Chapter 1

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I was just getting ready when she opened her eyes. Her voice groggy from a night's sleep. "Why do you have to keep going to the recording studio?" I smiled as she was so darn cute in the morning. It hurt me that no one knew about her. Her friends even not knowing about me. Saying her ex-boyfriend slept with her and snuck off in the night leaving her with child. But I had been her boyfriend for almost two years. Her last boyfriend before me was five years ago. She sat up in bed and looked at me. She was in my t shirt and I was longing to go curl up beside her once again. But I had to leave soon. I was in my Hawaiian shirt and my hair I had put in a bun for the day. As she stretched my t shirt from the night before that she wore rode up to show her belly. "So peanut can have a good life darling." It was the only thing I could say because this was torture for me. Every time I left it killed me. But I had to do it for my family. "But we miss you when you are gone." Her eyes welled up with tears. They always did when I had a weekend at home with her sleeping beside me. Every time I left again seeing her with tears in her eyes broke my heart. It never got any easier as time went on. Not knowing when the next time that I would be able to see her. As I had a packed schedule for the next two weeks. "Louis is picking me up love." "But I want you to stay home." "I told you I will be home for Christmas at the latest." "But what if you are away and peanut wants to come early?" What she just said about our little peanut coming early scared me to no end. It was a thought always on my mind. Even if we were ready to become parents. It was not peanuts time to come into this world just yet. But I never wanted her to see that it was on my mind as well. So I sat down beside her and pulled her to me as I tried to comfort her to the best of my ability's. "You are only seven months along darling. She is not coming for a few more months at the latest. So don't worry about it. Yeah I know. But Christmas is when peanut is coming. First babies sometimes come early" Before I could answer her the doorbell rang. I looked at her brown hair that was a mess, her blue eyes that had tears in them and I hugged her and kissed her baby bump goodbye. Before heading to the door. I knew it was Louis. Hey mate. He smiled back at me. "Back to the job again Styles. All packed for two weeks before we can be home for a few days before we have to go on the road again. Um yeah I just have to grab my suitcase. Okay I will wait here for you. But don't be too long. I won't" But I knew it was a lie to him the moment those words were out of my mouth. I went into the bedroom where I left her. But she was not there. I found her in the bathroom looking in the mirror. I kissed her quickly and she quietly moaned. "Styles you can stay one more day here and I can love yeah." "That is tempting love. But I have to go and I can't break my contract." "Yeah I know. But you could you know, if you wanted to." I had to smile at that. Her accent you mostly never heard anymore. So when I did hear it. I had to smile. She was born in Canada, out west to be exact in three small towns. We met when her friend dragged her to a bar after her ex-boyfriend broke her heart. I was there with the lads that night and I talked to her. Well more like flirted with her. Looking for a one-night stand. That was what the lads thought any ways. But I wanted desperately a committed relationship and she was beautiful in every way. But most people thought she was just average. But to me she was not average at all. She was perfect. I told her after our first year of pretending we were not dating that she should move to the UK and into a flat. She agreed instantly. As she would be able to spend a little bit more time with me during the year. As no one knew it was my flat originally. They thought she was just another new person to the UK. Not Harry Styles girlfriend. I never knew how long we were in the bathroom bantering about me having to leave, till I heard Louis footsteps. When he stopped I knew he was in the door way staring at me and her. We stopped bantering a few minutes ago and now were teasing each other as she laid her head on my chest. He coughed making me look at him. He gestured to her before speaking. "Sleeping with someone last night was yeah?" He never saw her baby bump yet at least. So I got all protective over her. Scared she would burst into tears. "Yeah you know me Lou pop stars sleep around. I picked her up last night." I looked at April and she looked like she was going to cry. I had to act quick. "Louis can you leave us be for a second? Um we are going to be late and management is going to be pissed if we are" Louis was being irritating and I knew I was in a very sticky situation. But then my sticky situation turned into me being in boiling water. "Why do you say those things Styles? You get pictured with woman and then you come home and act like nothing much happened." When by the tabloids they say it is something." She only said my last name when she was either playing with me or pissed off at me and I knew by her tone she was not playing around. She was feisty since day one or that is what her ten year older sister told me. That really was not her sister. But she was one of her adopted sisters that she grew up with. She was only raised by her dad as her mom passed away and her fighting personality was something he warned me about. When I got forced to meet him. "Okay April let's sit down and I will talk to you for a few minutes." I was pretty much balancing on a very thin balance beam with her in that moment. "I am packing my bags and going home Harry." I panicked knowing her father's words and her brothers saying if I broke her heart I would be a dead man. Literally I would be a dead man! Louis looked at me not understanding what was going on at all. "Louis you caused me issues now thanks. Go wait for me in the living room. I will be out when I calm her down." Louis just looked stunned at my anger at him. But he listened to what I told him to do. "April come on I want to talk to you for a minute. No." I knew I had to use my preservative skills. So she would listen to me at all. "You