Chapter five

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Jazzy and Jaxon have been here for the past week and a half and we have had so much fun. Me and Justin took the kids to Disneyland and they all loved it. We've been out to dinner, driving late at night to get milkshakes and doing family activities like baking and water fights in the backyard, they love coming here. When Justin surprised me last week with them I cried buckets. I had just put Wolf to bed and I was sat downstairs watching Hairspray when I heard "babe close your eyes" and when I opened them again I just burst out crying. They were stood there with a bunch of flowers in their hands with a big grin on their faces, this was the first time seeing them in a year. I gave them both hugs and kisses and cried for about an hour I'm not joking. I'm going to ask Jeremy and Erin very sweetly if we can keep them for a bit longer I mean it's school holidays and all..I've missed them so much.

Since last week things with me and Justin have been great, I haven't been this happy in so long. We are literally like we were a year ago like when we are in the kitchen or anywhere really we will cheekily kiss each other when no one is looking and then giggle. He's been so sweet I just can't with him, my man. Everyone knows me and Justin are back together and most people are happy about it. Some of my 'friends' have gone mad at me because they saw candids of me Justin and the kids walking around LA smiling and laughing and having a good time. They said stuff like "how could you go back to him he's just going to hurt you again" "you're so stupid" "I can't believe you have taken him back after everything. He got a new girlfriend and now wants you? I'm done" like who the fuck are they to tell me how to live my own life...seriously?. I strongly believe in giving someone a second chance if they truly care about you and believe in you that's how I was brought up and I'm glad I've given Justin a second chance, it's my life and my choices. I'm happy as can be, I don't need the negativity.

Jazzy, Jaxon and Wolf are now in bed and me and Justin are cuddling on the couch watching crime documentaries, my favourite. Justin is sat up and my head is resting on his thighs, not really cuddling but I'm comfortable and it's cosy in the living room. He's playing with my hair and I'm about to drop asleep I'm that relaxed.
"Do you remember the night we first met ?" Justin asked me whilst tangling my hair between his fingers.
"Of course why?" I said gently trying to stay awake.
"I was just thinking about it. You was wearing a two piece leather outfit and you was singing Listen by Beyoncé. From the moment I laid my eyes on you I knew I had to have you" my heart was melting, this was the first time I have heard him say this. I turned over so now I'm looking up at him, I love his eyes.
"When I finished the song I was crying and then I looked over at Tiana and then she pointed to you and you was stood there with a cheeky grin on your face and your arms were folded" thinking about this makes me so happy, how time has changed..for the good of course.
"In a few days it will be three years since I got signed to the same label as you.. I still remember when Scooter asked me outside your house"
"Yeah you were jumping up and down crying, cute"
"I was happy okay" we giggled and then fell silent. I think we're both just remembering what our life were like when we first met.
"Remember when you asked me to be your girlfriend?" His cheeks turned a light pink, aw my baby is blushing.
"You took me to that cute island and rented out a villa and then when we arrived there were pink and white rose petals everywhere and then you gave me a massive speech about how I've changed your life for the good and you made me cry like a ton" a smile was on my face just thinking about it, I miss those days.
"Everything I said was tru-" he was cut off by a scream followed by crying coming from upstairs.
"Bells. Bells" I recognised the voice as I ran upstairs, Jaxon.
I opened his bedroom door, him and Jazzy don't share the same spare bedroom they have their own, they need their own space. I walked in to see him sat up in bed with tears coming down his face.
"Hi baby what's wrong?"
"I had a nightmare" he said still crying.
I sat next him in bed and pulled him into my chest. "Want to talk about it? It sometimes helps" he nodded his head.
"I had a dream that someone hurt you really bad and I watched it happen. I started to cry and you couldn't speak and Justin wasn't home and I didn't know what to do" he began to cry again so I pulled him into my chest and rocked back and forth.
"No one is going to hurt me baby I promise" I wiped his tears and gave him a kiss on his head.
After about ten minutes of sitting in silence Jaxon was still resting against my chest, awake.
"Do you think you can go back to sleep now bud?"
"Can you sleep in here too?" My heart literally melted, he so cute.
"Yeah sure let me go and put my pyjamas on, I won't be long". I got up from his bed and turned his lamp on so he doesn't get scared. I opened my bedroom door to see Justin fast sleep on my bed..well ours. I opened my draw and got some bed shorts out and then one of Justin's shirts. Putting them on quickly I made my way back into Jaxon's room and he was lay down but still awake. I turned off the lamp and climbed into bed. Jaxon cuddled into me and within ten minutes he was fast sleep. I think it's so cute how he wanted me to stay. I love him so much. I lay there for a few minutes and I began thinking. It's my birthday tomorrow and I've been so busy that I haven't even planned anything for it, I never do haha. When I was with Justin before he would plan my birthdays because I'd either forget because I was so busy or something would come up but he would pull through and organise a great birthday.

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