Chapter 4

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Alisha's pov

As I walked into the hospital i went to the front desk and I waited for about 10 minutes to get to the person behind the desk I asked the women where my dad was and she said he was in a ward getting drips put on him and blood tests , but why ?

"Can I see him please"

"Of course honey I'll take you right away"

As we walked to my dad's room I began to worry more and tears were starting to stroll down my face and I could see that beau was worried too aww .

"Room 24 straight down the hall on your left " the women said

"Thank you " I replied

As we walked further and further we got my dad's room 'room 24 Mr. Richard diamond' I could see my mum in there so I walked in and my mums eyes shot in me .

"Why is he in here !?" I said

"Because he had to get some tests taken " mum said

"Why" I asked

"Because your dad has to every month because is reconvert from Lung cancer " she shouted

I ran out at the way she just talked to me and she didn't tell me that my own dad had lung cancer what a mother she is .

(Beaus pov )

Alisha ran out of the room so I ran after her she was quite fast if I say so but I suddenly caught up with her she had tears streaming down her face and all her make-Up had ran she looked so upset . I pulled her wrist to make her stop and the we leaned forward and our lips met togethers and my kissed for about 5 minutes until Alisha spoke

" why didn't she tell me " Alisha cried into my shirt

"She just didn't want to worry you babe" right said reassuringly

"But I'm worrying now so that hasn't helped and how do I know he is going to be ok " she cried

"I know babe I'm sure he will be ok after all your mum said he is recovering so he will , now come on let's go back to my place and watch movies" I said

"Wait can we go to mine first " she said

"Yes but for what " I asked

" make up " she said as if I was supposed to know

"Ok let's go"

So where in the car now and we are just pulling up it Alisha's house to get her make up which she really didn't need as we walked into her house she bolted upstairs to her room and got all her make up that she needed

" get your pajamas and clothes for school tomorrow " I said

"Why " Alisha asked as she picked out her make up

"Cause your staying in my house you , me , luke and jai if you want are all going to have a little movie night " I said

"Ok " Alisha said perky

(Alisha's pov)

Beau and I walked into his house and went straight upstairs to beaus room I placed my clothes and my makeup on his bed and gave beau a hug

" hey what was that for " he said laughing

"Because even though I met you like 1 week ago your the kindest and most honest boyfriend I have ever had and I mean that " she said letting go

"Thank you babe and your the hottest girlfriend have every had and you are really , I love you"beau said

"I love you too beau " I said and I really did mean it

Moving to Melbourne (beau brooks) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now