The fourteenth

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"We knew it to happen, Koushi. Not so soon, but... we still knew."

Raindrops were hitting the windows almost aggressively, as a storm of autumn was refreshing the nature and cleaning the streets that were covered in dust. The air was heavy and pressuring, wind trying to take everything it could with it - biggest targets being the umbrellas of the ones that were holding them too loosely in their hands, and having to walk in the end without any cover in the weather most people called simply bad. Who would enjoy getting soaking wet as the thunder was having it own concert in the background, after all.

"Knowing wouldn't ease off your pain, as I wished it would do. And I'm sorry, Koushi.. I'm so sorry for that."

A violet umbrella was one of the only ones that wouldn't give in to the wind, pale hands holding it tightly in its place. The owner didn't want to get wet, and that way ill, either. Some could wonder why was he outside then in the first place, did he enjoy the weather especially much or did he have somewhere to be that day. The fourteenth of September, Thursday, to be exact. What did the empty eyed man have to do on that day to leave the house in such a weather?

"I tried to make sure it didn't hurt you so much, and.. I'm sorry for failing the last thing I tried to do for you. More than that... I'm sorry I can't be there for you."

Groceries, had been his excuse to the questioning looks he had received while putting on his scarf. I'm planning to bake soon, he had told, before closing the door behind him and opening his umbrella. No one hadn't offered to accompany him this time, as they mostly had before. Perhaps, they had finally given up, or no one was willing to step outside to that kind of weather. He wasn't too interested in the answer. 

"If I could hug you, Koushi.. You don't even know how much I'd love to do that right now. Because look at you.. You know you'll get sick that way, walking in the rain. You silly, just get there soon."

A chili flavored coffee, please. The one he ordered every single time in this specific coffee shop, where usually only a few people were enjoying their drinks and foods at the same time as he was. His empty eyes gazed around the coffee shop, and he could only notice one person he had seen there before - a woman, whose chocolate brown hair had began to have a gray tone this year, as with age people's hair tended to. Enjoy your coffee, mister. The eyes moved from the chocolate brown hair to the small, Prussian blue cup full of hot coffee in it, and then finally up at the waiter. He was given such a bright smile, it made his lips tug up the slightest too, before dropping down the moment the waiter turned his back to him.

"You still order the same, honey? I guess some things won't change, after all, like your habit to drink.. /that/. I'm puzzled how can someone possibly be able to drink it without any troubles, as you do, but I guess you never failed to surprise me with all your things. God, how I miss your surprises. I miss /you/, Koushi. Everything about you. I'd do anything to get back there, I really would."

The storm was welcoming to everyone who dared to step in, the wind wrapping around them and ruffling their hair to a complete mess. Wind was mischievous in its own way, in summer usually being gentle and cooling, when in autumn it took the places in control and made them it's own playground. The violet umbrella had lost to the power of the wind, and was now being moved aimlessly around. Going after would be only pointless anymore, and he decided to take the rain on, pulling on the hood of his jacket. The fourteenth of September hadn't been like this last year, and he hadn't had to use his now lost umbrella this early either. A soft sigh escaped his lips. Every fourteenth day made him leave the house all alone, in his own will, but more pained than on other days.

"I remember coming up with the coffee shop date every fourteenth of every month. Took you until January to realize why, haha. You told it was disgustingly sweet, but I still think it was a great idea of mine. I mean, that way I could surely have you on the Valentine's, and even make it our date day. I never expected you to continue that, though, to be completely honest. But.. oh god, Koushi. You do realize how goddamn happy that makes me? You visit my grave, /and/ remember me by going to the same coffee shop we used to. I'm just.. Hah.. Glad you're not seeing me right now. I wouldn't want you to see me cry like this."

Welcome back, can I help you with.. oh, you didn't go to grocery shopping? He shook his head as an answer, telling that he'd do so some other day. The groceries would've gotten too wet, was his reason this time. The freckled boy gave a little hesitant nod, and only watched after him as he made his way upstairs after taking off his wet shoes and jacket, along with the light violet scarf. The one he had gotten on the Valentine's, and had began to use so on every fourteenth he needed a scarf. Disgustingly sweet indeed. So sweet it broke him down to tears the moment the door of his room was closed.

"The hardest moments I have.. Sigh. They're all hard, but seeing you sad, Koushi.. It's what breaks my heart every single time. You deserve so much more, and what world gives you is definitely not right. Do you know how many times I've tried to get myself down there to help you? I haven't counted, but it's a lot. And even if I know it won't work.. I can't stay still and watch when you suffer like that. It's complete torture, Koushi, it's.. I don't want life to treat you like this. You deserve to have happiness, to smile, to laugh, to love, and the most important.. to be loved. My love won't reach you anymore, and all I can do is wish you keep my love you remember in your heart, I promise it won't disappear from there. And you know why..? It's because.. Because I'm your guardian angel, Koushi, and will always be."

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