Our princess

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The desperate shout was enough to make anyone turn their gaze towards the sound in worry, as it echoed in the almost empty halls. Only a few people were there to wait for their turn to meet the doctor, after having to sit on the uncomfortable chairs for a few hours already, sipping some warm water hospital offered for free. Some of these tired pairs of eyes tried to find the direction where the shout was heard, some of the fastest ones noticing the man on the floor, on his knees. He was crying. Everyone of the watching clients could guess at this point, why. The sobs, sniffles, cries - they weren't something happiness was able to do. No, this time the sadness was the guest of honor.

No one was helping the man on the floor. The pairs of eyes were sharing pained looks, before turning away. The people knew they couldn't feel the same pain, they wouldn't be able to understand and share, to help. They were clueless of what to do. Maybe that was why a few sighs - of relief, perhaps - were heard when the people saw from the corners of their eyes that a tall, blond man rushed to the man on the floor.

"Wh-Why did it have to be her!? Why!"

Our princess. Our happiness. Our reason to smile so much throughout the day. Our treasure. Was there something the two of them had done wrong? Were they now being punished of something, by their angel being taken away? /Did they deserve this?/ The questions were making the two men crazy, as Tobio was clutching the shirt of his husband, face buried into his chest. Kei had his arms around Tobio, but wasn't any calmer in the situation.

"I-I don't- I d-don't know..!"

They were given space, all the gazes now gone. Sadness surrounded them, desperation joining in to the dance of those emotions. Those strong emotions, that had made an old lady cry on her seat, in the hall. Maybe it was too much to handle for her, maybe she knew the pain and could remember how similar she had felt when having to hear those news from a doctor. Maybe her angel had flewn away, too, just as Kei's and Tobio's had.

"Th-The angels are.. a-are taking care of her." The heaven had welcomed the small girl warmly, wrapped her around the blanket made of clouds. The angels would've let her discover if they really tasted as sweet as fairy floss did, giggling together when Chihiro would wonder why she didn't taste anything at all. Then they'd take her to eat real fairy floss, play the games she wanted, have fun. Tobio wanted to believe in that. His treasure was now the angel in the sky, and would show up only at nights, along the other bright angel on the sky. Chihiro, the most beautiful star there'd be.

"D-Daichi, please.. Guide her, th-there.."

When Kei himself wouldn't be able to tell the directions, help the girl on her way, he needed some support from the one angel in heaven. The one that had gone there before everyone else, stopped the time for a silver-haired man on the ground. Chihiro wouldn't have to be alone, wouldn't have to walk alone, wouldn't have to make decisions on her own. Kei could have his trust on Daichi, could believe that Daichi was there for Chihiro when he and Tobio couldn't. It reassured him only the slightest. Thank you, Daichi, he tried to tell out loud, ending up sobbing more.

They couldn't say, 'We'll get through this'.

They couldn't hug each other and tell, 'Everything is going to be fine'.

They couldn't lie to themselves. Words with any hope in them felt impossible, too hard to accept. They had lost the most important thing of their life. What could raise them up, anymore?

"Papa, dad.." Small legs were swinging up and down, up and down, as the small girl was laying on a few, fluffy clouds she had learned to love. Even though they didn't taste like fairy floss at all. "They're sad, uncle Daichi.. I don't like when they're sad." Chihiro turned her bright, green eyes to see her uncle next to him, who gave her a small smile. "Mhm, I know. It feels funny here, doesn't it?" He pointed to his heart, where it  should've been beating, but wasn't anymore. "But from experience, it gets better. I can assure you that, Chi." He pressed a kiss on her head, and wrapped an arm around her as she snuggled closer to him. Chihiro gave him a nod, and kept watching the two men, finding support from each other. It really did feel funny on her chest, but.. it wasn't the same kind of funny as when papa tickled under her chin, or when dad played dinosaurs with her. It felt almost the same as when papa and dad had a small fight, although much worse.

"I want them to smile."

The smile always told that the fight was over, and made Chihiro always feel happy, too. The smile would tell her again, when everything was fine.

"They will. Let's wait for that day together, alright?"

Chihiro wanted to ask how long it'd take. She wanted to know would she miss it, if she now fell asleep next to Daichi and his warmth, but sleep took her away before she even had the chances to do so.

As Tobio and Kei wished their princess to be happy, Chihiro wished that the happiness could reach her papa and dad soon again.

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