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*Oliver's POV*

I caught up with my friend Jordan on my way to my new school in Bellhaven a few minutes before 8 a.m.  I was a little nervous about going to the new school.  I didn't know anyone that goes there but Jordan.  Part of me wondered if I'd find my Soul Mate there, but I kept that to myself.  No one needed to know that I was hoping I could find her there.  People could start thinking I was desperate or something.  I mean - my Soul Charm has never gotten warmer after I was born.  Only when I met Jordan and some of my other friends.  It's been warmest only with him.  Never hot or glowing like it was supposed to.  So, every time I move to a new neighborhood, I hope that I will run into her...or's possible that my Soul Mate could be a him.

The Soul Mate Charms are these things that every person is given when they're born.  Girls get crescent moon charms with their birthstone in the thicker part of the crescent.  Boys get suns with their birthstone stuck in the center.  It's said that when you find and meet your Soul Mate, both Charms will glow brightly and become unbearably hot for a moment, before settling back into glowing.  When you get farther from your Mate, the Charms get colder.  But, they've been known to become warm when you find a close friend.  

Jordan was coming to school in - what would be considered - all dressed up for him.  Dark ripped jeans, a dark blue band T-shirt, and Vans with a black hoodie.  It might not sound like much, but it was for him.  I wasn't trying to do any of that.  I wanted to just present myself as me.  Plain black joggers, slightly worn gray T-shirt, Nikes and a black hoodie.  Jordan smiled when he came out of his house and started walking with me.

"You excited, bro?" he asked. 

I shrugged. "Kinda.  Yeah."  I touched my Charm absent-mindedly.  Would it warm up today?  Would that happen because I'd found my Soul Mate?

"Why didn't you dress up a little, Oli?  You're at a new school now.  Don't you wanna make an impression if you find your Soul Mate or a new friend?" Jordan asked me, his hands in his hoodie pockets.

I shrugged again and pushed my hand through my hair.  "I'd think my Soul Mate would accept me for who I am.  Not the clothes I'm wearing on my first day meeting him or her."

Jordan shook his head and smiled.  "I'd rather make an impression.  With the way you look, she might think she's been stuck with a drug dealer or a bum for a Mate."

I rolled my eyes at him.  "You don't think this Soul Mate thing through well do you, Jor?"

"What is there to think through?  They're the person you're meant to spend eternity with.  I would like my Mate's first impression to last.  She should be able to think back on it fondly and remember me being a perfectly charming gentleman that was dressed to impress." Jordan replied with exaggerated gestures.

I rolled my eyes again.  "Wow.  See, my interpretation of it is that if we're meant to be, clothes don't matter, do they.  It only matters that she accepts who I am.  Clothes get old and worn out and eventually get thrown away.  Looks fade.  Personality is the only thing that is guaranteed to stay.  Impressions don't matter for anything but an interview for a job or something."

We'd arrived at the school now and there were a lot of kids swarming around the front steps.  Jordan and I walked up the brick walkway that led to the school and I couldn't believe how many people there were.  I had to deal with all these kids as I went through my last year of high school?  Good God.

As Jordan and I walked up to the school, I could feel my Charm grow a little warmer.  I looked at Jordan and caught his eye, a small smile crossed my lips and I knew that he and I were thinking the same thing.  She was here.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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