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olivier: do you remember this day?

olivier: do you remember this day?

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tori: of course i do

tori: i saw beyoncé

olivier: seriously?

olivier: that is one of the best days of my life and you remember it because of beyoncé

tori: queen bey is the bomb, don't you dare talking about her like she was nothing

olivier: i know that she is like a godness to you, but that day was important for other reasons

tori: i know

tori: iggy azalea was there too

olivier: TORI

tori: ok ok

tori: that day we got engaged

tori: until you screw things up

olivier: what do you want me to do?

olivier: because i'm running out of options and it terrifies me the chance that you won't be mine again

olivier: you have me wrapped around your finger and it drives me crazy, since i would do anything you want

tori: you are a sweet man, olivier

olivier: were you nice to me?

tori: maybe

olivier: yes!

tori: don't get too excited, i am still very reticent about this

olivier: this what?

tori: this "friendship", i guess

tori: you better not make me want to regret this

olivier: you won't


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Lots of love x

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