Goodnights on the night sky

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"Uncle Daichi, look, look!"

Orange, blue and grey were all blending together on the evening sky, as the sun was preparing for its turn rise somewhere else and let the darkness of the night to take over here. Grey coloured clouds had captured the warm, orange sunlight inside of them as the sky behind them was clear, light blue. To the angel with chocolate brown eyes it looked as the coulds were on fire, and his lips tugged upwards as he heard the younger angel wonder the same thing, out loud.

"Are the clouds on fire? Shouldn't we get a firefighter to help?"

Daichi's gentle gaze - for the small angel it was always so tender, kind - fell on Chihiro, who stood on her tiptoes to examine those odd-looking clouds. She frowned in thought, cheeks puffing out the slightest as Daichi reached to lightly poke one of them. The green eyes blinked, glancing down at the older angel who was sitting on a pile of white, fluffy clouds. Chihiro had to wonder why weren't these clouds on fire, too, in the end coming to a conclusion that if one house was on fire, that didn't mean that all the others were too. Although, if a dragon was moving around that area, maybe then the case would be different. She grinned at her own thoughts, remembering a bedtime story about an angry dragon her dad had read to her the night before she had left them.

A low chuckle from Daichi's lips made Chihiro aim her attention back at him, and her green eyes shined in curiosity. She saw a small, amused smile playing on her uncle's lips, and was eager to know why was it there. She wanted to know lots of other things too, and her absolute favourite stories to hear from Daichi were the stories of her dad and papa. How back in high school they hadn't apparently been in very good terms at first, but then something had changed and both of them had fallen in love with each other. She would've liked to hear better explanations from dad and papa themselves, but was satisfied like this too.

"It's the sunlight that makes the clouds look like that." Daichi's words didn't seemingly convince Chihiro, who frowned the slightest in thought. It made Daichi smile a little wider, gaze lowering down at those pretty clouds again, the ones that had slowly began to lose orange colour as the sun started to settle down. The sun took all the light away with it, and only a few minutes were needed for that. Daichi remembered how Koushi had always insisted on going for the walks just in time to see the sun settling down and colouring the sky with all kinds of colours - pink, purple, orange. Koushi had loved all of them.

"But the sun is yellow, and fire is orange", Chihiro insisted, moving to sit on Daichi's lap as the taller angel gestured her to do so. The wind began to play with the long, golden locks and the short, brown hair, tossing them around and making their hair a complete mess. "And now the wind is putting it down. Look! We don't need that firefighter anymore!" Chihiro pointed at the clouds, and their colour indeed was nearing the dark grey again. "You're right, we don't", Daichi smiled, deciding to leave the proper explaining for some other time. The smaller angel seemed happy with the answer, and settled better on Daichi's lap. He noticed how the green eyes were slipping involuntarily closed, and with a soft hum he pressed a gentle kiss on top of her head.

"Sweet dreams, Chi", Daichi murmured, his gentle eyes closing slowly as the wind began to whistle in his ears again. It was almost as it had a message to deliver to him, words that needed to reach Daichi. He, however, stood up with the small angel in his arms, in order to take them somewhere more peaceful to sleep for the night - when the soft voice made his attention fully take a turn at the wind. Daichi would recognize this voice anywhere, anytime, as cheesy as it sounded. It was the voice he had fallen asleep to, before taking his fly up to the sky.

"The sky was really beautiful, Daichi. It reminded me of you, my love.. I hope that you sleep well. Goodnight."

Loving, yet so simple words.

Daichi's slightly widened eyes squeezed shut, a muffled, small whimper escaping his lips. So suddenly the strength of his body had seemed to fade away along with the wind, that was too fast for Daichi to reach up. Chihiro in his arms stirred the slightest, but her green eyes stayed closed, as Daichi cried silently into the golden hair of hers.

For the past years he hadn't been able to hear a single word from the ground, and to think he had now been granted with the melodic voice of his lover, husband, soulmate. Daichi couldn't imagine himself to be any happier, yet at the same time he felt desperate. He still decided that his tears were from the huge happiness he had received.

The night with the clouds on fire, had offered him something wonderful.

"Goodnight, Koushi."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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