Four; Enlighten Me

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Truth be told, I wasn't really all that drunk. In fact, I was still way under the legal limit here.

But that can't stop my inner-stupidity. I sighed inwardly rubbing my forehead.

I just had to go and open my big fat mouth, I had to go and make everything that much worse didn't I? Of course! Congrats Louis; everything is now , and totally-

I end that thought there. A new idea forming in my mind now. Not really waiting for that thought to process completely I head out the door, my body on auto-pilot. Heading straight to Ella's room.

As I grew closer to the door of her room I could faintly hear the sound of; what appears to be

Scars SayWeCanFly

That's right, I listen to dark music too..

I wrap my fist against the door a few times, no answer. I try once more, a little louder this time.

"Screw it." I said before barging inside the medium sized room.

"Can I help you?" A small voice asks appearing from the bathroom, in shorts and a long sleeved shirt; that I must say, although it was rather large on her.. It made her look adorable.

"I uh, I just came to apologize.." I say swallowing my pride.

"It's a, yeah it is, um it's fine.." She stutters.

I narrowed my eyes at the smaller, jet black haired girl.

"Here." She pauses. "Come sit down and we can talk it all out."

And now...


She was crying. I observed the broken girl, she was struggling to catch her breath. This was not the same ratchet girl I met just the morning before. It was like she was a completely different person.

She looked like she needed a hug. So, without hesitation I wrapped my arms around her for a hug.

At first are seemed hesitant; but she didn't reject it. Instead; she wrapped her arms around me as buried her face in my neck.

"I'm sorry for what I said Ella.." I whispered my hot breath hitting her neck.

"It's okay.." She whispered her voice faltering.

"No it's really not. I-I had no reason for that. You were right; i don't know your story, as you don't know mine. I shouldn't have judged you. As a matter of fact, I don't know you in even the slightest way. So if you wouldn't mind.. Can we please start over from the beginning?" I asked as my rant came to an end.

She looked up at me from inside my arms nodding slightly. She shifted from her spot and moved her position to the bed. She folded her legs and sat crisscrossed. She wiped her tears and fixed her hair.

"So what do you want to know?" She asked.

"Everything & Nothing." I smirked seeing if she would crack a smile.

See did.



"So what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Everything & Nothing." He smirked, seeing if he could get a reaction. To humor him, I flashed a smile.

"Well." I cough before speaking again, "My name is Ella which is short for Ellison, but entire name is Ella Mae Ryke. I was born in Manchester, but moved to London till I was thirteen. After that my nan and I moved to Doncaster."

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