Slenderman x ShyChild!reader

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I'm Only 8, But My Parents Abuse Me Anyways. I Want To Run. I WILL Run.

I Grabbed My F/C Bag And Packed My Stuff Waiting For My Parents To Fall Asleep Eventually They Did, I Climbed Out My Window Landing On The Ground With A Tiny 'Oomf' Being Careful NOT To Wake My Parents. I Ran As Fast As My Little Legs Would Carry Me.
I Headed Into The Woods, I Got A Few Steps in And A Thought Of My Parents Smile Flashed Into My Head.. Even Though They Beat Me I Still Loved Them. i Walked into the woods some more and i ended up getting lost. I Sat, leaning my back against the tree and i curled my knees upto my chest and put my head in them and I Started To Cry out, Sob And Whimper Out Apologies

"I'm Sorry.." I Sobbed out, i couldn't go back. But i was still lost


i heard a little girl sobbing in my woods. "I'm Sorry..." Was all i could make out of the girls whimpers and cries, It sounded heartbreaking. i slowly made my way over to the girl making sure not to be heard but a twig snapped under my foot. I Mentally cursed myself..

The girls head shot up, i could tell she could see me because she tensed up and backed up into the tree more "N-NO! DON'T HURT ME!!" she begged, tears rolling down her face.

i walked over and crouched over infront of her "I Will Not Hurt You Child" She relaxed a bit and looked at me her E/c orbs staring into Mine (A/n; I Don't Know Don't Judge me) "Y-You Won't?" she stuttered out. "I Won't Child. What's Your Name?" she moved her H/l H/c Bangs out her face.

"Y-Y/n" she looked at the ground, what a fitting name.. "W-what's your name mr?" she asked.
"Slenderman." i replied. she smiled a little and it felt like fireworks went off in my head, she yawned.

"Are You Tired Child?" She nodded sheepishly "mhm."


i slowly felt arms around me and i was then lifted from the ground, i let out a little yelp "S-slenderman?" he started walking "where are you taking me?" you turned your head round to face him "To My Mansion Child." was all the response i got i was too tired to squirm or even fight back. "Just close your eyes." he said softly as if on cue your vision faded as you fell asleep.

you awoke in a dark room, the only colours were greys and blacks and some white, you saw a desk filled with paperwork. A Small Dresser and a window. You Were wrapped in a black blanket on a double bed, you tugged at the covers and sat up "Mr.Slenderman?.." you called it was barley but a whisper. he still heard you.

the room door slowly creep'd open as the tall no faced man in a suit entered he sat down infront of you on the bed "did you have a good sleep my child?" you nodded "Yes.. Thankyou mr.slenderman". "So, Do you wish to tell me what you were doing in the woods that late?" you looked down "i-i guess.." he nodded to signal for you to start

"My Parents Would Always.. Hit Me And Say mean things like 'we wish we never had you' and 'you're worthless.." you began sob "And so i ran away because it was too much for me.. I-im sorry.." You could make out a face of guilt on slenderman as he brought you in for a hug, you sobbed into his suit jacket

"You'll Be Alright. No One Can't Hurt You Now.." he ran his long fingers through you're H/L H/C hair and said soft protective words. it comforted you, he comforted you. no one has ever done that for you before..

"Thankyou.. Slender" You whispered..

A/N: Sorry if it's short, but i hoped you enjoyed it.

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