jeff The Killer x Brave!Cocky!Child Reader

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Third POV

It's Been a while since slender brought you to the mansion, you made friends with everyone except jeff you two were always at eachother throats you attempted to challenge him but always ended up losing. But you felt extra cocky today.

"Smileyyy trash~" you cooed loudly shaking jeff "GET UP TRASHBAG!!" you yelled, he lifted his eye mask "What? could you possible want?" jeff turned to see Y/n standing just looking at him sweetly "I'm bored. and everyone else is out" he grunted "that's not my problem." y/n tugged at his sleeve "COME ON TRASH YOU NEVER DO ANYTHING!!" she shouted her voice echoed through the mansion "Ugh fine. whatever just shut up!" he sat up and looked at her "Brat." he scoffed "smiley trash." she scoffed back before walking out the room a tired and annoyed jeff followed. once the two were downstairs Y/n sat on the couch and jeff went to make coffee, slender had recently banned y/n from drinking coffee since she was only 10 (go with it) and she got really hyper.

"Here." jeff offered Y/n a briming mug of coffee "But im ba-" he cut her off by shoving the coffee into he hands and sitting down "I don't care it's not my fucking problem." he huffed and drank his coffee, y/n did the same this time it didn't make her too hyper, IT MADE HER FUCKING HYPER AF. "Smiley trash! what did you put in my coffee?!?!?!" she said her voice sorta high pitched now. "2 sugar, milk, and 5 spoon fulls of coffee" he listed it one by one for y/n to make sure she got the idea "5?!?!?" she looked at jeff with a 'are you fucking crazy bro' look "Yeah, thats what i said brat. it helps wake you up, y'know." he rolled his forever seeing eyes "Dudeee!! i'm going to get the blame for being hyper!!" you yelled him obviously not caring replied with a "Cool, not my fucking problem." you literally wanted to cut a bitch then and there but you calmed yourself "You are worthless piece of smiley shit." you scoffed rather coldly if i may add "Cool." was all he said this sent you right over the 'triggered' point and as he got up to put the cups away you pounced knocking him over "How dare you fucking 'Cool' me?!" he chuckled "someone's on their period." he cooed you now were beyond mad."NO I AM FUCKING NOT YOU COCK SUCKING BAG OF TRASH!!" he looked shocked at your sudden outburst but not a moment later he flipped you and pulled his knife from his pocket this made you go from mad to happy "what are you gonna do?"

he opened hid mouth to say something but you cut him off "are you gonna make me beautiful like you?" you nipped his nose and giggled you smile was sweet and genuine this made Jeff smile too he chuckled "mabye" he got up and helped you to your feet putting his knife away in the process "gay-ass romcom movie day??" he asked you nodded and laughed "The gayest." you two sat and watched blended."kiss her, come on!!" you yelled at the tv causing Jeff to laugh, you were currently sitting right beside him and his ARM was around your shoulder for 'protection' but that's just what he called it hahaha

_bonus brought to you by meme_

"bitch I'm jeffs GIRLFRIEND" dat stupid bitch ass motherfucker was dead the next minute Jeff had asked what happened and you said "that rachet ass hoe had to go to sleep she had nasty ass dark circles under her eyes and she looked fat as fuck" Jeff chuckled "someone's jelly" .."nuu uh" u so were

A/n sorry it's like. 3;01 so I'm hyper besides I bet you people say worse at school so we all good Hahahaa.. oh god I've been hanging around with lj too long anyways I'm off

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