Chapter 25

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I yank the steering wheel to the left to keep this little car chase interesting. Derek had this plan on how to find the Alpha and part of the plan was to make my family think that they were really chasing him when, in fact, it is Scott, Stiles, and me. Scott tried to get Derek to let him drive the Camaro, but I took the keys from him before he could even ask. No way am I missing this opportunity to drive the Camaro. Stiles was forced to slide around in the backseat.

I laugh as I watch Aunt Kate whip around the corner right behind us. Stiles slams into the window, groaning while rubbing his forehead. "You alright back there, Stiles? You know you wouldn't be sliding around if you had your seatbelt on."

"There isn't any." Stiles says while peeking through the back window.

I check the rearview mirror. "Faster?"

Stiles locks eyes with me in the mirror. "Much faster."

"My pleasure." I shift into the gear. My shoe presses down on the gas and Stiles is forced down in his seat. I laugh, enjoying all of this way too much. Adrenaline is pumping through my veins like a drug.

Scott grips the door handle for dear life. "Maybe I should have drove."

I take my eyes off of the road for a split second. "Don't be such a wuss, Scott."

"EYES ON THE ROAD!" Stiles yells from the backseat.

"Do you guys not trust me at all? I'm a good driver and I don't really think you understand the concept of a car chase. Scott, I don't think you're grasping the concept of a car chase here."

Scott gives me a look like I'm crazy. "If you go faster, you'll kill us."

"Well, if I don't go faster, they're gonna kill us!" I point out. I shift into the next gear, eyes glued to the road as I go down a curvy road. "Now, I don't know about you two, but I don't want to be killed by my crazy, psychotic Aunt!"

"They're gone." Stiles states, confused.

"What?!" I panic. Do they have Derek?

Stiles squeezes himself between the two front seats to turn on the police scanner. "All units, suspect is on foot, heading into the Iron Works."

Without giving either of them a warning, I yank the car around in a one eighty, the two of them slam into the wall as I speed down the road. Okay. This is okay. They don't have Derek. He's just on the run with many police officers and my crazy family chasing him.

"Do you see him?" I ask as soon as I pull into the Iron Works.

Scott peers out of the window. "No- there he is!" He points to Derek, who is crouched behind a machine. Scott climbs in the backseat with Stiles while I push the door open. "Get in!"

Derek sprints to the car, dodging multiple bullets being shot at him. He dives in the car and once he is fully in, I slam on the gas. The door shuts, sealing us all in. Bullets ricochet off of the car and I use all of my focus to get us out of here safely. Derek's uneven breathe fills the car.

"Just to let you know, your girlfriend is a bit of a dare devil." Stiles speaks up first.

"What part of laying low don't you understand?" Scott squeezes his head between the seats to glare at Derek.

Derek slams his hands on the dashboard. "Damn it, I had him!"

Stiles makes room for head. "Who, the Alpha?"

"Yes! He was right in front of me, and the friggin' police showed up." Derek angrily growls.

I relax slightly when I look in the rearview mirror to see that I lost everyone. I lower the speed under one hundred, still ready to floor it, if needed.

In The Shadows (Teen Wolf) (Shadow Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now