Chapter 17

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Do you hear that noise? Yup that’s my heart breaking in half.

“No! You can’t do this! Austin can see the kids when ever he wants, he doesn’t even have to pay child support! Please don’t take away my babies!”

“I’m sorry Miss. Crystal, but Austin has the money to take care of the kids and you do not.”

“I will soon earn that money! I still have a lot left!! Just give me time please! Austin doesn’t even know how to change them or feed them! Or know why there crying, you can’t-

“The deed is done! Austin will learn, you must have everything packed by tonight because tomorrow morning Austin is coming by to get the kids and you will sign this paper saying that you agreed to all terms and conditions. You will get to se the kids every Saturday and Sunday. Now in terms of holidays and birth days… you two will have to talk about that.” I just stood there speechless. Forest looked so pissed and Sydney looked like she was about to cry.

“Please” I whispered. “You cant do this.”

“I already have! Come with me Austin, we need to get something’s figured out.” He nodded.

“Yes I will be out in a minute.” Austin had red puffy eyes he looked like he was trying not to cry.

“Crystal I didn’t know this would happen, I swear-“

“Leave her alone!” Forest stood up and pulled me behind his back. I was at a lose for words.

“Look man I don’t know you-“

“That’s right you don’t know me, but I know of you Austin. I know more about the kids and what Crystal does more then you ever will!” Austin just stood there allowing Forest to continue.

“Did you know Crystal gets up every two hours? Did you know what she has missed out on in terms of school? I bring her home work we she misses school, which is almost everyday! She missed football games, pep rallies. She hardly has any friends because she can’t hang out with them or they left her because she has kids!!” Forest looked like he was going to burst.

Sydney came up and started talking, I looked over and the kids were sound asleep. Good, thing there heavy sleepers, they got that from me. I don’t want them to hear this.

“She won’t even pay to get a babysitter to go out for an hour because she is afraid to leave her kids. She was scared you would come around when she wasn’t home and take them away.” Before Sydney could say anything else I interrupted. My voice came out shaky.

“I loved you Austin, most the time I would stay awake seeing if you were going to come back. Waiting to see you come in and say that you were sorry about what you did and that is would never happen again, but you didn’t. Is this what you wanted? To rip my kids away from me and have some over women be called mom!!”

“They are my kids too Crystal!”

“Oh really? You only held one of them do you know who that was?” Silence.

“It was Summer! Did you feed them? Give them baths? Read them stories? Get them dressed?” Still nothing, I took a step forward.

“Did you know I still need to take them to the doctors? They still need shots did you know that? Did you know that when they get older they have to be tested for asthma?” He shook his head.

“There first words were mamma” I whispered. “And there still learning new ones.” With that I picked up Summer and Colton and asked Sydney to get April and Dustin.

As I was walking past Austin I said “I hope you know what your doing because one day the kids will find out the truth and there not going to like it.” I walked away with Sydney and put the babies down in there crib and kissed each one of the little babies’ foreheads.

Austin Mahone love story (babies)Where stories live. Discover now