Chapter 3

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Alison awoke the next morning to the smell of pancakes and what she assumed was sausage. She pulled the covers away from her body and sat up on the sofa. She stretched before she stood up.

Prudence was in the kitchen humming to herself as she cooked the last pancake. Alison coughed to catch her attention and Prudence turned around with a smile.

"Good morning!" She greeted. "Please, have a seat! We have a big day today so fill up on what you can." She added.

Alison took a seat and her mouth began to water at the beautiful sight of golden pancakes sitting in front of her. She placed two pancakes and set them in her plate. She asked for syrup and it flew across the room from a cabinet and landed next to her. She grabbed it and squirted a generous amount onto her pancakes then began to eat.

She moaned in ecstasy at the deliciousness of the food and Prudence raised her eyebrows at her before sitting down.

"Merlin! Have you never eaten a pancake before? You should learn how to be quieter when you eat!" Prudence scolded her.

"I'm so sorry!" Alison felt like she was being scolded by her own grandmother. She was embarrassed to say the least.

Prudence's expression softened, "I should be the one apologizing! I was being incredibly rude, you are not my daughter so I have no right to make such a comment."

Alison nodded and accepted her apology. Prudence went into her room to get dressed for the day. Alison took the time to look at photographs that were framed on a wall. She did not notice them last night but the photos held pictures of a younger Prudence and two children. She was interrupted by a tap on her shoulder.

"You remind me of her, you know?" Prudence said. She looked sad and her lips pursed and Alison knew it was a fragile subject.

"What happened to her? If you don't mind me asking." Alison delicately asked.

"She died," Prudence's eyes got glossy, "killed, by her own brother, my own son in the first wizarding war." She attempted to speak but she choked on a lump in her throat. Alison hugged Prudence in an attempt to comfort her. She allowed Prudence to grieve for a few moments before she stopped sniffling.

"I'm so sorry," Alison offered her condolences. "She must've been so incredible."

Prudence nodded her head."She was, war got the best of my children. Unfortunately, it was very common. It was every man and woman for themselves. You had to choose a side and be willing to die for it." She admitted.

"You must've felt so horrible, i couldn't imagine living in a war zone." Alison said.

"He's gone, but I'm still living with the consequences of his actions." Prudence stated.

"Your son?" Alison pried.

"His and Tom Riddle's" Prudence admitted. She wiped a tear that spilled from her eye. "I think we should get going. We wouldn't want to show up late at The Burrow."

Alison still wore the blue dress she was given yesterday. She looked down and sighed. She had no shoes on and her feet were dirty. Her hair still smelled of ash and she started to grow uncomfortable. She didn't want to bother Ms. Harrison with her burdens because the woman had already done enough for her.

"Merlin! I've almost forgot!" Prudence chimed. "We are going to apparate to a hill near the Burrow. From there, I will drop you off and I'll come back in a few hours. I need to do some shopping in the town nearby."

Alison grew nervous. "I'm going to be alone?" She gulped.

"I'm sorry but I've got errands to run." Prudence sympathized.

Alison was anxious now. Her throat held a lump that made it hard to swallow and her eyes threatened to spill her emotion.

"Really we should be going..." Prudence linked their arms and Alison felt her body enter a whirlpool of intensity.
She felt like she was being split and shaken around but it only lasted a few seconds. They landed and Prudence let go of her arm.

Alison's legs fell from beneath her and caused Alison to fall. Alison rolled down part of the hill and grass fell into mouth. Prudence can be heard laughing as she made her way over to her. She helped Alison up and they continued to walk down the hill. Alison had to limp as she had scraped her knee. She held her composure and shook off the pain.

"This is where I leave you for now." Prudence stated as she made her way back up the hill. It was evident that Prudence's age was merely a number as she climbed the hill with ease. Alison watched as she disappeared from sight and she took a deep breath before she continued to walk towards The Burrow.

She started to talk to herself and she hoped nobody noticed her acting like a crazy woman.

"What if they kill me!"

"What if they don't understand!"

"What if-"

She stopped in front of the door. She couldn't get herself to knock on the door. It was exactly how she imagined The Burrow to look but now it was real. It was tall and animated not in the way that a cartoon was but animated with the feeling of life. She could smell something baking and she felt her stomach grow sick.


Fred heard a cracking sound. He looked over at George but George continued to fiddle with a gadget that they were working on.

"Did you hear that?" He asked

"Hear what?" George mumbled.

"Nevermind," Fred picked himself off of the bedroom floor. He closed the door on his way out and made his way towards the kitchen. He passed his mother who was knitting in a rocking chair.

"Fred, what are you up to?" She questioned accusingly.

"Can't a man just walk into his kitchen without being accused of mischief." Fred defended.

"I never said the word mischief, Fred"
Molly admitted, "I'm watching you." She added.

He continued to walk and stopped at the framed window. He saw a girl with wild hair and a rather large blue dress. She mumbled to herself as she made her way to their door. The girl looked confused and it made him curious.

He watched her as she stood in front of the door. He heard her mumble things under her breath. He was shocked at what he heard.

"What do I say? I can't just knock and say you're my favorite characters and I know how the story ends so I'm here to help! They'd think I'm a lunatic!" She started to pace back and forth.

Fred stepped away from the window before calling out to his mother.



AN: whoop there it is

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