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olivier quickly arrived to the club. he looked everywhere, but tori was nowhere to be found. he started to panic, as he knew he had to leave the club soon, or else he'd be the target of the tabloids on the following day.

"where are you?" he thought out loud.

5 minutes later, he finally saw her. she was sitting on a sofa almost asleep. sadness filled her eyes and olivier felt his heart break. he was still not over the fact he had broken her heart.

"olivier!" she hugged his torso.

"are you alone?" he was really concerned about her. "where's your sister?"

tori stands up. "she went home. I told her too, since you told me you would pick me up."

"let's go then." the french man grabbed her by the hand, interlacing his fingers in hers.

the way to his car was quick, but it was very difficult to do, especially with a slightly drunk tori. thankfully, all the alcohol she had drunk was starting to cease and olivier was grateful for that.

as soon they left the club, there were flashes and screams everywhere. someone probably told the paparazzi that the arsenal player was there. in order to protect tori from the media, he covered her head and face with his jacket. he had his arm around her and he had no intention to let her go.

oh boy, he was in trouble.

"are you ready?" he asked when she put her seat belt. she nodded and he started driving.

the little journey to his house was silent. not an awkward silence, but a comfortable one. they were enjoying the presence of one another, something they didn't do in a long time.

when they arrived to his house, olivier helped tori to leave his car. He carried her to his room, as he knew she was tired and not fully sober.

"are you okay?" his hand drew lines in her face as she nodded. "do you need anything?"

"no." she mumbled. "i just want you to lay by my side. sleep here with me." she pointed to the remaining space on the bed.

he took his shirt off. "are you sure?" he didn't want to rush things, he was finally on good terms with her and this was not the time to screw things up. again.


she waited for him to lie next to her only in his grey boxers. that remembered both of them how the young woman would complain about it because his body would get cold, but they knew how much she loved it. "are you enjoying the view?" he smirked.

her cheeks were now in a bright pink and she tried to cover them. "no, you aren't that attractive." she teased him.

"that's what you really think?"

he got closer to the girl's body, leaving only a few inches between their faces. they started to breathe faster and more heavily. why? they wanted each other. olivier just didn't kiss her right away because he didn't want to ruin what he had with tori at that point. it was really hard to be in touch with her again and he wouldn't let them to be apart like they were before.

"don't do this." she whispered.

"what? don't you like me being so close to you?" he teased once more.

"i shouldn't." tori tried to look everywhere but at him. "if you stay this close to me i probably won't be able to control myself."

"no one is forbidding you. why are you holding back?" he ran his fingers through her long hair.

"fear." she whispered. "i'm scared because i don't want my heart to be broken again."

"i understand." he kissed her forehead. "we should get some sleep. good night, mon amour."


one more chapter and an epilogue for this story to finish. This is a bittersweet feeling, as I am happy to show you my work, but at the same time sad, because I really liked writing this and it's about to end.

thank you for all your support. I know I said it a lot but I am really grateful for everything you did for me.

lots of love x

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