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"The powers will consume her"

She was on her knees in a puddle of blood shaking with every sob that tore through her body. Her breathing was heavy as she curled herself into a ball. She had tears running full force down her face, and it was as if everything hit her at once. The walls that had blocked out her every emotion shattered, and now all she could do was scream and cry. The emotions were just far too much to bare.

The crackling and breaking of the buildings around her screamed in her ears as the flames overtook them. Ashes rained upon her, but she didn't even feel the burn from their heated touch. They instead only caused her sobs to grow in sound because, although the screaming had stopped, she couldn't prevent the whimpers that escaped her throat. She also couldn't prevent the thoughts that flashed through her head. Dead people invaded every part of her brain. Dead people that were only dead because of her.

Her midnight hair fell around her face as she looked back down at the blood encrusted ground. She couldn't bare to look at the sight of the dismembered bodies anymore. It sickened her so much that she felt bile rise up her sore throat causing it to burn it even more.

With time though her sobs slowly fell to silence. She watched as the ground tried to soak up all the blood pooling  on it, but it was far too much. She'd created a river of blood.

All of these people were dead because of her inability to cope with the pain forced upon her. Instead of rising above it, she was drowning in it. She blamed these powers that she was given. She couldn't control them. They weren't a gift, but instead a curse. Her abilities had caused her life to be completely ruined. It was their fault that Elizabeth was intrigued by her, and ultimately Elizabeth's intrigue that resulted in Beth's death that drug Thea into the dark tunnel that turned her into a monster.

She hated who she was. She hated the power she never asked for. It wasn't a blessing. She never wanted to rule the world like Elizabeth had asked her to do. She only wanted a normal life. A life in which she had a home, and a mate who loved her. She wanted children that called her mommy. Children that she could love with all her heart. She just wanted a family and to be loved. Instead of that though, she was laying in a river of blood surrounded by thousands of rotting corpses, sobbing over the things she never had the chance to have.

She will never have the things she desires because this darkness that lives within her will continue to suck everything up. It will continue to destroy every pure thing about her. There is no hope for her. What she is now is what she will be until the day she dies.

Standing up slowly, she never looked up. She was unable to stand the view of the destruction before her. Her eyelids felt like they weighed tons, and her legs seamed to bend to the will of gravity. Exhaustion had completely overtaken her body. She finally willed her reddened, tear stained eyes forwards, and with a small flick of the wrist she parted the destructive, purple waves. Forcefully, she placed one foot in front of the other. The only thought in her mind was the will to keep moving forward, and with every step, she felt her body weaken from the weight of the world upon her back. She only knew of one place that would still accept her. It was the only place that had ever accepted her.

She slowly walked up the driveway that was surrounded in wilted flowers. She rose her hand up and knocked on the door three times. The sounds of slowly approaching footsteps met her ears, before the door cracked open. Looking into the doorway, she meets the light green eyes she missed so much.

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