six ; good luck

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ok i love this chapter SO much ok wow ok have fun ily bye

    Jungkook was practicing his free throws while gaining another round of applause by his teammates. He was the captain of the basketball team and he didn't love it as much as he thought he would. He loved basketball since he was little and always wanted to be the best but now when it came down to it with everyone counting on him, he realized he just wanted to play. Everyone relied on him and put a lot of pressure on him to do great. He thought he would love to be known as the captain since it shows dedication and hard work he had put into basketball, but he hated stressing about having the chance to disappoint his whole team. Shooting hoops was always a stress reliever for him at times, but now, hes always stressed about if he can make it in or not.

"You're going to do great tonight." Namjoon told him while getting ready for tonight game. Namjoon was also in the basketball team which made Jungkook feel better since he knew he always had his best friend by his side.

"I hope so." I breathed, grabbing my phone to check what time it was. 5:24. The game started in an about hour and a half.

taetae: so I've thought about your suggestion about me going to the game

kookie: uh huh....

taetae: and ill be there

taetae: i'll cheer you on jungkookie!! :)

kookie: can't wait (: I'm glad you decided to come

taetae: well I thought about having an anime night again but then I thought seeing you running around getting all sweaty was better so you know

kookie: wow you only like me for my body *cries*

taetae: who said I liked you at all?

kookie: woahhhh now okay that's enough savagery lmao

taetae: well, ill be there jungkook and good luck on your game okay? Have fun, be free, and try your hardest.

And Jungkook did exactly that. He was so pumped that night that he didn't know what came over him. He felt like this was one of the best games he has played yet. He didn't feel stressed, he felt somewhat free everytime the basketball kept going through the hoop when he would score for his team, while the other team groaned at their upcoming loss. It wasn't that much of an easy game where they scored all the time while the other team didn't; to Jungkook, that was boring. He loved competitive games and beating the other team that had a really good chance at winning. It showed that he worked really hard and the feeling brought warmth within him.

There was 30 seconds to the clock and he was dribbling the ball near the hoop while the opposing team were running towards him. He blocked them and kept moving so he wouldn't get called out for 'traveling'. He looked out over at the crowd for a few seconds and felt so much love with everyone shouting for his team. He got the ball ready in his hands and made a stance to shoot the ball, but not before he noticed the cute boy whos been on his mind all week. Taehyung widened his eyes and was waving his arms frantically towards the latter to shoot the ball. While still looking at Taehyung, he waited until there were 2 seconds left, looked away and shot the ball. It was like a movie in Jungkooks mind, everyone was still yelling but everything was silent while he waited for the ball to go inside the hoop. He was panting heavily and was praying he was able to make the shot. Hoping that this would be the shot that would win the game.

Taehyung was nervous and was praying for the basketball to make it in the hoop. He never really went to school games, or games in general so it was very foreign to him but he understood how basketball was played so he didn't have to have Jimin explain to him how it went. He didn't know he was going to love a game so much and be so into it but seeing Jungkook and the whole team working so hard was amazing.

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