A Sign

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April 4th, 2002

His hands were sweating. He could feel bile rising in the back of his throat. Jerry didn't know what was getting him so worked up, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen. His teeth were chattering - something that always happens when he gets really anxious - even though it was burning up in his house. The hand on the clock was pointing at the eleven, and even though he itched to call someone and tell them about everything, he didn't want to disturb anyone while they were sleeping.

With shaky hands, he lit a cigarette, hoping that it would calm his nerves like it always had before. It didn't work.

"Goddammit," he mumbled with a shaky voice. He flipped on the radio, hearing Daze And Confused by Led Zeppelin play lowly on the radio. Not even the godly voice of Robert Plant could settle him down.

As a last resort, he took a couple of muscle relaxers since he was out of sleeping medication and sat down on the couch, sipping a glass of sweet tea slowly. Even as he drifted into a dreamless sleep on the sofa, that horrible feeling was still there, taunting his over-imaginative mind.

Little did he know, that feeling was a sign. A call. A cry for help.


Hello, lovelies! I apologize for taking so long to update. I sort of forgot about this story, but I promise, I will begin working on it regularly now. A big thanks to those of you that patiently waited for this chapter. The next one will be published shortly.

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