "Shall I point you out as an entity or can I be specific?"
"Postpone World War X, won't you?" Chanhee clucked his tongue at his two favorite idiots.
All the while, leaning back against Byunghun.
Out of habit.
"Isn't it World War XX, by now?" Byunghun chuckled.
All the while easily looking down at Chanhee.
Out of habit.
Needless to say.
Those six months apart had been supposed to erase these habits.
Still, Lee Chanhee was no fool.
He knew for a fact that old habits die hard. Therefore he had known that their resurfacing would have been inevitable.
Still he felt like pulverizing these habits of his as he looked up into Byunghun's deep eyes.
All under Niel's careful gaze.
There was something incredibly captivating about the way Chanhee folded back against Byunghun's slim torso. Somehow, the deed should have been near impossible when looking at Byunghun's tiny frame.
Yet there sat Chanhee.
His head fitting right in the crook of Byunghun's neck.
His gaze easily meeting Byunghun's as the latter cocked his head to the side.
A beautiful smile adorning his lips.
Just as beautiful as Chanhee's bright gaze, despite his relentless blinking.
Every blink, his long eyelashes slightly brushed against Byunghun's chin.
Hence tickling him to no end.
Hence bringing forth that charming chuckle of his.
Just as charming as Chanhee's slight frown.
Truth be told.
They were quite the pair.
It didn't help that they were both ridiculously good looking to boot.
It only gave more reason for Niel to love seeing them together.
Only for the feeling to dissolve into thin air the moment that he took in the equally handsome young man on Chanhee's right.
"About this speech." Niel cleared his throat as he passed a hand across his face.
"Here's a toast to..." Byunghun started, his eyes never leaving Chanhee's.
"Grab your beer before you start!" Niel clucked his tongue as he sent a brief glance towards Minsoo. "At this rate we'll be starting over four times."
"Says the one cutting me, every time." Byunghun noted as Chanhee handed him his bottle.
"Says the one wasting time." Niel tactfully shot back.
"Say the two idiots keeping me from my food."
Their tones had been light.
Gently teasing.
Completely different from Minsoo's as he sat back.
His eyes rooted onto Byunghun.
"Can you start?" Minsoo nodded towards Byunghun before taking a swig from his beer.
"If you insist." Byunghun shot back with just as much gusto. "Here's a toast to this dear friend of ours for getting such an opportunity. Congratulations, Lee Chanhee."
Much too perplexed by Minsoo's sudden mood change, Chanhee had absent-mindedly brought his bottle to his lips.
Therefore justifying his surprise as Byunghun gently shook his shoulder.
Abruptly turning around, his nose slightly brushed against Byunghun's.
Thus making him ever so conscious of their proximity.
More precisely of the proximity of their moist lips.
Lee Chanhee's breath stilled as memories churned through his mind.
All it would take was for one of them to talk for their lips to touch.
All it would take was for one of them to do as much as exhale for it to occur.
That was all it would take.
However that had only been wishful thinking on their part.
"Get back to your seat, Lee Byunghun." Bang Minsoo called.
Defiant, he didn't even bother glancing towards Byunghun as he pulled Chanhee closer to him.
Not that Lee Byunghun gave it much thought.
Unlike Lee Chanhee.
Bang Minsoo was jealous beyond repair.
It was an undeniable fact.
Therefore Chanhee had more than anticipated his arm wrapping around him.
He had known it all.
Lee Chanhee had not expected seeing Lee Byunghun tonight.
Still, his ass had been silently waiting for them in front of this very restaurant about two hours ago.
Lee Chanhee had not expected Lee Byunghun to even acknowledge his mere presence.
Still, his infectious smile had spurred an array of butterflies within him.
Lee Chanhee had not expected to feel him so close ever again.
Lee Chanhee could still feel his warm breath tickling his skin.
Teasing him.
Enrapturing him.
Torturing him.
Indeed, Lee Chanhee had not planned any of this.
He had not and it bothered him.
After all, they were over.
Lee Chanhee's heart was no longer supposed to react to him.
So what was this?
Lee Chanhee's heart was no longer supposed to nearly beat out of his chest because of him.
What was this?
This was not how it was supposed to go.
Lee Chanhee goddamn knew that this had not been the plan!
Therefore he couldn't help but close his eyes.
He couldn't help but relentlessly try to gather his thoughts.
To no avail.
After all.
The smile that flooded his mind was not the one that he had hoped for.

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