Chapter 22

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Recap: April, the youngest baby stopped breathing and Austin and Crystal took her and Summer Dustin and Colton to the hospital to make sure there ok. Crystal and Austin still have feelings for each other. There not together yet because Crystal needs to earn Austin's love back.
(You can always go back and read what happened)

It's been two days since I last saw April. I called my mom and she picked up the Dustin, Summer and Colton so we could go home and get some rest. Mom told some family members for me. I left the hospital twice. One time yesterday to get a shower and some clothes and once today to check on my kids change and change clothes. Austin stayed when I left and vice versa.

I had to use all the strength I could to get him to leave today. I needed to speak to his mom and manager about tour. I know he's going to refuse... But he has no choice, he loves singing and performing and I can't take that away from him.

No one has come out to talk to me about April, I have asked the desk lady over 40 times since we got here. I pulled out my phone and went to Facebook... here goes nothing..

'Three days ago my youngest daughter April was taken to the hospital because she starting to stop breathing. I have only left the hospital 2 times, ask the lady at the desk what was going on with my baby girl, getting a reptile of "when the doctor comes out he will let you know miss". I have been waiting three days, I just want to know!
My mother always said I was very patient person and still am, but how can I be when no one will tell me anything about my child!
I will try and keep everyone updated. Love you!'

It's three in the afternoon and Austin texted saying he will be longer and will bring food for me. I texted him back with a quick 'ok love you and see you soon.' Just as I sent that the doctor came out. Miss Crystal? For April? I bolted out of my seats fast as possible.

"What's the news?"

"Well when you brought her in she was on the verge of dying. It was hard to get her to come back because she's a baby. Because she's too little we had to lightly push on her chest to get oxygen flowing threw her body. (I forgot what it was.. Sorry brain fart! :(.) we had to preform that on her twice." By now I had silent tears running down my face trying to breath properly.

"Ok, but is she awake? Can I see her?" I said in a shaky breath. He sighed threw his nose.

"April almost dyed twice as you know, and because of that she was put in a 'cube crib' (that's what I call them, it's where pre-mature babies go.) with a breathing tube. So far.. she is alive, but we don't know if she will make it or not. I'm so sorry, we'll keep you updated."

With that I just broke, I slid down that wall and started sobbing. It was so loud it hurt my chest, my standees looked and me in sympathy. My heart hurt. It hurt so fucking bad I felt like dying. I didn't even know Austin got here until he pulled me into his lap rocking me back and forth, whispering 'what happened?' 'Baby talk to be' 'shhhhh' over and over again till my eyes got heavy and I passed out.
Sorry if it's short everyone!
So what do you think? With April survive?
What will happen to Crystal and Austin?

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