The Enoch Festival Incident

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Enoch Festival, a old festivity in honor to the founder of Amaris, Enoch Ramhassain III, for saving the citizens and uniting the clans from the savage hands of his father, the previous king.

Smiles were plastered everywhere, even the officials and other clans could not escape the radiant smiles from the citizens. Ramhassain's royal crest were hanging on every lamp post you see. Citizens were pouring in the castle grounds. Food were abundant and music were surely inviting, making somebody dance to the beat under the moonlight. It was indeed a pleasant night for celebration.

"The royal family has arrived!" the royal messenger shouted as a grandiose carriage passed by. 

As soon the horses, as white as snow, halted, the golden door of the carriage opened.

A man nearly in his 60's came out. In his lean standing, you can see a person high in authority while wearing Amaris' traditional royal outfit with a crown on top of his head.

"His majesty, King Amir!" the messenger shouted and the citizens bowed down their heads, as a sign of respect. 

Then a woman in her 50's came out next, wearing her elegant black ball gown with gold linings. The messenger shouted, 

"Her majesty, Queen Althea!" The king then took his queen's right hand and assisted her on the carriage.

A handsome young man in his 20's then came out, his blue green eyes melt every maiden's heart whenever he bore it on somebody.

"His highness, Prince Raven!"

Laslty, still a handsome young man in his near 30's came out. He greeted everyone with a heartfelt smile. He saw the citizen's radiant smiles return to him.

"His Highness, Crowned Prince Reish!"

Just as the crowned prince's name were stated, in a blur, a golden arrow pierced right on his chest. 

Everybody went silent, dumbfounded of what is happening as they saw the crowned prince's body lying on the castle ground.

Silence broke as the queen's hysterics was heard. Prince Raven ran towards his brother's body.

"Anyone! MEDIC!" he shouted that has thrown the citizens and guests into chaos. Prince Raven cradled his brother's head to his lap as the queen and the king rushed to them.

Guards were transported to the event barricading the royal family from the reach of who knows who.  

Prince Raven held his brother's left hand tightly, telling him to hold on. The crowned prince however, struggled to relay something to his little brother.

"Sh-shh... no-no need to talk brother. Stay still and hold on." he stated as his voice trembled and tears rapidly ran from his eye ducts. He had put an effort to enchant a healing spell but he's mind couldn't afford to. 

"Ho-hold on Re-reish, son." The king enchanted a spell, hoping to heal his son's fatal wound but luck was not found. 

Little by little, consciousness subsided the crowned prince's body until it was gone. The queen's wail pierced through the night, making the struggling citizen halt and stayed in silence. 

Death has befallen upon the city of Amaris that night. Leaving a sole evidence to the murder case.

The arrow branded with Nesche , meaning death, in their forgotten ancient tongue.

The royals only knew particular people who were blessed and knew the tongue indeed.

They are known as STIGMA. 

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