An Artists World

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Rosanna wrapped the blanket around the shaking dog that she had found lying on the bank of the river.

"You ready to go home?" She asked the pup. Naturally it didn't answer, but that's fine.

Rosanna carried the soaking puppy into the house. 

" You know what? I'm gonna call you Missy." She told the pup, who shot her a questionable look.

Rosanna laughed. 

" Alright silly, lets get you cleaned up."

The next morning a fresh, well fed, and overly happy little pup trotted along next to Rosanna's ankles.

 Sketchpad in hand and pencils well sharpened she sat down on her bench, which had served as an inspiration for most of her art. On one side there was an open field where the blue sky filled with clouds never failed to cheer her up. The other side was a forest full of greens, blues, and browns.

But today Rosanna looked, but her mind was blank. But she realized that she had been looking for inspiration in the wrong place. 

She knew what she had to do. Follow the feeling. 

Missy suddenly started barking, and after that stopped, she ran off.

Frowning, Rosanna followed her. " Or I'll just follow you instead."

Missy ran down the path and out of the park, leading her into the endless maze of confusing  side streets and neighborhoods until she found herself in a dead end at the edge of town.

Suddenly there was a roll of thunder, and it started raining. Rosanna held her breath as the rain spattered the cracked pavement, bringing a downpour that washed her hair with colour, and as she breathed in the lingering smell of paint, she could taste the electricity in the air.

Forget school, all this, was her reality.

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