My bro's makeover

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(Twin outfit up top)

The next day I woke up an when into my bathroom to take shower I walked to my closet an grabbed  black baseball shores and a black shirts with black flats an went to the bath room after about 15.2 mins i was done i walked over to my vanity of makeup i put on black lipstick and some shine to make it pop after doing that i walked out of my room to the guest room where my brother is staying for know i knock on the door i hear movement in the room my bro opens the door with mess bed hair and back baseball shorts on an a black shirt on i guess we both like the color black an have the same style in clothes so this should be easy to do his style i thought i said come on we are going to the mall i have another motorcycle that is black so we can be twin we are already twins any way he said OK sis well i guess we have the same style we are going to do a twin day right because that would be amazing i said OK we can do that tomorrow ok lets go.

I walked downstairs to the ground level an i opened the doors and walked in after doing that i walked over to my black motorcycle that has demon in bold white letters on it a hoped on a speed of to the mall i was going 80 miles per hours and my brother was on the side me going the same speed but since I know a back rode to the mall we were the only people on the rode  

After what felt like a 30 mins we were there we parked we got off the bikes we walked to the mall an went in some girl walked to my bro an started to talk to him in a high pitched voice I walked over to him an said come on kai we don't have time for this the girl said who are you I said I am Kai's twin sister I stood be his side so she can see an then I said Now move out of my way before I move you myself an my bro growled in approval so we walk away from her I went to this store with twin outfits an pick out one an showed it to him he said I like it I went an paid for it.

After I paid for the twin outfit I walked to summers brother tattoo shop an when in as soon as I walked in Alex that is summers brother said hey Mad what you doing her I said i with my brother he is here to get a tattoo Alex said OK what is he getting I turned around an said hey bro what tattoo are you getting he said eternidad I said OK Alex he is getting eternidad on his arm going downwards

Kai's POV:
I went to this tattoo shop with my sis I thought she was going to get a tattoo but she turned around an said hey bro what tattoo are you getting I said eternidad because it means eternity I turned to my sis an said sis let's get the same tattoo together she said OK an I know it means eternity I know Spanish also Japanese so let's go we walked to the back an got the tattoo after doing do we got a few clothes.

After doing so we went home I said sis are we doing the twin day tomorrow before we go to school she said yup an an change ur eye color to glow blue OK I said OK an went to the guest room that she gave me and went to sleep thinking about want is to come of the next day.

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