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Your P.O.V

When you woke up, the alarm clock said 7:30. Shit, the kids had school and at this rate, they were going to be late for the bus if you didn't get up and get up NOW.

Cameron was still in bed, and it was your husband's job to get the kids up and ready for school.

"CAMERON!!! We gotta get up!" you yelled, grabbing his bicep and giving him a good shake.

He woke up so quickly he fell on the floor in a heap, taking the blankets with him. "What!!! What happened!! Are you okay?!?! Where are the ki--"

"Calm down Cameron. The kids and I are okay." He looked relieved. "We just overslept. Go get the kids up and I'll make breakfast."

Cameron and you got up, but before you could get dressed, he came around your side of the bed and kissed you roughly, put passionately. "Good morning, babe." he whispered against your lips.

"Good morning." you breathed. "Now go get the kids up."

Cameron went downstairs and got the kids up and dressed. They came down the steps with Michael first, Jacob second, Anabel third, with Cameron trailing.

You were making breakfast, which consisted of eggs, sausage, and a bagel. The kids and Cameron scarfed them down. Your oldest, Michael, bet Cameron could eat his plate in two bites. You rolled your eyes. He saw you and smirked.

"Okay, 'kids'," you looked at Cameron, " time to go. Grab your backpacks, and Cameron, remember to hold their hand when crossing the street."

Cameron's P.O.V

As I was walking the kids to school, which was two blocks away, Jacob asked, " Daddy?"

"Yessum?" you answered.

"What do you and mommy do when we're at school?"

"Well," I said, scratching your neck," we kind of have 'play dates'."

"Oh. Okay." and that was it.

We walked the rest of the way with Anabel on my shoulders and making funny faces to Michael and Jacob.

Your P.O.V

When you were done cleaning up the table and were washing the dishes, you felt strong arms around your waist as Cameron planted a kiss on your neck and shoulders. Its a good thing the water was running otherwise he would've heard your sigh. But the running water didn't make up for the fact that you shivered. You can already feel his smirk on your neck.

"You know what Jacob asked me today on the way to school?" Cameron said between neck kisses.

"What?" you shivered.

"What do you and I do when they're at school."


"And I kind of said that we have 'play dates'." He answered with a smirk. He then lifted you up bridal-style and full-on kissed you for what seemed like 30 seconds. Electricity ran from your lips to your toes and back again.

"Well, let's go 'play'." Cameron said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

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