The Imposter | Chapter Nine [Soiree]

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[Chapter Nine]


soirée \swah-REY\

(n). An evening party or social gathering, esp. one held for a particular purpose



Insert death march music. Dun dun dun.

It's tonight, but it kind of takes over the whole day. Teachers usually don't bother with class work because the students are too antsy while waiting for the night's festivities. All after school activities are cancelled for the day, and if a teacher is stupid enough to assign a test, the grades are usually worthless. Most of the day is a waste of time, but the school has to get in their certain number of days a we all show up. Frankly, I never saw the excitement of Prom, other than it marks the end of the year. After Prom, there is only about a month left and then the freedom of summer sets in.

The school part of the day actually went by pretty fast. I was surprised because I was sure that it was going to drag on and on. But, it was over before I could sneeze. Probably because I was dreading the dance and things go faster when you don't want them to. I didn't want to see Kyle tonight, for more than one reason. Mainly, though, because he was such an ass and had basically been forced into taking me to Prom. He could have said no, and I just didn't understand why he agreed to go through with it. If someone hated a person that much, wouldn't they do everything in their power to stay away? I know Olivia is a hard person to say no to, but Kyle has no problem being a jerk. It just didn't make sense to me and I didn't want to think about the reasons why. However, before I knew it, the bell rang and I was whisked off to Olivia's house to get ready for the dance.

My parents were aware of my plans for the night, but I still made sure to call them and let them know where I was and what I was doing. We stopped at my house briefly to grab my dress and shoes and then we made our way to Olivia's house. She had the makeup, so her house was the ideal place to get ready. I had no idea what to do with myself, but Olivia knew how to do my hair and makeup so I just sat back and let her do the works.
We had about two hours to get ready before the guys showed up to take us to dinner. According to Olivia, we had almost no time to get anything done. I didn't see how we couldn't brush some makeup on and do our hair in less than two hours. It seemed feasible to me.

She had me wash my hair and blow-dry it while she focused on her hairstyle. She did something with the curling iron and then twisted it so that it was a loose ponytail over her right shoulder. I have no idea what she did, but in the end it looked gorgeous on her. By the time she was done my hair was dry and ready for her ministrations.

"I'm going to do a partial up-do," she said cheerfully. "It's going to be half up half down, with light curls framing your face. There will be a couple small braids in the pulled back section to add texture and then the rest of your hair will be curled. Okay?" I gave her a blank look and nodded. I had no idea what she was talking about but it sounded good enough to me. Olivia gave a happy clap and literally skipped over to her bathroom counter where the hair stuff lay. I was sure that at any moment she was going to break into a song and dance number.

Two hours later, exactly, my hair had been pulled, teased, curled, twisted and sprayed. The ozone layer now had a hole the size of Lake Erie from all the hairspray she used, but my hair looked gorgeous. Olivia was a master when it came to styling hair. She was also amazing with makeup. Somehow she had found a light bronze eye shadow that contrasted nicely with my dress, hair and eye color.

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