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She woke up in a cold floor with bars at the end. She saw her twin brother staring at her.

"What?" she asked her twin.

"Look around." her brother said.

She started at the floor, it was brownish. The ceiling looks like cement and bars.

Bars? she thought for a second.

"It's funny Seth, there's bars in front of us. Only prisons have bars." she said and laughed.

Her brother only looked to her blankly.

"Prisons?" she said as soon she stopped laughing. 

"Prisons have bars. This means..." she looked at her brother then within split second her eyes widen. "We're in PRISON?!"

She started to panic, pacing back and forth while one hand on her mouth biting her nails.

"We did nothing wrong Seth, we never killed,never stole, never picked on somebody! Heck! We were a good freakin' citizens of this country!"

"Shut it up!" a distant angry voice interrupted.

Her mouth pursed, ready to give another outburst but Seth waved his hand, signaling to stop.

"Mom said we should keep our mouth shut to certain things."Seth said.

"Mom!" her eyes delighted as she heard that word. "Where's she? we need to ask her few questions." she said excitingly.

"She's gone, Ale." Seth's gaze met hers as he said it. "Rested."

"You kidding, right? What do you mean gone, Seth?" she asked innocently.

"Yesternight was real, Ale." Seth replied as she diverted his gaze.

"NO joke?" this time she asked with teary eyes.

"No joke."

Then she broke down, crying all her heart out. Seth only hugged her sister tightly, comforting her on the news he delivered.

It was hard for him also but he need to be strong because he knows how vulnerable his sister is. How affected his sister is. The death of their father and now their.... mother.

It was late in the morning when four guards in white and gold uniform came in to fetch them.

They were tied in thick solid chains, in their neck, wrist, and legs. It was connected to the chain in the hands. 

Walking with it was hard, it kept on clanking on the floor and on the stairs,especially when they went up to the stairs.

A few more walks they reached the door. the guard in front opened it. 

It was a massive room with  an arch arena style benches, only it has tables. It was full of people wearing white and gold with chef looking hats on their head.  On the center was a large podium with the a man half way looking at them. The guards dragged them in the center of a large podium.

"State you name so you may be called with it." A mechanical voice intercepted the silence of the room.

She was scared and couldn't comprehend what is happening. She could only think of her mother's last words, playing on her mind over and over.

"Again, state your name so you may be called with it."

"Seth and Reece." she heard her brother replied.

"Very well. Young Seth." the man in the podium with them pointed to her brother. " Do you know where you are right now?" 

"Don't exactly know? Where are we?" She heard his brother asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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