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"Alright, everybody up!" Mama Callie's hollering woke me with a start from the wonderful, deep sleep I'd barely fallen into. At the same time I heard Kellan's bedroom door fly open. The buzzing ring of a doorstop being smacked met my ears right as my own door swung in with a whoosh. My aunt appeared, her long, thick hair pulled into the neatest braid I'd seen her wear in weeks. To top it all off, she was wearing a wildrag and her favorite flat-brimmed cowboy hat; a warm brown felt that was perfect for riding in the winter.

I sat up and attempted to untangle my legs from the mass of sheets, blankets, and baggy sweatpants I slept in, glancing to the clock. "What the hell, it's eight o'clock on a Saturday!"

"I know," she shot me a pointed look, "and your lazy butt is still in bed. Get moving, I have big plans for the day."

"What kind of plans?" I finally freed myself from the warm cocoon I'd created late the night before and staggered to my feet.

"We're going riding," she replied vaguely, yanking my dark chocolate colored curtains apart to let in what sunlight there was on a January morning.

I glanced from the dim, snowy landscape to my aunt. "Riding? Mama Callie, there's two feet of snow on the ground."

"Then you better dress warm," she grinned, spinning on the heel of her riding boots and striding out the door. I barely had time to take in her own choice of clothing before she was gone, thundering down the stairs with long, purposeful strides.

Even though I had no idea what was going on, I closed my door and fumbled to the closet in search of my long johns and a wool vest similar to hers. Lately the temperature had barely risen over fifteen so I knew I was in for a long, cold day unless I really layered up. As I sat down to yank a second pair of wool socks over my already cold feet, I wondered what crazy ideas my aunt was having.

We'd all been up late the night before talking to Coda. Mama Callie was usually an early riser, but I hadn't expected her to be up so early after such an intense evening. Torrin hadn't even left until well after midnight, much to her disapproval. After that she'd made me stay up to wait on his text reassuring us he made it home safe on the icy roads. That being said, I was exhausted and even less thrilled than usual to be up so early.

Kellan was just coming out of his room when I stepped into the hallway. My cousin's blue eyes were bloodshot and it was obvious he hadn't brushed his hair, but neither had I. "What the hell is going on?"

I shrugged, crinkling my nose and securing the last button on my vest. "Don't ask me, I figured you'd know."

He shook his head and followed me down the stairs and to the coffeemaker. Mama Callie was nowhere to be seen, but I assumed she was giving Coda the same rude awakening we'd gotten since Uncle Mark was parked at the table eating a piece of toast. Unlike the rest of us, he didn't look tired in the least. It amazed me that he could stay up late with us and be surrounded by drama and disasters but still be cool as a cucumber. There was no cowboy gear on or anywhere near him, making me wonder if he even had a clue what was going on.

"Hey, Uncle Mark." I plopped down at the table, nearly spilling my coffee. He glanced up as Kellan dropped into the seat next to me and smiled a little at how tired we both looked.

"Mornin'," he grunted, taking another bite of toast after swirling it in the remains of his fried egg.

"What's got her so riled up?" Kellan asked, tipping his head in the direction of Coda's room. Mama Callie's voice had come floating down the hall as we took our seat, confirming my suspicion that she was harassing Coda awake.

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