For You! Troubles and The Date Part 2

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This time, It is going to be Jiyoon's POV again.

Chapter 6

Jiyoon's POV

Whaaaaat!??!! Did he just said the word date!?!

“W-w-what do..... y-you... mean..... d-d-d-date?!” I asked while stuttering.

“It is as you've heard! You are going to be my date! I promise you that it will be fun, plus you said anything.” He said while p

“But why?!”

“Well, you just asked what I wanted so you can repay me because you hugged me. So, I wanted to have you as my date!” He said then smirked evilly.

Ugh. this doesn't sound too good.

“Fi-...” I was going to answer him, but someone butted in the conversation.....

“Did I heard it right?” Jimin oppa said while peeking out of the gate. “You are having a date with Jungkook, huh Jiyoon?”

“Well........” I said then looked down. “.....yes.” I said with my head hang low.

“Care to explain why young lady.” Jimin oppa said sternly.

“Well, earlier, you did saw Jiyeon unni cried right? Jungkook oppa said something to unni that made her stop crying. So, in return, I hugged him before I thanked him.” I explained while blushing.

“Hmmm.” Jimin oppa said, not sure if he will believe or not.

“Well then, Jungkook.” Thus, Jungkook oppa straighten his back and focused on Jimin oppa.
“What is the connection of this, to the date?” Jimin oppa asked, looking like a detective while Jungkook oppa looked like he is the criminal. *sigh* what king of friendship do they have?

“Well, she said that I shall name anything, so, I wanted her to be my date for the occasion where me, dad and mom are going. They said that I shall pick a date, so.....” Oh, so that is why he wants a date.

“Hmm, that is a reasonable explanation. But, care to tell me where?”

“In the... villa that grandmother owns.” Jungkook oppa said

“Since it is your grandmother's property, I'll let you, but, make sure she'll get home before sunrise.”

“I understand hyung.”

Jimin oppa didn't say anything anymore, instead, he got inside the house. Aish! I really do not understand him.

“Guess that, I already have hyung's permission! So, all you need is to prepare tonight at 7:00, please wear a formal gown, and I will get you.”

After that, he go back to his car and left.

“What are you still standing there? Go back inside and get ready! It is already 5:43 pm.” Jimin oppa ordered me.

I quickly walked inside the house straight to my room.....

“Wait a moment young lady!” Mom stopped me. I saw two maids giggling behind her.

Oh no, did Jimin oppa told them!? As expected! He cannot even keep a secret.

“I heard that you are going to a date with your friend?” I knew it.



“Today at 7.”

“Hmm. You may go to that date.”

For You! ( BTS Fanfic ) Jungkook x OCWhere stories live. Discover now