Chapter 29

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   The three of us hike through the woods to Derek's house. Feeling uneasy, I keep an arrow ready. I get this feeling that Peter could show up at any time and I don't have supernatural strength or fangs to fight back with, so I need to have my bow drawn at the ready. We left the guy locked in the underground tunnels. Someone might find him in a couple days.

   Derek slows down until coming to a full stop. "Hey. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Something doesn't feel right."

   Scott turns around. "What do you mean?"

   I stand between the two of them. Am I not the only one who feels like this? There's just this unsettling feeling in my stomach that something bad is coming. I just hope it's not Peter.

   "I don't know. It's- it's kind of like it's-" Derek starts to say.

   "No, don't say 'too easy.'" I hold up my hand, warningly. "People say "too easy" and bad things happen."

   Scott steps around me to stand closer to Derek. "What, do you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy."

   Derek sighs. "Fine. You're right."

   "Thank you."

   "Let's just keep moving-" I get knocked to the side by Derek when an arrow flies toward us. The arrow barely misses Derek and if he hadn't knocked me out of the way, it would have buried itself in his arm. I scramble on the dead leaves for my bow that landed a few feet away.

   A flash bolt arrow soars through the air and explodes when it flies in to Derek's leg. "Scott, your eyes!"

   I cover my eyes with my hand, grabbing my bow. Aunt Kate must have found us. Derek grabs my arm and shields my body with his. Scott holds his arm up to block the bright explosion. "Is it my Aunt?"

   "And your sister." Derek gasps as another arrow explodes. "Stay behind me."

   Allison? She's helping Aunt Kate attack us? Since when did Allison know about werewolves?! I thought the whole point of me becoming a hunter was to keep Allison from living this kind of life? Derek falls to the ground. An arrow sticks out of his chest, blood seeping through his shirt. No. Why are they still shooting at us? Don't they see that I'm with them? Is Aunt Kate really that crazy to be willing to kill me just to get to them?

   "Get up! Let's go!" Derek shouts at Scott, who fell down.

   Derek hides me behind him while Aunt Kate and Allison briskly walk over to us. He doesn't want me to be seen by them. I pull a new arrow out of the canister on my back. I don't want to have to shoot Aunt Kate, but I can't allow Derek or Scott to get hurt. They're innocent. Peter is the one they should be after.

   "Again." Aunt Kate commands.

   Derek leans all of his weight on me. I struggle to keep him up right. "Scott, take Clara!" Scott scrambles towards me until another arrow is set in his direction.

   "Wait, Clara?" Allison breathes. I stand up straight, shoulders rolled back.

   Aunt Kate's eyes widen. "Well, what do we have here?"

   Derek collaspes on the ground, clutching his chest. Anger courses through my veins as I prepare an arrow, althoug I keep it pointed at the ground. Allison, no longer in her dress, lowers her bow. Scott pants heavily on the ground behind me. Now, they finally get to see who I really am. I didn't plan on ever telling Allison this way. Hurt can clearly be seen in her eyes. This is worse than the fight.

   "I'm sorry, Allison. I can't let you hurt them anymore." I lift my bow up to point it at my family.

   "You little traitor!" Aunt Kate screams. "You've been on their side from the beginning, haven't you?"

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