know I think I might try to weasel my way out of staying at hotels when I record." April's eyes looked at mine and I knew that got her attention. "Fine I will talk to you." She shuttered right then and I saw her put her hand and rub it on the spot where I knew our baby girl was kicking. I looked at her and then she smiled. A smile I knew so well. "Louis go out and wait in the car will you. Yeah for only five minutes and then I am coming back in to get you out of this place. Yeah fine by me." When Louis left I put my hand on hers and she moved my hand just a bit so I could feel our baby kick. I had a silly grin on my face like I always did when I put my hand where the baby was kicking. "She is growing big." The last time I came home April's bump was not as big as this time. I knew it was going to be a struggle, but I wanted to be here the last few months before the baby was born. "Yeah not giving mama much sleep you know." I smiled because I had no words that I could possibly say to that. "But you love her like her daddy does. Yeah I do. April you know we have to keep a low profile? Yeah I know Harry. But what happens when she wants to come?" I worried about that a lot. But I had not enough time to tell April that I was worried about the same thing as her because that would have been an hour or more discussion. An hour I never had. " I will figure it out darling don't worry about it. I know you will figure it out. You always do" I loved it she was a few inches shorter then me because I could kiss the top of her head easily. "You need anything before I leave? You. Other than me? I need some sleep. But I can't get comfortable in bed. Then let's get you comfortable and then I will have to go." She nodded her head and started walking back to the bedroom. She was starting to have a waddle which I thought was the cutest thing in the entire world. She sat on the bed out of breathe. "Harry look at me I am a whale! No you are not." I was chuckling at her comment to me. Which in return I got a dirty look. She got under the covers and she started crying. "What is wrong? My back hurts, my feet hurt, I can't get comfortable and I am cold and hot Harry. One second darling then." I heard Louis come back in the house and decided to get to him before he took off his shoes once again. "Louis a few more minutes please? Man fine, but that is it. Thanks I owe you one. Yeah and don't you forget it Styles." Once Louis stormed out of the flat, I sighed. I knew when I got out there to the car he would be pissed. I went into the nursery I put together that weekend and found the find her dad sent April just on Friday. I found the box when I got home and I hid it. I took it out now and walked back in the master bedroom. "Here is your gift that will help you April." She smiled right away. "Oh Harry I needed this so much" Thank you. Thank your dad as well he sent it down. But you got him to send it down though. Am I right? Yes, you are. Then I have to thank you as well." I nodded my head in response. I put the pillow where she told me to put it. That was when she smiled so bright that I swore that the sun would shatter because her smile was so bright. "It helps with this extra weight Harry. But what about my back? I got a cure for that too" I grabbed the wooden massager from the drawer and climbed onto the bed and laid down beside her and started massaging her back relieving her pain. "Harry I wish you never had to leave. I know me too love." I kept rubbing her back till she was sleeping. Like she always did when her back pain left her for a little while. I then had to sneak out of bed. But this time my sneaking never worked and her eyes opened up once again. "Love I have to go. I need you though. I know you do. But I have to go now" I hated her puppy dog eyes. I heard the flat's door open again knowing it was Louis. I knew I had taken now twenty extra minutes then I was supposed to. Me leaving was not going as I expected it would go at all. I squeezed her hand and I knew I had one more second before he would walk into the bedroom. So I quickly kissed her baby bump goodbye. "See you love." She just gave me a shaky smile. I tried to tune out the muffled crying when I closed the bedroom door. But it never worked and hurt my heart walking away from her. "Just told her that it meant nothing to you. It was only a one-night stand. Louis let's just get out of here. I can't handle this right now. Yeah sure" At the studio I was not giving my one hundred percent. My mind was not on the songs I was singing but to April. "Give it ten and back to the top." The band started heading out towards the hall. Liam looked at me. "Styles you are out of it man. Sorry lads just a bit tired." That was not a lie. It was the truth with April tossing and turning last night and me finishing the nursery till ten at night. But also watching her sleep like I always did when I had to depart the next day. My phone started ringing right then and I smiled when I saw it was April. "One second guys." I quickly went to the bathroom knowing no one would hear me in there talking to her. "April hey what is up? Harry please come." The panic in her voice was evident. Which made my heart start racing. "Why? Harry I think the baby is coming. What are you feeling love?" As she told me it was a sigh of relief. "Darling it is only fake your body is practicing for labor in December. That is all. But it is scary. I know it is. Also..... Also what love? I been feeling off since you left." That got me at attention again. Fear bubbling in my blood. "What are you feeling?" I remembered what her father told me when we Skyped him with the news that April was expecting. Telling me to watch out for tell-tale signs April's health was going to go for a tail spin. "I have been off balance all day and my vision is going. Also I can't feel my left leg." I took a deep breath. I knew I was shaking in fear. But I couldn't show it in my voice. "Um okay April are you sitting down? Yeah. Okay. April did you eat? Yeah I did. I thought it was my blood pressure or sugar dropping. Yeah I was thinking that too. But it was a bit better with the dizziness and vision. But new symptoms keep happening and I am scared. I want you to come home. I need yeah. I think something is really