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olivier: do you know what day is today

tori: yes, but i don't mind hearing you saying it

olivier: you know you can't hear me because we are texting, right?

tori: shut up

tori: say it

olivier: exactly two years ago we restarted our relationship

tori: forgiving you was the best thing i did in my entire life

olivier: i thought the baby we made had that title (?)

tori: the baby is still inside of me, so i still complain a lot about him/her

tori: by the way, i want ice cream

tori: and strawberries

tori: and pistachios

tori: hurry up olivier

olivier: the practice doesn't end until a couple hours, sorry mon amour, but you will have to wait a little

tori: if you are in practice, how are you talking to me?

olivier: i sneaked out

olivier: i needed to make sure that you and the baby are okay

tori: i don't know if i call you stupid o sweet

tori: we are fine, now go to work

olivier: i am going

tori: good

olivier: one more thing

tori: what?

olivier: be ready by 7, we are going out for dinner

tori: you don't have to do it

olivier: yes i do

olivier: we need to celebrate

tori: fine

olivier: and tori?

tori: yes?

olivier: happy two years together, i love you

tori: i love you too, never doubt it


the story is over and now i want to cry. please, come over so we can cuddle together.

i want to thank you for everything. i am so grateful. i know i have already said it a lot throughout the book, but never feels enough. you are the best, i want to hug you all!

*virtual group hug*

i don't know if you saw it, but i am going to start a story with marc bartra *heart eyes emoji because he is bae*. check it out, please.

this journey is over, thank you for making me company on it.

lots of love x

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