The Imposter | Chapter Twenty-One [Plucky]

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[Chapter Twenty-One]


plucky \PLUHK-ee\

(adj.) Having or showing pluck or courage; brave


Cursing, I would like to note, is a rather creative way of expressing one's emotions. Kyle is quite adept in the field of cursing. In fact, I don't think I've heard of half the things he yelled, excluding the different languages of course. Some suggestions were not anatomically possible, nor did others make sense, but he was livid so I guess common sense went out the window.

"JAY!" he finally bellowed, sending him into a fit of coughing. The medics rushed over and started scolding him for putting too much strain on his vocal chords, but he told them to 'go away'. He was angry and upset and apparently, needed to see Jay right away.

"Excuse me?" I asked a medic as they raced by. The young man stopped and walked over to me, his face lined with concern.


"Uh hi," I said awkwardly. "Do you see a guy, Jay, with electric blue hair around anywhere? We really need to speak to him, right now. It's a matter of life and death." I tried to give him an innocent, yet sexy smile, hoping it would spur him into action.

"I'll look," he promised with a grin. Minutes later my Prince Charming wheeled Jay over on a stretcher. He too looked livid, but only because they were refusing to let him walk.

"I'm not crippled!" he growled, shooting daggers with his black eyes.

"You've just been under a great deal of stress and your body needs as much rest and relaxation as it can get. You're lucky we moved you over here, but your friends said it was an emergency." Jay's head whipped to us at the word 'emergency', and tried to convey a silent message. Luckily, the medic left us alone, grumbling insults as he walked away.

"What is going on here?" Jay demanded in a low voice.

"Dash just stopped by and told us that all the cars were rigged to bomb except yours. In the front seat was this note." Kyle handed Jay the note that Dash had passed off to us. It read:

Dearest Julian,

I hope you enjoyed the fireworks. They were designed especially for you. I'll pretend and say that I'm sorry for your loss and I hope you can eventually get over the death of your 'friends'. Maybe this will be enough of a warning to you. Stop trying to catch me. Or more will die.

Yours always and forever,


Jay read the note a couple times before crumpling it in his fist. He looked up at us with hollow eyes and I nearly shivered from the cold fury he was emanating. I could see the physical struggle he was having as he fought to control his emotions. I prayed that he wouldn't lose his temper because he was scary enough without the added anger.

"You need to take Dayna home, where it's safe," Jay finally ground out. "I'm going to have a talk with Faux to see what he wants to do about this situation. It's obvious that I'm getting close; Lisa would never stoop to useless taunts of this proportion. She's more likely to inconvenience me than to kill my friends."

Kyle nodded silently, shooting me a side-glance. I inclined my head slightly, letting him know that I understood his silent message. He had something to say to me before we did anything else.

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