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People say that the time you’re at school is the best time of your life…

They couldn’t have been more… right.

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Mondays, what is it about Mondays that make it such a drag? Well, I guess it can start with the fact that I have to go to school.  Marklen High, that’s the place most of us have nightmares over. OK not really but you get the picture.

“Daze, are you up? You’re goin’ to be late if you don’t hurry.” My mother called. Ugh, not to mention the embarrassment of being the only one late to class.

“Yeah I’m up, I think.” I mumbled. The moment I got out of bed though, it felt as if my body couldn’t get to school fast enough. Within 10 minutes I was all ready and packed for school, and for some reason, I had a constant smirk plastered to my face. “Huh.” I thought, for once not sure how my day was going to turn out.

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When I got to school, students were still mingling around the grounds, some reading textbooks, other playing sports, but for some reason, it felt new.

I walked over to my friend Drake, who was mostly found around one girl or another.

Drake was around 6’1 with jet black hair. Well built, as we all were who played Football.

“Hey mate, (A/N I do live in Australia, so that’s how I write) how many times do I have to tell you? Stop going for everything that moves, you know don’t like it when you mistreat girls.”

“Don’t worry dude, I think she is the one,” he smiled. Oh boy, like I haven’t heard that one before.

“Yeah, yeah, just don’t come to me if it ends alright?”

Just then a car I didn’t recognise rolled up in the parking lot. It was an Audi, so someone had a well off family. Just before I could see who got out of the car, the bell rang out, so Drake and I had our usual race to see who could get to class first, I usually one, but not this time. He must have beaten me by around ten yards. “Dude, when did you get so fast?”

"What? So I’m not supposed to be faster than you now?” He said, trying to restrain a smile.

“No you’re not.” I laughed, and he couldn’t help but smile as well.

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All though first period I couldn’t help but wonder who was in that car, but then ask myself why I cared?

Finally it came around to lunch, so I went to chill with Drake and my other friends, Adam and Reef.

“Seriously, it was like baam, and all I coul-… Oh hey Daze, didn’t see you this morning, how are ya?” Asked Reef, probably the most mature out of us, hadn’t gone out with a single girl, kept saying he was waiting for the “right one,” good luck to him. Not that I don’t believe in soul-mates, but the chance of finding “the one.” I wish.

“So what were you guys talking about?” I asked, sitting down next to Adam, who so far had remained quiet.

“Oh nothing,” Adam waved it off. So I just left it.

Around the end of lunch, I saw a shy girl sitting by herself at the far end of the cafeteria, so I got up to go talk to her. It puzzled me that I hadn’t been told that a freshman was arriving.

As I approached, she looked up. The moment our eyes met, (A/N I know its cheezy) I stopped dead in my tracks.

Crystal blue eyes stared back at me with surprise, but before I could say anything, she smiled, got up and went to the lockers. Just preceding the bell.

I must have stood there for a long time, because eventually Drake punched my arm.

“Ouch, what was that for?” I asked slightly irritated.

“Mind telling me why you missed gym class to stand here for a whole hour and a half?”

I didn’t answer, because my mind was already lost in those crystal blue eyes, once again.

Hey all, first chapter of MINE!!! Hope you enjoyed, got the whole story packed out, but I change it as I go, so not sure how regularly I will be updating.

So, please tell me what you think. NEED a cover, so anyone interested, just send to


The one I choose will have the chapter after dedicated to them. Thnx for reading, looking forward to future fans, and please vote.

Also a special thanks to *_kitty_loves_you* for making me hurry to get the first chappie up. Talk soon. :P

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