Chapter 10

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Half an hour has passed since Lydia has made her way into our house and has practically gone through Allison's entire closest to pick out the perfect outfit for her. Lydia took one look at me when I opened the door and gave me a look of approval. Allison, on the other hand, received a lip curl from Lydia. My black skater skirt and sweater obviously trumps Allison's skinny jeans and buttoned up blouse in Lydia's opinion.

"Pass." Lydia says with a flick of her hand as Allison holds up a black shirt.

I roll over on my stomach, crossing my ankles. This whole week has been rather boring. Everyday after school, I would go for my daily run and go by the burned down house that I always see Derek at. I still need answers about Scott. Yet, every time I go there, he is nowhere to be found.

"Pass." Lydia repeats once again. She stands up from the bed and wanders over to Allison's closet. "Pass. Mm. Pass." Lydia says, while flicking through her clothes. "Let me see. Pass. Pass. Uh, pass on all of it."

I snicker from the bed, earning a glare from my twin. Most of the time, people compliment Allison on her style, it's nice to have someone disagree for once.

"Allison, respect for your taste is...uh...dwindling by the second." Lydia continues to look through the clothes and pulls out a black sparkly shirt. "This, this is perfect."

Allison grabs the shirt from Lydia's outstretched hand. My sister holds the top against her torso to check her reflection in the mirror. The top is actually quite cute with the sequins on the front.

"Wait." I narrow my eyes. "Is that my top?"

My sister fakes an innocent look. "I-"

At that moment, Allison is saved from coming up with a plausible excuse because Dad strolls into the room, fixing the cuffs on his sleeves. I push myself up in a sitting position, surprised by his unannounced arrival.

"Dad, hello?" Allison frowns, holding up the top to show that we were in the middle of something.

Dad locks eyes with me and then looks back from where he walked in. "Right. I'm sorry. I completely forgot to knock."

Lydia falls backwards on the bed near me. "Hi, Mr. Argent." She twirls a piece of hair around her finger.

"Dad, do you need something?" Allison drops her hand to her side with the shirt almost touching the ground.

Dad makes sure to look at all three of us before speaking. "I just wanted you to know that you'll be staying in tonight."

"What?" Allison's glances at me for help. "We're going out with our friends tonight."

"Not when there is some animal out there attacking people." Dad shakes his head.

I know Allison is expecting me to fight for us to go out tonight, but I don't really want to go bowling. If we stay home, then I don't have to watch Scott and be worried that he may hurt my sister. We could just stay home and watch movies instead.

"Dad-" Allison tries to speak. "Dad, I-"

"It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one is allowed out past nine thirty PM." Dad sternly says, staring at the two of us. "Hey, no more arguing."

Allison tosses the shirt on the bed, once Dad leaves the room. At least now I don't have to be on a date with some random guy that Danny picked out for me.

"Someone's daddy's little girl." Lydia comments, smirking.

"Actually, that's normally me." I speak up.

Allison bites her lip. "Sometimes, but not tonight." She pulls a beanie over her hair.

I climb to my feet. "I know where this is going." I yank my boots back on over my feet.

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