Daily lifestyle

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Tyler's daily lifestyle starts like this:
•Firstly, he wakes up and washes his face,( like a normal person would ) brushes his teeth ( like another normal person would ) Spray his armpits ( like a normal person )
• Gets his top on, drenches it in deodorant, so he can smell nice.. Not!!😂
• Gets his trousers on, drench them in deodorant, get his blazer on, drenches that in deodorant
• Then he uses some aftershave to smell nice, gets some socks on ( like you would)
• Puts some shoes on ( again like you would)
• Goes in the car ( coz he is a lazy shit )
• And goes to school
• Get his planner out, so he doesn't get a detention like a naughty boy
• Goes home after school ( shitty school)
• Message people for a bit, watch YouTube and go to sleep
• Wake up at 9 pm gets a shower etc.
• And the routine starts again.....

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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