Chapter 4

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Alison nearly peed herself as she heard a male voice scream very loudly. They knew she was here so she had no idea whether to knock or just wait for them to answer the door.

There was a commotion behind the door and she heard faint whisper. After a few moments, Alison decided to knock. She tapped on the door three times and door swung open.

She was grabbed by her arm and pulled into the house. The door was slammed shut and she was pressed against it with a wand pressed to her throat.

"WHO ARE YOU!" Molly Weasley screeched.

Alison opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted when a crashing sound was heard. They all turned their attention to the noise to find three red headed children piled on the floor at the bottom of the stairs.

"Get off me!" The small girl yelled as she pushed the boys off.

"GET YOUR BUM OUT OF MY FACE, GEORGE!" The slightly younger looking boy cried out.

They separated themselves as they argued with each other.

"GET UPSTAIRS!" Molly shouted. The kids stopped arguing as the they sheepishly went back upstairs. "That includes you, Fred!" She said calmly now.

"I'm the one who knows what's going on!" Fred tried to fight for his right to stay but he lost when Molly gave him a stern look.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me!" He called out as he was already halfway up the steps.

Molly turned her attention back to Alison. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" She asked before she pressed the wand more into Alison's neck. "Are you a death eater?"

"I'm not a death eater! I'll explain if you remove the wand from my neck it's very uncomfortable." Alison replied calmly. On the inside however, she was bursting with excitement. She was excited that she got to meet the wonderful woman who created some of her favorite characters. No, this was not JK Rowling but Molly Weasley, the badass mother of seven children.

Alison gulped as she was being stared down by the intimidating woman. She appeared younger than Alison had imagined. The wand that was practically wedged into her neck was now removed and Alison could relax again.

Molly kept her wand pointed at Alison but invited the young girl to sit at a table. Alison cautiously sat down and tried not to make any sudden movements that would frighten the woman.

"My name is Alison Porter." She introduced herself, "I'm here to help you and your family. I am not here to cause your family any harm."

"What do you mean by help my family? We do not need help." Molly argued.

"I mean that I am here to help fight Lord Voldemort." Alison replied gently. She knew that saying the name was a risk but she said it anyway.

Molly gasped, "He Who Shall Not Be Named is gone." She stated.

"Molly- Mrs. Weasley, I have a feeling that he is coming back. He will come back and unfortunately it's much sooner than you would expect." Alison said.

"How would you know this? Are you a seer? How could I trust you?" Molly rambled.

"I am not a seer but you could trust me. I know this might sound strange but I'm from a different universe." Alison explained.

Molly frowned. The grip on her wand tightened as she grew angry. "So you think that this is a joke? To make such claims and lie about something so important!" She screamed.

Alison knew it was a stretch to tell the truth and she knew it was not going to be easy for her to get people to believe her but she was willing to try. She remained calmed as she began to explain herself.

"I am from a different universe. A Universe in which the entire wizarding world is apart of a book series. I know how the story ends. I know it's hard to believe but I could prove it to you if you allow me." Alison offered.

Molly looked at Alison for a moment. She noticed that she looked very calm and she was starting to believe that perhaps this young girl was telling the truth.

Could she be telling the truth? Molly thought.

"Would you allow me to use legilimency to search your mind for the truth?" Molly asked suddenly. She was nervous as she knew how to perform the spell but never actually had to use it.

"Of course." Alison replied hesitantly.

Molly lifted her wand towards Alison. The incantation "legilimens" left her mouth and an unfamiliar feeling filled Alison's entire body. Her head felt heavier and she could see and feel as Molly poked and probed her mind to find answers to a question that Molly herself was not sure she wanted answered.

As Molly was inside the mind of Alison she saw foreign objects and activities that she had never seen. She felt warmth of the sun that was scorching. Then, she saw a young Alison who was reading in a classroom. She lifted the book up and Molly could see the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. Harry's name was on the book. She went further into Alison's mind as she went through seven books. There was flashes of three kids that looked eerily similar to Ron, Harry, and Hermione.

Then she saw disaster and chaos, Hogwarts was burning and their was armies and death. She saw a lot of death. She felt an evil presence and a splitting headache as she heard the slippery words invade everybody's minds. Then she saw it, stone turned to cobble and everybody jumping out of the way. It fell on a red headed child. He did not move and laid stiff in the rubble. That child was unmistakably her own kin.

She had witnessed the death of her son Fred Weasley.

She exited the mind of Alison. Alison had tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked up at Molly. Molly burst into sobs as she hugged Alison. Molly wiped the tears from her face as she looked at Alison.

"How can you help us?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2021 ⏰

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