wrong." I had a feeling something was wrong as well but I could not tell that to April. Because if I did she would panic even more. "Um okay I will be there darling. Just don't move and if you feel anything else call an ambulance. Okay. I love you April. I love you too Harry." I hung up and my heart was beating fast. Tears burning at my eyes. I opened the bathroom door real fast. Not remembering that Louis was at the door and he looked at me seeing my panicked face and knew right away something was up. "What is up Harry? I need to go now. Um we are practicing for our concert that is coming up though. No time to practice. Where is the manager. He left." I quietly cursed under my breath. I then got back up on the ball trying to find any other way to get out of there to get to April in time. "Is there anyone that works for management then right now not on break?" I was panicking. I was scared I was going to lose April or the baby if I never hurried. "Niall you drove here today right? Um yeah didn't you? No Louis drove to my flat and picked me up." I saw a glimpse of someone from management and I rushed over to him. He was the assistant. But good enough in an emergency. "I need a driver now! I need to get to my flat. Why what is wrong? I need to get some paperwork that I keep at my house something happened with a close friend to mine and I have all his information." I hoped the assistant bought my lie. Um I will get someone to drive you then. Thank you." I took a deep breathe to calm my nerves down. Making up excuses became my specialty. Especially when April found out she was expecting. But even before that the first year we were dating I made up lies to be with her more often. My body guard and driver came just then. "I need to go. Yeah let's go then. Mates I will call you guys in a little bit." Niall nodded and I ran to the car ignoring fans. It was not like me at all. I was panicked it was a thirty-minute drive. But it was rush hour now. So it would more than likely take an hour. An hour I never had to spare. I looked at my phone and kept tapping my leg. I hated this feeling of not being able to control how fast the traffic was going. "Um is it okay if I make a call? Yeah sure." I called the hospital that was close to the flat. The more likeliness of places if she called an ambulance. "Um yes. Um I have a question if anyone came in with the name April Vince by chance? Um who are you? I just need to know. I am really close to her and I need to know if I need to drive to my flat or there. Um let me see." The woman on the phone probably heard my frantic voice on the line. I heard her say one moment and I heard her fingers clicking away on the keyboard. "I am sorry no one came in with that name in the past hour." I was still not reassured at all. "What about any ambulance calls? I can search it up if there have been any calls by number. What is her number?" I recited her cell number fast. "Okay the last call she made to the hospital was in September........ Oh wait a minute something just popped up here." I had a sickening feeling in my gut. "Yes she made a call just a few minutes ago. Is that all you need today? Yeah thanks. Oh wait when do you think she will be there. Um the ambulance has been dispatched it probably will be about five minutes till they get there. She sounded urgent it says on the phone. Okay thanks." I ended the call and my body guard looked at me. "What is going on? My friend has been having some health problems and I told her I would help her in any way possible. That is why this is so important. Okay just try to stay calm. Everything will be alright" But I knew it wouldn't be. I looked at each off ramp sign we passed. Waiting to see the one we needed to get to my flat. I knew beating the ambulance was impossible. But maybe just maybe. I could get there soon after. Maybe if I got there in time I could leave with them after getting the note book that her dad sent me a few months ago about her medical problems. "How much longer do you think till you get to my flat? You are in luck we are going to be there in a minute. Thank goodness." I kept tapping my foot trying to calm my frazzled nerves. I saw the ambulance leaving and I sighed. "Wait here." I ran into the flat like a crazy man. I saw a note on the end table in the bedroom. It was her writing but it was messier than usual. Three words were scrawled on it I need you. It made me feel sick thinking she was alone and scared and I was not with her. I grabbed the leather bound book and jumped back into the car with it. "So where do you need to go. To the hospital and speed I don't care how fast you are going. I just need to get there in time. Um okay." I looked at my cell phone and decided to text April's father. Knowing he would probably like to know what was going on. Going to hospital. Something is wrong with April. Tell you more when I get more information H. I kept tapping my foot in the car and my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was him pretty much screaming at me. What is going on with my daughter!!! I fumbled with my phone's keyboard. But I told him she had some weird symptoms and called an ambulance. I was heading there now. There was no response. It took ten minutes for us to get there and I jumped out of the car not caring about how people were staring at me because I was Harry Styles. The only thing that was on my mind was April and our unborn daughter. "Do you want me to wait for you?" I looked at my driver. "No you can go. You sure?" I nodded my head and I slammed the car door and took to a jog into the hospital. No one said love was easy. True love made you sick to your stomach. Especially when the woman you loved was ill and was carrying your first born child. That was a daughter that would change my life forever. When she was born like all the songs told me. I just had to save her and her mother. I had to it was a must. I would die for my unborn child and no one even knew I was going to be a daddy. But I had no care about that right that second. I only cared for my girlfriend and my unborn daughter at that moment. Not my fame, not my music or even the lads. Just them. They were my world and I would do absolutely anything for them.

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