Part 3.

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"You can't just say that after we haven't seen each other for four years Cam!" You wiped away the angry tears as you stared at Cam with blurry vision.

Cameron winced when you called him Cam because you only did that when you were either angry or frustrated with him.

"I know but I couldn't live with myself unless I told you." He made a move to start climbing up the ladder.

"No." He didn't stop. "I'm serious Cam." He still didn't. "Stop!" You put so much authority behind your voice that he halted but didn't look at you.

"Why?" Cameron's voice was thick with unshed tears.

"Just go." This time you closed your eyes and took a few deep breaths.

"You really hate me that much?" Cam started climbing down but looked up at you, stopping before he touched the ground.

You sighed and wrapped your arms around yourself. "I don't hate you." You spoke softly. "I'm just...mad, I guess. I don't really know how to explain to you something I don't even know myself."

"Oh." His whisper was almost lost in the wind, but you caught it just enough. With that, he climbed back down off of the ladder rungs nailed to the tree trunk and walked away back out into the playground. He didn't leave though because you could see his back sitting on the swing set with his head down and his hands gripping the chains that connected the swing to the top bar.

You let out a deep breath and brought your knees into your chest while crying so hard that sobs racked your body. Cam just can't come waltzing back here after four years and declare his love for you.

Just the sound of his voice after those four years broke the walls that you surrounded around anything that included Cameron. As soon as you heard the smooth sound of his voice, it hit your mental walls like a wrecking ball and the emotions and everything hiding behind them hit you like a tidal wave. He came here unannounced and the last time that you had a relationship, it did not end well.

The only thing that's bothering you is that Cameron changed. And how much he changed. He was such a sweet little boy and now you don't know where that little boy went. Cameron was never this forward with anyone, much less you. Him living in California must have toughened him up, and you don't know if it's a good change. You feel like he's not the same little boy that you grew up with and that terrifies the shit out of you.

On the other hand, you don't want him to leave again completely. You want to take this chance to get to know him; see if he's still the same boy you fell in love with. You've only been in love twice before and neither of those have ever ended well.

When you were young, you fantasized about your own Prince Charming coming to your rescue and saving you from your parents. You thought that Cameron was your Prince Charming and boy, were you wrong. And right after you were feeling vulnerable, there the other popped up, ready to make you feel something other than emptiness and sorrow. And slowly he filled the void that Cameron left in your heart until it was completely damage-free.

The only thing that sucks was that he broke up with you after you finally gave him what he wanted. That made you feel disgusting and used, like a slut. That was then that you created the vow never to do it again until you're married. But with Cameron around, who knows how long that's going to last. I mean, come on, the guy already confessed his love for you, what else is there?

After a few more internal debates, you calmed down enough to get down from the tree house and you hesitantly walked over to where Cameron was.

You came up beside him and he stood up once he noticed that you were there. You didn't look at him because you felt like he was giving you those insanely cute puppy dog eyes that makes anyone bend their will to please him.

Not this time though. You thought when you could feel his gaze on your eyes.

Neither of you said anything for a few minutes, like each of you were trying to figure out what each wanted to say.

"I'm sorry Cam." You spoke up and you could feel his face just drop.

"For what?" His voice was so quiet it was almost lost to the wind.

"I'm not ready for us, and I don't think I ever will be. You hurt me really bad, Cam." You started walking away when his voice spoke up.

"And for that, I'm sorry but I'm not giving up."




hehe sorry but it really is the end!

(The imagines for Cameron will still be updated however but it's just this particular story of Cam's that's not)

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