Twin day

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Maddie's POV

The next day i woke up i got out my outfit an put it i got some black sock an walked out of my room an walked to the guest room knocked on the door an waited for him to open the door a few mins he open the door with the outfits on i said are we taking the motorcycle to school so they are surprised he said Yea first don't you have to put on your shoes on

I said Yea i know i just came to see if we were taking the motorcycle and you say we are so i am going to go put my shoes i walked out of his room an walked to my room i put my shoes on an walked downstairs because i felt that he was downstairs i walked to the ground level were i keep the motorcycles i was over to mine an got on he got on his we speed of to school about 30 minutes later we pulled up at school we got off are bikes (motorcycle) an walked throw the school door like a boss we walked to class i walked to my seat in the back an my bro sat next to me people weer already in class we came in late

Time change (lunch)

in was in lunch i walked to the lunch line i got my food an made myself appear at a table in the back on the lunch room Kai appeared next to me the queen bee of the school walked over to my brother and started to try an flirt with him key is word try i just did not say nothing i mind linked him i said bro you want me to handle her he said yeah please i don't want to talk to this girl i said OK i cut the mind link i said hey girl can you go away my bro does not want to talk she growled at me and her eyes turned a gold my bro got up and he's eye's turned all the way black i turned my eyes black to we said in unison we don't want to talk now leave she whimpered than ran off we changed our eye color back and went to gym class we walked in like a boss people already know not to mess with us because we are the bad a** twins we walked to our seats an sat down.

Kai's POV

It was lunch time i sat by my sister this girl came up to me an started talking it did not want to talk to her then my sister mind linked me saying bro you want me to handle her i said yeah please i don't want to talk to this girl she said OK she said hey girl can you go away my bro does no want to talk the girl growl an her eyes stated to turn gold i started to get pissed off i got up i turned my black an my sis turned her eyes black an we said together we don't want to talk now leave she whimpered than ran away we changed out eyes color back and went to gym class we walked in like a boss people already know not to mess with us we walked over to our seats an sat down the gym teacher came in an said today we are doing tumbling i was happy so was my sister because we are going to do our at the same to with a big landing

all of they student lined you we were going last because we want people to be surprised after a while we were the last ones first we started on with back flips. than cart wheels. next the big finished first she did a back flip an land with a split and i did a cart wheel stop ran fast to the wall did a back flip made it slow motion than made a copy of myself ran to the other wall did a back flip then landed on my feet made the copy disappear the gym teacher was shocked we walked back to our seat an did a high five the gym was quite than everybody clapped and cheered.

After are show we walked to our bikes an got on after 30 mins we made it to our house I got off the bike (motorcycle) walk to my room an went to sleep.

(At the top or side is what Kai looks like this is not my picture)

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