The Beginning of The End

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"You're sure of this?"

"Yes My lady. My sources are never wrong." The man replied.

Her cold bright eyes seemed to sink into the man who stood a few feet away. With a flick of her fingers, two gold coins landed in his hands.

"Thank you for your time Sir."

The man bowed.

"I will always offer my services to you Rose of the North."

She rolled her eyes and climbed back upon her white horse Arod. Without even glancing back, she rode back to the citadel of Winterfell. The thundering of Arod's hooves split the silence around her as they galloped through the bleak landscape, withering grassland rolling as far as she could see. The wind wisped her hair into the air like flames; many people stopping their lives to watch as she rode by, their whispering following her even after she'd left he village a way behind. 

As the road became hardened stone, she slowed, nodding to the guards who stood at the entrance to her home. Servants moved out of her way like parting water, none of them daring to lift their head to meet her eyes as she rode through the main entrance of Winterfell.

Annaliese Stark climbed down from Arod and gave the reins to the stable boy, giving him a small smile of thank you before kicking some dead leaves off her boots. Annaliese tossed her head back and raised her eyes to the greying sky: Her father was right. Winter was coming.

 Aware of the servants trying to watch her discreetly, she pulled her midnight fur coat tighter and she walked through the grounds of Winterfell, changing her direction when she spotted her family in the training grounds.

She smirked as Bran's arrow flew high over the targets. Jon and Robb burst out laughing at their little brother. His target practice was obviously going well.

"And which one of you was a marksman at age 10?" Eddard called from above them, "Go on Bran, have another go."

Annaliese stopped a short distance away, out of the eye line of both her parents, she didn't want to face either of them so early in the morning. She smiled as Bran listened to Jon and Robb's advice. They were good brothers. Especially to Bran, who took a lot of convincing to do anything other than climbing. It was rare to see them all together, even at meals, members of the Stark family were always missing, doing one thing or another. 

Before he could release his arrow another soared through the air and hit the target dead in the centre. Annaliese rolled her eyes in amusement as Arya gave a mocking bow before running from Bran, who chased after her with a laugh. As they ran across the courtyard, Bran yelling as he closed in on his older sister. 

 Jon's eyes met with Annaliese's and his smile grew. Smirking, she walked forward and hugged him tightly.

"You're up late today." She commented lightly.

Jon snorted.

"You went out early." He replied, pulling back. She punched him lightly in the shoulder.

"You know she can't resist a sunrise." Robb added, pulling his sister into a one armed hug. She winced slightly at his touch but managed to grin at her two older brothers: What a pair they were. Robb moved away as Annaliese knelt down to capture Rickon into her arms, settling him on her hip.

"Were you watching Bran shoot little one?" she asked.

Annaliese had always had a fondness for Rickon – He was the youngest of the Starks by 7 years and she cherished him dearly.

Rickon nodded and pulled on her hair slightly knowing it would earn a smile from his older sister.

"I want to learn Rosie." He whined.

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