Red Hood(Jason Todd) (1) + Reader

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(Y/V/N) -Your vigilante name

(Might contain graphic language, sorry but it's Red Hood, there's no one else as badass than a guy who came from the dead and kills for the vengeance of one who took his life.)

"Answer the damn question, old man." You were currently interrogating a bitch of a person. He had killed his family and seemed to think it was hilarious.

All you knew was that he was a science professor at a local college in Gotham. His record was clean and he had a 'beautiful' family. He was known as a good man that was well respected, until now when his family were found shot to death from multiple gun wounds.

"I'm telling you it wasn't me!" He said as he started to wheeze with laughter. 'God, he's like the Joker' you thought to yourself.

"If you don't talk, I will cut you up, and send your deteriorating body to the police, and I will make sure it's public," you sneered. You had him in a chair tied with his hands taped behind him. You were grabbing his hair and pulling his head back, you had a knife close to his neck.

"Why don't you go ahead and do it, you won't get your answer if you do," he laughed. "You stupid mother f*****," you said as you gave a huge blow to his face.

His chair flipped with much force. Then all of sudden you heard him crying out in pain and asking where he was. Oh hell.

You went to him and picked up the chair. His face was red from where you had punched him.

"What am I doing here!", he asked panicking. He looked at you with wide eyes, you saw he was telling the truth.

"What happened to you," you asked sternly. This ass must have been drugged with something. He kept on babbling and asking where he was. You then punched him in the face again, but not as hard or he would probably go unconscious.

"What happened, what's the last thing that you remember?" you asked again. In the state he was, you knew he wasn't going to think straight. You were walking around thinking what to do.

Should you just kill him or leave him at the police department bruised and beaten?

Then you heard him stop speaking. "I remember, I finally remember," he kept on saying. You went up to him. "He, he dosed me, he, he promised that if I gave him the formula he would leave my, my  family alone,"

"Who's he and what formula?" "The Joker, the formula I can't tell you," he replied quickly. "Maybe I'll just have to force you then," you started to put the knife back on his neck. "Ok, ok it's a formula that I had invented long ago, somehow he had figured that this formula was a enhancer that triggered muscle cells to become stronger and give them superhuman powers, it's compatible and once taken the person becomes invincible over any weapon and sickness," "it also brings out the inner demon of the person, and releases any type of hell once they're at the end of their 'high'," he explained.

"Fuck, you do know I'm going to have to take you to jail right?" You said casually, as you started to play with your knife.

"Please don't, it wasn't me that killed my family they dosed me with the formula as in a way of torturing me!" He pleaded.

"You still killed them and you have to pay for what you did, you should have never created the formula, and thank you for that precious amount of information that you have given to me," you bowed at him and then started to beat him.

You never wondered why you didn't feel any type of remorse for those, but when you kill, you killed. You started to cut him from the chair, but made sure his hands were still tied as well as his feet. You gagged him and and started to put a garbage bag over him.

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