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UPDATE! This one goes out to ShelaMalu and @JessieG17. Thanks for voting and commenting!


I heard the front door creak open slowly and immediately shut my phone off. Careful, light footsteps sounded in the hallway and I wondered why Coda was putting so much effort into being quiet since it was only seven o'clock at night.

Uncle Mark and Aunt Callie had gone on an evening ride, leaving Kellan and I with the house to ourselves. I didn't feel like drinking so we were both crashed on opposite couches, tethered in place by phone chargers. The large flat screen TV on one end of the room buzzed quietly but neither of us were really paying attention to it.

Though she couldn't see me, I had a clear line of sight down the hallway. It took a lot of effort on my part to not burst into laughter at the way she was carefully tiptoeing over the hardwood. Clutched to her chest was a black jacket that I guessed to be Wyatt's. Her hair was falling out of its messy ponytail and spots of red touched her cheekbones.

I smirked, wondering just what she'd been doing with Wyatt in the driveway.

"Coda," I called, my voice echoing through the mostly quiet house. She stopped cold and sucked in a deep breath, not realizing that I watched her every move. "Is that you?"

She bit her lip and adjusted the jacket in her hands. "Yeah."

"How was the date?" I finally poked my head over top of the couch so she could see me.

"Good." By the way her eyebrows sat smashed together, I knew she was lying. Coda always wore her heart on her sleeve which helped me a lot since I lacked the ability to read body language and pick up on hints.

"Come here and tell us about it." My offer came out as more of a command, but I patted the spot beside me on the couch anyway.

For a minute, I seriously thought she was gonna bolt to her room and hide from us. Her big blue eyes darted down the hall where her bedroom door sat closed and I prepared myself for a chase. If I had any say in the matter, she was gonna talk.

Finally, she puffed out a breath and plopped down on the couch to my right. The leather creaked beneath her weight and she clutched the jacket a little tighter, refusing to meet my gaze.

"Well?" I prodded, sitting up. When she came in, I'd been sprawled out on the longer of the two living room couches playing with my phone. Kellan was perched on the other one, long legs awkwardly cramped. Not that I felt too sorry for him; I'd beat him to the big couch fair and square.
Coda toyed with the zipper. "Like I said, it was good."

I groaned loudly, making her jump. "Coda, seriously? That's all you're gonna tell me?"

She shrugged and made no move to reply. It was then that I realized I'd have to force it out of her. "What did you guys end up doing?"

"Um," she glanced up only to lock her eyes on the rope wreath that hung across the room, "we played poker."

"Strip poker?!" I screeched, finally making her gaze snap to me.

"Ew, no!"

"Sorry," I laughed, raising both hands in surrender, "I was just asking!"

"Gross," she muttered, slouching further on the couch."

"Aw, c'mon, don't get all turned off just because I teased you a little bit. Seriously, though, how was it?"

Again, her eyes returned to the black jacket that would probably swallow her if she put it on.

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