Chapter 9

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Kai pov

After coming from seeing our dad I wanted to go talk to Maddie about going to visit dad because she hasn't went to go see him in a few days , when I didn't see her I got worried I looked all around I start to feel myself get mad I didn't know where she was until I heard her say my name I started to calm down.

I said where have you been she didn't have time to reply before I pulled her into a hug I was worried about her, I do have a lot of enemies I thought they had took her.

She looked confused about what was happening I just keep hugging her.

~~~~~~~POV Switch ~~~~~

Maddie was confused about what just happened.

Kai what's wrong I just got home said Maddie, kai just keep on holding me tight I could barely move a muscle.

Kai finally reply's and says I thought something bad happen to you I do have a lot of enemies in the underworld looking for revenge.
Maddie starts to laughing and starts mumbling something about she can protect herself just fine.

Both kai and maddie walks to they living room and starts to watch tv
~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~
Maddie falls fast asleep after watching tv for so long

Kai being the amazing brother he is picked her up and lays her down on her bed.
It didn't take long for kai to make his way down the hall to his room and lay on his bed slowly drifting off to sleep.

Guys comment down something that you would like to see in this story.
Im up for any suggestions

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