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"Someone's getting some."

'What the hell just happened?,' she thought.

Turning back towards the mountains, she breathed in deeply, calming her nerves from what had just occurred. Gripping the railing so tightly, her knuckles turned a snowy white. Ten seconds into meeting her mate, and she was already frustrated. Shaking her head, she walked back inside. She needed to tell her mom. Some outside input would be nice.

The crowds were tight within the ballroom, no matter how spacious the room had seamed before. This kingdom had thousands of people; it was bound to be a bit crowded. Most everyone was on the dance floor, with only a few still standing around talking amongst each other. Thea was lucky, to find her mother standing off to the side with Isabelle, and to Thea's satisfaction, without Harold. They both had
a drink in hand, and were talking and laughing like the old friends they clearly were.

Thea walked up to her mother, and when Melanie caught sight of her, she immediately knew something was wrong. "Excuse me Belle," she heard her mom say, as she walked to her daughter.

"What's wrong?"

Thea didn't answer, and instead grabbed her hand, pulling her away. Leading her to an area empty of people, she faced her mother.

Before Thea could speak her mom excitedly blurted out, "You found him!"

Theas face turned from one of determination to confusion. "How'd you know?"

"Your face is red, and your breathing like you just ran a marathon. And as if that isn't obvious enough, I can smell him, Thea. I mean like all over you," she rose an eyebrow giggling like a school girl. "Someone's gettin some."

Glaring at her mom's childishness she replied."I swear mom, it sad when the daughter is the more mature one, but yeah, you're right. I met him, alright," she rolled her eyes, thinking back to how he just walked away.

"So, what's he like? Is he hot? I mean personality is what counts, but being hot sure does help," she spoke excitedly.

"Somebodies bringing out the inner cougar," Thea looked at her mother.

"Oh don't worry honey, he's all yours. But really though, what's he like?" She grew serious.

"Well," Thea paused not really knowing how to word this without worrying her mom. "He's really uh, confusing."

"How?," she questioned.

"Well, I went outside to get some air, and he followed me. He uh kissed me, but then walked off mumbling some crap about not being able to have me." A confused, and hurt expression formed on Thea's face.

Her mother looked confusingly at her daughter.

"That's weird, but I mean if you take anything after your mama, which you do," she smirked, cracking another joke. "He was probably just nervous from your good looks."

Thea could tell her mom was just trying to lighten the mood. It didn't help though, for she couldn't do anything, but keep reliving that moment in her mind. All she could think about were his lips and body on her.

Giving a forced closed-lipped smile, she replied "I'm just really confused mom, and well he's not at all what I expected. I can already tell he's really-" she paused, before her mother replied.

"Oh no Thea! He's a dominant one isn't he? Who is he?"

"Well, its I-," she was cut off suddenly.

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